Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 877: Wrong medicine

The two in the shadows were red at the moment.

Listening to the ambiguous voice outside, a cold and cold look at Murong Yan, said silently: I did not expect that you still have such a hobby.

Murong Yi glanced at him indifferently: each other.

The two people on the ground moved recklessly, while Fu Ruoshi screamed and panted, and Murong Chan yelled from time to time, completely forgetting what he was worried about, as if he had devoted himself to the present joy .

Outside the house, the two housekeepers who had been listening to their ears, rejoicing immediately when they heard the movement in the house.

The two stared at each other, both raising their lips in ambiguity, and both were relieved.

This is all right, His Royal Highness finally couldn't hold back, the incense was really overbearing.

His Royal Highness and this concubine have become an issue, and they can finally talk to the emperor.

There was too much movement in the room, and even Zi Wei, who was outside the house, heard it.

The purple guards also flushed their heads and reddish their heads, and at the same time they also relaxed their vigilance.

It seems that His Royal Highness is unlikely to sneak away tonight.

As they relaxed their vigilance, two figures flew out of the dormitory.

Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan squatting in the dark trees, saw the two figures at the same time, and flew out together.

Zi Jin, who was outside the house, noticed that the movement here frowned, but didn't chase it.

He listened attentively to the ambiguous voice in the room, his face flushed slightly.

His task is to keep His Highness, as long as His Highness is still in the room, he doesn't care about anything else.

Leng Yihan immediately resisted Murong Yu from the palace.

Always running out of the five miles, Leng Yihan finally stopped panting.

"Let me down."

Murongyu's cold voice came, and Leng Yihan returned to God and let him down.

Murong Yan stared at Leng Yihan with a dark face. This guy must have been deliberate, so he resisted him all the way.

Seeing Murong stare at him, Leng Yihan didn't care much. He did it on purpose. Whoever made this guy keep him from seeing Xueer.

After waiting for a while, Xue Qingxi and Bai Yihan finally chased after him in panting.

"It's fast, we almost missed it."

Leng Yihan looked at the back and frowned, "Isn't found."

Xue Qingxian gasped, "The Zijin seems to have found us, but it didn't follow, it should be thought that Murong Yu was still in the room."

Xue Qingyi said, looking at Murong Ye, but saw his face flushed, and frowned suddenly, "What happened to you?"

Murong Xu shook his head hard and didn't speak.

Leng Yihan glanced at Murong Xuan and explained, "The incense in the house is filled with a heavy potion."

Leng Yihan said that there was a touch of admiration in his eyes, and he had been loved before to know that feeling was unbearable.

Seeing that Murong Yu knew it, before entering the incense stick, he immediately confused his consciousness, but this guy stayed in it for so long without being disturbed.

Bai Yihan's complexion instantly slumped, "What now?"

Looking for a doctor? Or go directly to Yun Shaoning?

Xue Qing frowned and groaned, "It's close to Xuefu. Let's go to Xuefu first."

You can't go to Yun Shaoning now, if you are found, you will lose all your achievements.

Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan carried Murong Yu left and right to leave, but Murong Yu was holding Leng Yihan and not letting go.

Leng Yihan's black face glared at Murong Yu.

Is he afraid he will go back to Cher? Such an unreasonable big sister-in-law would save him more than necessary.

Leng Yihan still went to Xuefu with Murong Yan.

The four sneaked into Xuefu and arrived at Nanyuan where Xueqing lived.

"Are you okay?" Helping Murong Min to the couch, Xue Qingyan frowned at him.

"It's okay." Murong Xu gritted his teeth and looked at Xue Qingyu, worried, "How about Yun Shaoning?"

Xue Qingyu immediately appeased, "He is in Yunfu. You can rest assured that we went to see him together. Tomorrow he will pick up his relatives. You can go to him when you can."

Hearing that Yun Shaoning would pick up his relatives, Murong Yu instantly became sour.

Xue Qingxuan grabbed his wrist and began to take pulse for him. After a while, he calmly said, "This medicine is very overbearing, and it also has a soft muscle that controls the power."

Bai Yihan drew his eyes in a black line at once, and the emperor was in order to force Murong to submit, and it really did everything.

Xue Qingyi looked up at Leng Yihan and Bai Yihan, "Do you have any elixir that Tanuki gave before?"

Tanuki had given him a lot of elixir before, but he was dismantled when he returned.

Leng Yihan shook his head, and Bai Taner didn't give him any panacea. If he had any medicine, he would have laid Murong's dark guard all down.

"I have got."

Bai Yihan found several small medicine bottles from his arms and handed them to Xue Qingyu.

Xue Qingxuan took the small medicine bottles and looked at them one by one, and picked one and handed it to Murong Xuan. "This medicine is not symptomatic. You eat it first. I try to refine the antidote."

Murong Yan looked at the elixir with a black line, and ate it.

Bai Yihan looked suspiciously at Xue Qing, "Can you do that?"

Why didn't he know that he would still refine medicine?

Xue Qingyi raised his eyebrows indifferently, looking at Leng Yihan, "No, isn't he still? If he can't match the antidote, let him go tomorrow to rob Yun Shaoning."

Leng Yihan was black for a moment, why was he again?

Murong Yan also darkened his face, staring at the cold and cold easily.

He didn't want him to carry Yun Shaoning.

Looking at Murong Yan's eyes, Leng Yihan frowned instantly.

This guy is really as if he is more willing to save Yun Shaoning.

Xue Qingxi went to the pharmacy to refine the medicine, and Bai Yihan looked at the two with big eyes and small eyes in the room.

However, the two didn't stare for a long time, and Murong Yu couldn't take it anymore.

Leng Yihan hurriedly supported Mu Rongzhen. When he saw his confusion, he immediately frowned and looked at Bai Yihan. "Get some ice water."

"it is good."

Bai Yihan responded and hurried into the atrium.

Now that the weather is cold, ice water is readily available. Bai Yihan quickly made two buckets of ice water and poured them into the bath tub.

Together they lifted Murong Yu into the tub.

The cold chill infiltrated his skin through his skin in an instant, and pressed down the rush of heat a little bit, finally Murongyu's consciousness became clearer.

Murong frowned and shook his head. He couldn't fall, he was still waiting for him.

It was not until the sky became white that Xue Qingyu finally came out of the pharmacy.

"How?" Bai Yihan and Leng Yihan rushed to meet him.

Xue Qingxuan sighed helplessly holding the medicine bottle, "His love pills are too overbearing. I can't study the antidote. I can only relieve his weak muscles."

Bai Yihan frowned frantically. "No matter, give him food first, and it's dawn."

Bai Yihan said that he grabbed the medicine bottle and entered the screen.

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