Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 865: Very responsible, very man

Yun Shaoning sat there with a pale face, his head was blank, and he couldn't think about anything.

Knowing that Yun Shaoning was scared, Murong Yan held his hand tightly and gave him strength silently.

In fact, he didn't want to give him so much pressure, but since he chose to be together, these things will have to be faced sooner or later.

The idea that his father wanted him to be married became more and more obvious, and his mother also mentioned to him more than once. He didn't want anyone to decide his fate.

Feeling Murong Yu's encouragement, Yun Shaoning's heart suddenly settled a lot, as if the heart had been in the dark, and suddenly saw the light.

It seems that every time he is with him, he has a feeling that he doesn't need to be afraid. Even if the sky falls, he will block him.

Murong Shuofeng was dull and could understand the meaning of Murong's words. When he patted the table angrily, "What nonsense?"

How is it possible for Xuner and Shao Ning, but Xuner liked the raccoon girl before, and now it is impossible for him to like a man.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng's disbelief, Murong Yi stared dissatisfied. "I didn't talk nonsense, Father Huang, look at yourself. Brother Huang has never been so enthusiastic to anyone, even to his fiancee before Be diligent. "

Murong Yan he was so brazen, why could n’t his father see it clearly?

Yun Shaoning lowered his head and secretly poked his lips.

Who said that this guy didn't, it was just that Xiaoshimei didn't accept it.

Yun Shaoning thought about the panic acid in his heart and squeezed it in Murongyu's palm.

Feeling Yun Shaoning's jealousy, Murong Yan hooked his lips with a good mood.

At this time, he can still be jealous, does it mean that he is not afraid?

Yun Shaoning reacted with hindsight and closed his eyes angrily.

Is he a pig? At this time, you can still be jealous.

But compared to just now, he is no longer so afraid that the emperor would know their relationship. Since they decided to be together, the emperor would know it sooner or later. And he was not afraid, he had nothing to fear.

The two secretly flirted with each other underneath. Murong Shuofeng was really angry. He stared at Murong Yan with a dark face and angrily, "Get the **** out again."

Don't think that he doesn't know what he thinks. Don't think about it except for the children.

Murong Yan squinted angrily, did not dare to say any more.

The Emperor's father trusted Murong Yu so much, so he didn't believe what he said, but it didn't matter. Even if he didn't say it, Murong Yu himself would find his own way to death. Looking at him today, obviously he couldn't wait to find death, he was waiting for him. Do it yourself.

There was no singing and dancing, and no one spoke again. The temple quieted down and the atmosphere was very strange.

Although Murong Shuofeng did not believe Murong Hui's words, he paid attention to Murong Hui and Yun Shaoning.

Looking at the high pile of vegetables in Yun Shaoning's bowl and their hands hanging under the table, Murong Shuofeng frowned unconsciously.

Tonger and Shaoning ...

Thinking of Mu Rongji's abnormal movement just now, as well as his reluctance to pick portraits before and after life, he also said that he had a favorite person, and asked who he was, and he refused to say that, before he specifically asked Xiao Qi, she also perfunctory him .

Do not want to be okay, think about it this way, Murong Shuofeng sees how Murong Yan and Yun Shaoning look unpleasant.

Why do two big men sit together?

It is indeed impossible for Yun Shaer to be so good to Yun Shaoning unless ...

Murong Shuofeng's eyes sharpened sharply, and the deep eyes instantly ignited a raging fire.

Feeling the hot eyes above his head, Yun Shaoning only felt the scalp numb. If it was not Murong Ye who was always by his side, holding his hand to encourage him, he felt that he might just faint.

Seeing that Murong Shuofeng had been staring at Yun Shaoning, Murong Yan finally raised his eyes and looked at him coldly.

Looking at the maintenance and warnings in Murong Yan's eyes, Murong Shuofeng was furious.

The father and son refused to give up, so they looked at each other with fire.

Feeling that the atmosphere of the two was getting more and more hot, Rong Gong immediately stepped forward and blocked Murong Shuofeng's sight, adding wine for Murong Yu and Yun Shaoning.

Rong Gong frowned and blinked at Murong Yan.

Murong Yan took a deep breath, grabbed the wine glass on the table and drank it.

Rong Gong relieved a little, then turned to pour Murong Shuofeng again.

Murong Shuofeng gave him an angry look.

Rong Gong looked at his eyes and did not dare to look up.

The confrontation between the father and the son was destroyed by the father-in-law, and then the father and the son seemed to be engaged, and no one looked at each other, as if the other person was poisoned.

Although the two no longer looked at each other, the atmosphere in the temple was still weird.

This weird atmosphere lasted until the end of the banquet. After Murong Shuofeng left, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as Murong Shuofeng left, Murong Yu pulled Yun Shaoning away.

When the two giants left, everyone was dispersed.

As if the discussion was good, no one dared to mention what happened tonight.

It doesn't matter whether His Royal Highness Crown Prince really likes Yun Shizi? It doesn't matter if the emperor does not believe that they have a relationship, in short, the emperor does not want anyone to talk about it, let alone let them spread it.

I didn't invite a few people at this banquet today. If there is a rumor outside tomorrow, they won't be able to get off the line, so no one is stupid.

Murong Zhuan took Yun Shaoning to the stables.

Murong Xu rolled his horse and reached out to Yun Shaoning, "Come up."

Yun Shaoning frowned. "You don't have to send me, I can go back by myself."

Murong Yu didn't say anything, just held his hand out and fixedly looked at him.

Yun Shaoning looked at his persistent eyes and reluctantly pulled his horse.

Yun Shaoning glanced at Murongyu quietly, "Are you really not afraid that the emperor knows?"

It's an extraordinary time now, so why isn't he evasive at all.

Mu Rongji didn't answer, leaned directly on his waist, and flew out with a whip.

Murong Ran rushed all the way and rushed out of the palace door like no one.

Bai Yihan looked at Murong Hui's back and frowned, "It seems he's ironed."

Xue Qing squinted his eyes, and said, "I admire him somewhat."

If he switched to him, he didn't necessarily have the courage.

He used to hate his arrogant temperament and hate his vision, but now he admires him and can be so chic and careless in this position, probably only the prince in the world can dare to be so arrogant.

Bai Ruyue nodded heartily, "He is really very responsible, very man."

From today, she has one more object of worship, and that is Murong Yu.

Qi Ziling also smiled staring at the figure who was leaving.

Yun Shaoning's luck is very good, be loved by such a person, must be very happy.

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