Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 863: Chen has already intended

The banquet began, and the singing and dancing in the hall were leveled up, so it was lively.

Murong Yu has always shown little interest in singing and dancing, and also lacks interest in fine food and wine, but he has found a new pleasure, that is, serving dishes to Yun Shaoning.

No matter what dish he serves, Murong Yu will taste a bite. If it is delicious, it will be sandwiched with Yun Shaoning. If it is not good, it will be withdrawn. After a while, Yun Shaoning's dishes will be piled up like a hill.

Yun Shao Ning wouldn't have the good mentality of Murong Hui. Sitting under the emperor's eyelids, he could be so innocent that he couldn't do it.

Here, Murong Shuo saw that Murong Yong kept serving vegetables to Yun Shaoning, but Yun Shaoning didn't move a bite, and immediately frowned. "Why doesn't Shaoning eat, and the dishes are not appetizing?"

Yun Shaoning grinned with a black line, and his hand was still being held in his hand. How did he eat it, did he let him use his left hand?

Yun Shaoning lifted his eyes and smiled stiffly. "I ate some snacks when I came, but I was not very hungry."

Murong Shuofeng looked strangely at Murong Yu, who was still picking vegetables, and laughed, "Don't be hungry, drink a bar."


Yun Shaoning immediately responded. He secretly pumped his hands, but he was still held tight, and in the end he could only drink with his left hand.

Yun Shaoning gritted his teeth. This guy must be deliberate. He knew that he had no food to eat, and kept putting food to him. This clearly meant to attract the emperor's attention. Does he really want to make their relationship public?

The father-in-law who was waiting aside looked at the two hands that had not moved under the table, and frowned slightly.

The atmosphere above this jade stage is weird, and the dark tide is surging below.

Bai Yihan still took care of Qi Ziling tenderly and thoughtfully. Originally, he didn't want to stimulate Murong Yan, but this Murong was very disturbing, and he kept staring at Linger nakedly. Since he wants to be stimulated, he naturally won't hesitate.

Qi Ziling also didn't like the look of Murong Yun, so she also intentionally cooperated with Bai Yihan. The two had a good relationship. This cooperation really looks like the honey-moon couple.

Murong Yu was naturally irritated, but he didn't want to give up, instead he became more frustrated.

The more loving the two were, the more he wanted to break them up, and the more Qi Ziling didn't like to talk to him, the more he wanted to get her.

While eating delicious food, Bai Ruyue was watching a movie, completely forgetting what she said she had to control her appetite before.

Murong Shuofeng on the jade steps looked at Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling's affection and smiled, "Yi Han is here to make an engagement with Qi Wu girls."

After hearing Murong Shuofeng's question, Bai Yihan immediately got up and said, "Yes."

Murong Shuofeng looked at Qi Ziling with a red face and smiled, and nodded, "Your boy is prescient. Given such wonderful people in advance, you know how many men in this imperial city want to marry Qi Wu Girl. "

He also did not expect that the maid of the Qi Yushi family had such skills. You must know that there are very few refining pharmacists in Yunjing Continent, which has also led to the nobility of refining pharmacists.

Even the Zixiao Royal Family has only two refining pharmacists, and they are entry-level refining pharmacists. They are not eligible to enter Fengshen College.

And the girl of the Qi family must have some skills to enter the Fengshen Academy. In addition, after studying at Fengshen College for another year, I am afraid that they are much better than the two pharmacists in the palace.

Knowing that this girl was so powerful, he would start with it first, and settled on Yuner and Yuner earlier, especially Yuner's poor health for many years. With this girl helping with refining medicine, maybe he can still Raise it.

Murong Shuofeng thought of a flash of regret in his eyes, why he hadn't thought of it earlier, it was really cheap Baijia kid.

Bai Yihan pretended not to see the remorse in Murong Shuofeng's eyes, and bowed down, "It is the care of the heavens that only allowed Yi Han to gain this beauty."

Bai Yihan said, and turned to look at Qi Ziling with affection.

Qi Ziling's face was crimson, but she wanted to laugh.

He had never looked at her like this, and the pretend was too fake, and he hadn't always had the affection for his eyes.

The opposite Murong Yu was suddenly angry again.

The emperor was right. Now Huangcheng doesn't know how many men want to marry her. This is all blame on the mother-in-law. When he wanted to marry her as a concubine, she had to say that she was not enough and forced him to marry Yu Meijiao. .

Yu Meijiao got married, but he never got the chance to marry Qi Ziling again.

No, he was unwilling. One day he would take her back, and she would understand that he was the one who loved him the most in the world.

When Murong Shuofeng saw that the two were so loving, he had no other thoughts. He blamed his son for being blessed.

Murong Shuofeng waved his hands and let Bai Yihan sit down before he said again. "Since the two love each other, let's get married earlier. Baifuzi is dying, and you should do your best as the eldest son in Baifu."

The Bai family is loyal and dedicated to the country, but this son is not prosperous, especially Tingxuan ...

The thought of Bai Tingxuan made Murong Shuofeng's heart hurt again.

"Yes." Bai Yihan secretly grabbed Qi Ziling's little hand and bowed.

He is not a perfunctory emperor. He really regrets what he has made for a three-year appointment. There are wolf tigers and leopards on the outside. He really should have married someone back earlier. Anyway, he became a pro and can continue to study in Fengshen. Yes, as long as there are no children.

Qi Ziling seemed to understand Bai Yihan's mind, and his pretty face turned red a little bit uncontrollably.

Upon hearing that Murong Shuofeng had the two married as soon as possible, he couldn't help frowning. "Father Emperor, it will take three years for Fengshen College to graduate. How can we get married now?"

If they get married, what chance does he have.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at him unpleasantly, "You are a hungry man and you do n’t know if you are hungry. What does it matter if you marry first, and Fengshen College does not stipulate that married people cannot study.

Murong Shuofeng said to Bai Yihan and said, "You can get married first and then continue your studies. Don't delay."

"Yes." Bai Yihan glanced at Murong Hui, who looked ugly, and responded with a smile.

Qi Ziling is also Dai Mei's frivolous, seriously considering her early marriage.

Maybe getting married early is not bad, at least you can get rid of this person completely.

Murong Shuofeng looked at Xue Qingyu and Yun Shaoning again. "And you, the older ones, are not too young, and it is time to get married. Especially Qingyou, if you are no longer married, you can really recruit you as a horse what."

Murong Shuofeng's words were obviously tentative. He knew his own Xiaoba Zhongyi Xuejia boy early in the morning.

He is also 120% satisfied with Xue Qingyu. If he is willing to do his ride on the dragon, he will naturally be happy.

Upon hearing this, Murong Lingshan immediately flushed with blush, and did not dare to look at Xue Qingyu's side, only lowering her head shamefully.

Xue Qingxi naturally heard Murong Shuofeng's meaning, frowned and looked at Murong Lingshan, and got up and said, "The minister has already intentionally chosen someone."

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