Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 861: Be guilty

Bai Ruomeng ran to the carriage and watched the little **** sneer. "Can this little father bring me?"

"And me." Bai Ruoshui hurried over.

Bai Ruyue frowned, hearing the voices of the two.

These two aren't really annoying, they are like dog skin plasters, they can't be thrown away.

The little **** glanced blankly at Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, "I'm sorry, the emperor only asked the slaves to ask Grandpa Bai and Ruyue."

After that, he drove away in a carriage.

In the carriage, Bai Ruyue directly "haha" straightforwardly, "The faces of those two must look good now."

Bai Yihan gave a pampered glance at Bai Ruyue and did not participate in the comment.

For the two sisters-in-law, he has no feeling, neither hates nor likes.

Watching Yang Chang's carriage, Bai Ruomeng stomped his feet in an instant.

Bai Ruoshui also looked at the carriage steadily, "Four sisters, what shall we do?"

Bai Ruomeng glanced at her directly with annoyance. "What else can we do, who didn't let us go to Fengshen College, and who made our mother not the main room, and went back to sleep?"

Bai Ruomeng hummed his sleeves and went back.

Bai Ruoshui glanced resentfully at the direction of the disappearance of the carriage and returned to his yard.

Baifu is not far from the palace. Within a short time, the carriage reached the gate of the palace.

Bai Yihan helped Bai Ruyue get out of the carriage together.

"Bai Yihan, Ru Yue."

As soon as I got out of the carriage, I heard a sound of surprise next to me.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyes and smiled when she saw Yun Shaoning, "Yun Shaoning, you are here."

Yun Shaoning is still wearing a white coat today, with a bit of evil smile on his lips, but a bit of a nobleman's posture.

"I didn't expect you to come, I thought I was only invited, and it scared me."

Bai Ruyue leaned over and teased, "You are called a guilty conscience."

Yun Shaoning's handsome face turned "red", and his face really felt guilty.

It is true that he was guilty of guilty. He abducted the emperor's favorite son, and is still a prince of a country. In the future, he is not guilty.

Seeing Yun Shaoning doing this, Bai Yihan raised his eyes and glared at Bai Ruyue.

This girl wo n’t open any pot.

Bai Ruyue also realized something, and quickly comforted, "It's okay, we're not guilty. It's Murong Yu who likes you and blame him."

Yun Shaoning glanced at Bai Ruyue quietly, and she really thanked her for her comfort.

Bai Yihan had a black line. If he could, he would choose to plug this girl's mouth.

Bai Ruyue also felt that she was getting darker and darker, her eyes turned, and she immediately shifted the topic, "I heard that Mother Yun had a twin baby, isn't she cute?"

When referring to his own brother and sister, Yun Shaoning laughed unconsciously, "Of course, both Yuxue are cute and look like me."

Bai Ruyue glanced at Yun Shaoning with a funny look.

Yu Xue is cute like him.

The two men spoke a few words and two more carriages arrived.

Looking at the same royal carriage as them, Bai Ruyue's bright eyes turned slightly, "I guess it must be Brother Xue and Xunzi."

This time the emperor obviously invited the officials of the Fengshen Academy to study, so there must be Brother Xue and sister-in-law.

As soon as Bai Ruyue's words fell, the carriage curtain over there was opened, "Ru Yue."

Seeing Qi Ziling, Bai Ruyue flew to the place happily, "Really a bitch."

The carriage stopped, Qi Ziling wanted to get off, and Bai Ruyue hurried to help her, but was robbed first.

Qi Ziling raised his eyes and looked at Bai Yihan with a shy glance, and helped his hand to get out of the carriage.

Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Yihan, who was positive, and couldn't help laughing.

My brother was only the most active on Xunzi.

The carriage next to it was also a person, it was Bai Ruyue's Xue Qingyu.

Xue Qingxun wore a purple brocade today and looked at the noble spirit.

Bai Ruyue looked at his handsome face, and instantly imagined that he and Nangong Sakura were together, and immediately felt seductive.

Thinking of Nangong Ying, she thought of Nangong Huang again.

During this time, she has restrained herself from thinking about him. She keeps herself busy, eats a lot, speaks a lot, and does a lot of things, she just doesn't want to let herself go idle.

Because as long as she is free, she will miss him, and her heart is very painful and painful.

Seeing Bai Yihan and Yun Shaoning, Xue Qing raised her eyebrows. "It's the same as I thought."

When he received the emperor's famous post, he thought that it was not that the emperor had not recruited him to the palace, but he had never been so formal.

They looked at each other and smiled, "Go in."

Three men and two women entered the palace together.

As soon as a few people entered the second door, they saw Murong Yu who seemed to be waiting.


Seeing Murong Yun, Yun Shaoning ran subconsciously.

Murong Yu gave a gentle look at Yun Shaoning, and there was a flash of thought in her eyes.

I've been so busy lately that he hasn't had time to look at him.

Xue Qingying, they saw Murong Ye also walked over together, they should have saluted him, but it ’s just that they have become familiar with him in this college, and there are no rules. Even Qi Ziling thinks it ’s weird to salute now. Already.

Murong Yan looked up at them and said, "Go in."

Murong Yan said, and took Yun Shaoning's hand.

Yun Shaoning was startled, and quickly blushed and pushed his hand away.

This guy is really, this is in the palace, anyway, pay attention to the impact, he thought that this is still Fengshen Academy, the mountains are high and the water is far away.

However, Murong Yan pulled Yun Shaoning tightly and directly led him in, as if he was not afraid of being seen.

Xue Qingxuan and Bai Yihan looked at the hands they shook, both frowning gently.

Does he want to be public? But is the timing right now? The emperor must not accept it.

A few people followed Murong Yu worryingly to Ziyi Palace.

Yun Shaoning was also anxious, still secretly fighting against Murong Yun, but Murong Yun seemed to be iron heart, holding him tightly. Moreover, people are calm and calm, and they don't feel that there is anything wrong with what they are doing.

After being entangled in Ziyi Palace, Yun Shaoning was unable to shake off Murong Yun's hand, and in the end he could only be pulled in by him.

The banquet tonight is at the Ziyi Palace, and only the official children studying at Fengshen College were invited.

Of course, not only Xue Qingyu, a few of them, but also other official children studying at Fengshen College were invited, but there were not many people, plus a few of them, and there were only a dozen of them.

Xu Shi felt that there were not many people, and Murong Shuofeng invited several princesses and princesses in the palace to accompany him, in fact, they also gave them the opportunity to have a good relationship with these people. After all, none of them came out of Fengshen College.

Of course, in addition to Murong Yun, Murong Yun, Murong Lingshan, Murong Yun and Murong Xuefei who have been at Fengshen College naturally arrived.

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