Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 864: His Royal Highness Prince and Yun Shizi?

Suddenly, Xue Qingyu made all the people present stay asleep.

Murong Lingshan was shocked, as if she had been punched.

Bai Ruyue they all know that Xue Qingxi is talking about Nangong Ying.

Murong Yu and Murong Yun, they thought it was a perfunctory word just because he didn't want to marry Murong Lingshan.

However, after Murong Shuofeng's awkward smile, he laughed, "Really, this is a good thing. Which girl is it? Let your father report it and I will give you a marriage."

Murong Shuofeng was really happy for Xue Qingyu. The old couple had been in a hurry for the kid's family affairs in the past two years. If he really had the right person, he could be a big problem.

Xue Qingxi held her lips and did not answer.

The situation is not yet clear. It is not appropriate for him and Nangong Ying to spread the word, especially for the emperor to know.

"Who is she?" Murong Lingshan lowered her head and suddenly spoke.

Xue Qing frowned, without speaking.

With a "snap", Murong Lingshan slammed the silver goblet in her hand onto the table, and stood up, shouted at Xue Qing, "Who is that woman?"

Xue Qing's brows frowned even more tightly, and there was no expression on the cold face.

The children of the official families all looked down and didn't dare to look around or squeak.

The eighth princess likes Xue Xiaohou, there is almost no one in the whole city who doesn't know. Now the emperor speaks in person, but he is rejected by Xue Xiaohou. It seems that the eight princess is really out of business.

Murong Shuofeng looked at Murong Lingshan, who was in a bad mood, and frowned, "No wanton."

Murong Lingshan lifted her eyes, looking at Murong Shuofeng with tears in her eyes, "Father, you know me ... you have to marry him."

Murong Shuofeng narrowed his eyes.

What else can he do if he doesn't give someone a marriage, he can't force others to be his son-in-law.

He didn't mention this before, but every time the youngest guy listened to him, he ran faster than the rabbit. Whether it was Snow Boy or the youngest couple, they obviously didn't like the marriage. He can't force others.

He is an emperor, but he and his third brother have the same brotherhood, so he ca n’t turn his face for this matter. Besides, this marriage should also focus on mutual affection, otherwise what is the meaning of a pair of grievances?

Looking at Murong Lingshan's tearful grievances, Murong Shuofeng frowned a little distressed, "There are so many good men in this world, are you afraid that the Emperor will not help you find a good husband?"

The princess ridden by his imperial family in Zixiao, I don't know how many men are rushing for it in this world, and she is afraid that she can't pick a good one.


Murong Lingshan let go of her lips, just to say that she was going to be snowy, but she heard the cold voice of Murong Hui, "Lingshan, don't make a noise."

Murong Ye's voice was not high, but Murong Lingshan knew he was angry, and immediately stared at Murong Ye and Murong Shuofeng with more grievances, "I hate you."

When Murong Lingshan finished speaking, she ran out with tears.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at the back of Murong Lingshan with anxiety, and quickly looked at Rong Gong.

Rong Gong agreed, and immediately sent two maids to chase people.

Murong Ye also had a dark face, and his face was a bit ugly.

Yun Shaoning gave a glance at Murong Ling. In fact, he cared about Murong Lingshan. After all, he was a brother and sister of a mother and a fellow. He could be so good to Xiao Qi, but where can he really ignore his own sister?

It's just that Murong Lingshan's temperament does not know when he will understand his painstaking efforts.

Murong Lingshan was so noisy, the atmosphere in the temple was instantly lively.

Murong Ye looked at Murong Ye and Yun Shaoning, and said evilly, "Father and Emperor, instead of caring about other people's affairs, might as well care about the emperor. The emperor is over 21 years old, it should be Married. "

Listening to Murong's intentions, Yun Shaoning's movements in his hands were subconscious, and he frowned unconsciously.

Murong Yan was expressionless, as if he hadn't heard Murong Chan's words at all.

Murong Shuofeng didn't hear the meaning in Murong's words, only smiled and glanced at Murong, "If you hear it, you should be married."

The boy said that he had a favorite person, and he didn't know if it was true. It was probably a dodge word. No, this portrait had to be picked.

Hearing this, Murong didn't raise his steamed bun, and still took the dishes he had tasted into Yun Shaoning's bowl.

Yun Shaoning frowned at Murong Rong. He still had some thoughts to give him vegetables. This Murong Rong was obviously directed at them. Isn't he worried?

Seeing that Rongrong was not flustered at all, Murong was annoyed instantly. From an early age, what he hated most was his unmanned appearance, as if he was never an opponent in his eyes.

Murong Yan took a deep breath and said coldly, "Isn't the father asking the emperor if he likes you? Maybe the emperor is just as interested as Xue Xiaohouhou."

Yun Shaoning became stiff, and was instantly disturbed.

What exactly does Murong Min want to say?

Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan stopped moving and frowned at Murong Yu.

Murong Xuefei frowned and glanced angrily at Murong Yu.

Murong Shuofeng finally heard something in Murong's words, frowned at him and said, "Know what you say."

The third child is not good at this point.

Murong Yu didn't care about Murong Shuofeng's dissatisfaction, and still grotesquely said, "Does this need to be said? Isn't the emperor's favorite person sitting just under your eyelids?"

Murong Xu said that he was afraid that Murong Shuofeng didn't understand. He looked at Yun Shaoning and smiled, "Yun Shizi, do you mean it?"

The father-in-law Rong Shuofeng, who has been waiting for Murong Shuofeng, heard Murongyu's words suddenly, and his face suddenly became pale.

He secretly glanced at Murongyu and Yun Shaoning's hands hidden under the table, and gradually sweated on his forehead.

His Royal Highness Prince and Yun Shizi? How can this ...

Murong Yu and Murong Yun also looked at Murong Yu and Yun Shaoning in shock.

Huang Xiong and Yun Shizi? This is not possible, they must have misunderstood it, or Brother Three Emperors thought it was bad.

Officials from below also looked at Murong Yun and Yun Shaoning.

They used to hear such rumors when they were in college. Now it looks like it should be true. It was a surprise that His Royal Highness really liked Yun Shizi. This is absolutely shocking news.

Bai Ruyue was completely out of mind, and put chopsticks on the table, staring angrily at Murongyu diagonally.

The three princes are really annoying enough. No wonder the sister-in-law doesn't like him. Let his brother stimulate him more.

Xue Qingxuan and Bai Yihan both frowned and looked at Murong Xuan. They were really uneasy people.

Even Murong Xuefei looked angrily at Murong Yu, what did Brother Three Emperors want?

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