Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 860: Seems fatter

Imperial City of Zixiao, General's Mansion.

Bai Ruyue rushed to Bai Yihan's house early in the morning.

"Brother, get up." Before seeing Bai Yihan, Bai Ruyue stepped forward and lifted the quilt.

Bai Yihan opened his eyes in fascination and glanced at Bai Ruyue, "Today the sun is coming out from the west, you got up so early."

Bai Yihan said, closing his eyes again and pulling the quilt over his head.

It was so easy to put it back, but I couldn't escape the girl's clutches.

"Don't sleep, I want to be serious about you." Bai Ruyue went to pull Bai Yihan's quilt again.

Bai Yihan turned over and ignored Bai Ruyue completely.

Fortunately, Bai Ruyue climbed directly to the bed to grab Bai Yihan's quilt.

The quilt was robbed, Bai Yihan looked helplessly at Bai Ruyue, "How old are you, why are you crawling on my bed?"

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows indifferently, and lay beside Bai Yihan across the quilt. "What's the matter, did you hold me to sleep when you were a kid?"

Bai Yihan smiled bitterly at the black line, how old was that.

He is now very grateful that this girl has found a good temperament person like Nangong Huang. Otherwise, she will never marry with this temperament.

Bai Ruyue shook with a bronzing name card, "Brother, did the emperor also give you a post?"

Bai Yihan glanced at the post and nodded, "Um."

Bai Ruyue immediately turned over, and looked at him with bright eyes, "Where is your post, please show me."

Bai Yihan raised his eyebrow and glanced at the desk in front of him. "Where is the desk?"

Bai Ruyue crawled out of bed immediately.

Bai Yihan turned up and got up, took the outer clothes and wore them.

Bai Ruyue sighed by holding two identical name cards, "It's exactly the same, but the name is different."

Bai Ruyue looked to Bai Yihan in doubt, "What do you think the emperor asked us to do?"

Bai Yihan put on his boots unhurriedly, "Maybe it's fine, don't think too complicated."

"The emperor invited me to eat for the first time, a little excited." Bai Ruyue was holding the famous post, looking forward with a look.

Bai Yihan got dressed and rubbed her head. "It's not the first time I've been in the palace. What's exciting?"

Bai Ruyue glanced at Bai Yihan and said, "That's different. This time, the emperor personally asked us to post, how can this be the same."

They used to be able to enter the palace only with their grandfather. This time it was truly their own ability. Is this definitely something to be proud of?

"I'll get ready."

Before Bai Yihan spoke, Bai Ruyue ran out.

Bai Yihan looked at the back of Bai Ruyue's fire, and shook his head helplessly, "This girl, it's hot all day long."

Bai Ruyue picked out all the clothes in the room for an afternoon. She finally chose one. It wasn't her choice, but she didn't know why her clothes had become smaller. She couldn't wear a shirt at all. Those pieces can still be worn.

Bai Ruyue reluctantly chose a moon-white long dress to wear, although not very luxurious, but she was more capable, and she looked a bit like a heroine.

Bai Yihan was wearing a blue brocade robe that was worn by a normal male brother.

Bai Ruyue pulled his clothes and jumped in front of Bai Yihan. "Brother, have I grown taller?"

Bai Yihan glanced at Bai Ruyue's head on his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "No, it's still so short."

Bai Ruyue pouted her mouth disgustingly. Where she was short, her brother couldn't speak.

Bai Ruyue looked down suspiciously.

Strange, she didn't grow tall, why can't she wear clothes, and her stomach is too tight here?

Bai Yihan frowned, watching Bai Ruyue's weird movement, "What's wrong?"

"The clothes are tight." Bai Ruyue lowered her head and pulled the skirt.

Bai Yihan raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. "Is it greedy lately, it seems to be fatter."

Bai Ruyue froze for a moment, frowning, "I'm really fat?"

"At one point, you have a baby belly."

Bai Ruyue looked down at Weilong's belly, and the black line said, "Okay, then I control it."

She has eaten too much lately, not only eating too much, but also eating snacks often. I do n’t know why I have been particularly hungry lately, and I especially want to eat snacks. I did n’t expect one to get so much fat.

Bai Yihan raised her lips and rubbed her head petulantly. "It doesn't matter if you don't control it. It's okay to let your mother make some more clothes for you."

This girl is when her body is growing, she should eat.

Bai Ruyue nodded. "Well, it's time to make clothes. You can't wear any clothes."

There aren't many clothes in the closet. I used to wear a disciple uniform in the college. I ca n’t even wear a disciple uniform when I return.

Bai Ruyue looked at the darkened sky. "Let's go, it's getting late, but don't go late."

Bai Ruyue said, he pulled Bai Yihan out.

When the two talents came out of Mingyue Xuan, they met Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui.

Bai Ruomeng looked at the two with a smile and said, "Brother, sister, where are you going?"

Bai Ruyue glanced at the two people's costumes, and couldn't help sneering.

The two were dressed like this in the middle of the night, and she didn't believe they didn't know where she and her brother were going.

Bai Ruomeng rolled his eyes, grabbed Bai Ruyue's sleeve and said, "Take us."

Bai Ruoshui immediately answered with excitement, "Yeah, take us for a walk."

Bai Ruyue waved Bai Ruomeng's hand coldly, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile, "Sorry, not very convenient."

Talking, before waiting for the two to speak again, Bai Ruyue pulled Bai Yihan away.

Bai Ruomeng looked at the back of the two with jealous faces, apparently went to the palace for a banquet, and lied to her to say what to hang out with.

Bai Ruomeng gritted his teeth and followed unwillingly.

Recently, the matchmaker Li often came to the house. She knew that it must be her mother who was looking at her, not her own mother, and how good a family relationship she could find. It was up to her.

Bai Ruoshui followed quickly, she couldn't afford to miss every chance to enter the palace, maybe she would let her enter the eyes of any prince, so she could fly up the branch and become a phoenix.

When Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan were outside, the carriage in the palace also arrived.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows. I didn't expect the emperor to send a carriage to pick it up. This is too formal.

The little **** who drove the horse saw the two, and quickly got out of the car and bowed, "Big eldest son, girl Yueyue, please get in the carriage."

The **** said, and put a bench next to the carriage.

Bai Ruyue was also polite, stepping directly on the stool, and got on the carriage.

Bai Yihan also stepped onto the carriage and followed into the carriage.

The **** put away his stool, got into the carriage, and prepared to drive back to the palace, but was stopped, "Wait a minute ..."

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