Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 854: Short master

Hearing Yu Jinwei's title, everyone instantly looked at Yu Zhongjin in surprise.

what's the situation? Is Captain Yu the nephew of the Jedi Lord?

Cao Yue glanced at Yu Zhongjin suspiciously. It turned out that they knew it, so no wonder.

The white **** frowned slightly. Is this Yu Jinwei a relative of Yu Zhongjin? But why haven't you heard him before?

Unlike the curiosity of others, Hubbard and Wu Huailin frowned frantically.

So he is Yu Jinyuan's son? They always thought that he had disappeared, but he did not expect to be in the Holy City.

Looking at the handsome face that was somewhat similar to Shu Jiuyang, Yan Hongtian and Chi Youhai were instantly uncomfortable in their hearts.

At that time, the marriage between the Shu family and the Yu family was also the only major marriage between the ten cities in the Southeast and the ten cities in the Northwest in a century.

Yu Zhongjin squeezed the glass tightly, and looked up coldly for a long time. "The visitor is a guest, and the owner of Yu Cheng still sits down and drinks at the bar."

The **** narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Yu Jinwei's eyes instantly unfriendly.

It looks like this man is Yu Zhongjin's enemies!

Listening to Yu Zhongjin's unwelcome words, Cao Yue and Xie Kun immediately looked at Yu Jinwei unhappyly.

No wonder the words are so rushing, the relationship between the two is not good.

Yu Jinwei's face suddenly darkened and sneered, "It seems that Chong Jin's nephew doesn't want to see me?"

Yu Zhongjin glanced at him in disgust and raised an eyebrow. "You still know a little about the loss."

Looking at Yu Chongjin's arrogant look, Yu Jinwei burst into flames, he just couldn't get used to him.

"Sure enough, it's a wild species that didn't teach by his father and mother!" Yu Jinwei cursed, then raised his hand and hit him, trying to teach him as before.

Yu Chongjin's deep eyes were red. He hated that he always brought his father and mother with him. What qualifications did he have to mention his father and mother, and what qualifications did he have to teach him.

Yu Chongjin secretly had luck, and he was going to fight against him, but the **** swung out the silver badge on the table faster than he did.

Yin Zhi flew straight to Yu Jinwei's face, Yu Jinwei was shocked. Where could he still take care of the education, Yu Zhongjin, and hurriedly hurriedly.

"Boom" for a moment, Yin Ye flew past Yu Jinwei's face door, leaving a bloodstain directly on his face.

With a whistle, Yin Zhi flew into the red lacquered pillar behind Yu Jinwei without stopping, completely immersed.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, how deep the cultivation must be to have such speed and strength.

Even Yu Jinwei was as if he had experienced life and death.

Ming Yumeng and Gan Yanbin, who followed Yu Jinwei, were all scared of cold sweat.

It's amazing speed and strength, just like lightning. If Yu Jinwei doesn't flash, it will definitely be **** on the spot.

Gu Jing looked at the silver maggot, which was submerged in the red pillar, secretly, horrified.

It's so powerful, I didn't expect this girl to have such a profound cultivation, no wonder that Yan Hongtian and Hubbark were so convinced.

Feng Xiaoye glanced quietly at the red pillar that was cracked by the silver magpie, and the interest in his eyes grew stronger.

The **** looked at Yu Jinwei coldly, and yelled, "People who dare to make trouble on my holy heaven and bully me beaver, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yu Jinwei turned back, shaking his fingers and touching the blood on his face, holding back his anger, and staring at the beaver, "This seems to be a private matter of our family."

Baitan sneered politely, "I don't care about the personal affairs of your family. I only know that Yu Zhongjin is my man. Whoever dares to move him is my enemy."

The powerful words instantly shocked everyone present, and also instantly moved Yu Zhongjin.

His eyes were reddish, the corners of his lips were light, and suddenly all his anger was gone.

He also has family members to guard him.

Both Cao Yue and Xie Kun were all moving, including Ren Tianheng and Qing Qing who just followed Baijue.

There was nothing wrong with their decision, she was a good master.

Mo Beichen smiled wryly, always knowing that she was short-guarded. This little thing was still so sturdy.

I have seen the greatness of the beaver, plus the presence of Mo Beichen, Yu Jinwei naturally did not dare to presumptuously, but only glared angrily at Yu Zhongjin, "Okay, good, I have some skill, but I want to see you How long can this backer cover you. "

Yu Chongjin's eyes became cold and cold. At this moment, he had no intention of arguing with him. Today is an important day for the succession of the head of the city by the head of the regimen.

"When did my nephew of Shu Jiuyang need someone to cover it?" An angry mad voice sounded loudly, directly approaching Yu Jinwei.

The crowd looked up at the door of the hall, and saw a figure striding in, but they were carrying light and could not see their looks.

At the same time, there was a chorus from the waiter outside the door, "Fujiang City Master, send an emerald beauty to carve one."

Seeing the arrival of Shu Jiuyang, Yu Jinwei's face turned ugly.

Shu Jiuyang stepped into the main hall and went straight to Yu Chongjin's table. "Jiner, are you okay?"

Yu Chongjin returned to God, and ran out, like a child, grabbed Shu Jiuyang's hand and rejoiced, "Xiao."

Shu Jiuyang patted the back of Yu Zhongjin's hand with compassion, then turned and stared at Yu Jinwei angrily. "Yu Jinwei warns you, if you dare to bully my nephew, I will settle your Jedi city."

Yu Jinwei Tieqing faced, his forehead protruded, and smiled ugly, "How come, I am also Zhong Jin's uncle. I don't have enough time to hurt him."

The **** looked at the others froze and shook his eyebrows unconsciously.

Yu Chongjin is both Yu Jinwei's nephew and Shu Jiuyang's nephew. This relationship is really complicated.

However, she was very interested in Shu Jiuyang, and she is more interested now.

Other members of the Jagged Mercenary Regiment were also instantly foggy.

The origin of this captain is not small. The Jedi Lord is his uncle, and the Fujiang Lord is his uncle. How can he be a mercenary in Holy Heaven?

Yu Jinwei took a cold look at Shu Jiuyang and Yu Chongjin, then walked aside and sat down.

Ming Yumeng and Gan Yanbin also sat down with them.

They can't afford to offend Shu Jiuyang. Shu Jiuyang is famous in this area. He is not only close to his brothers in the northwest and the ten cities, but also very good in the southeast of the ten cities.

In a word of Shu Jiuyang, some people are willing to take the lead for him, which is also an important reason why Yu Jinwei can't bother him.

Shu Jiuyang pulled Yu Zhongjin excitedly and said, "Why are you here, Zhong Jin?"

When he left Fujiang City, he searched for him for a long time and did not find him. I did not expect to see him here today.

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