Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 878: Big wedding

Cloud House.

Yun Shaoning stayed up all night and was pulled up by Miao Qing to wash and dress.

Miao Qing combed her hair for Yun Shaoning, and looked at the mirror strangely, "Master, how about you getting married today, why don't you seem happy?"

From yesterday to today, the young master has not laughed. This is how the groom officer should look.

Yun Shaoning glanced at him coolly, "Are you happy?"

"Of course." Miao Qing danced in an eyebrow, "The young master becomes a pro and is an adult, and the master and his wife will no longer have to worry about the young master."

Yun Shaoning immediately darkened his face and said, "I'm an adult now."

However, he still seemed to worry his father and mother. Even Miao Qing was so sensible, but he had always been so willful and unreasonable.

"Ninger!" Anshi knocked on the door and pushed in.

"My dear." Yun Shaoning got up immediately.

Miao Qing also bowed down, "Mrs."

Anshi glanced at Yun Shaoning and waved to Miao Qing, "Qing'er go down first, here is for me."

"Yes." Miao Qing responded, taking a look at Yun Shaoning and bowed out.

Anshi pulled Yun Shaoning back to sit down, picked up a comb and combed his hair.

"Isn't my mother combing your hair for a long time?" An's mumbled Yun Shaoning's long black hair.

Yun Shaoning's eyes flickered, and he looked at the mirror and said, "My dear, I've grown up, I will comb my hair."

Anshi nodded slightly. "Yeah, Ning'er has grown up and is getting married."

Yun Shaoning pursed his lips and lowered his head in shame.

Dad and mother-in-law should both hope that he can really marry Tang Zixin. For a moment, he also wants to really marry Tang Zixin, at least for peace of mind, at least for his father and mother, and for the emperor.

But when he thought of Murong Rong, he immediately extinguished the idea. He couldn't imagine how dark it was without Murong Rong, how could it be dark, and he couldn't imagine how Murong Rong would lose him?

He cannot, cannot disappoint him, and cannot lose him.

Feeling that Yun Shaoning was in a bad mood, Anshi immediately patted his shoulder gently and calmly, "Don't think about it, my mother believes he will come to pick you up today."

According to his temperament, he would never watch Ning'er get married like this.

"Mother-in-law ..." Yun Shaoning lifted his eyes and looked at Anshi with a guilty expression, "Aren't you afraid we'll affect Yunfu?"

If he does come to pick him up, the emperor will definitely move to Yunyun.

An's said gently, "Did you know? When he sent you back that day, he told your father, don't embarrass you, it's all his fault, and also said he won't let you and Yunfu have anything to do."

Yun Shaoning's heart shook suddenly, and his thoughts of Murong Xuan rushed like a flood.

Anshi chuckled, "Although my mother doesn't know him, she believes what he said, and believes his affection for you."

Yun Shaoning looked down, yeah, how could he not believe him. There is nothing he can do for a man who can abandon even his crown prince.

Anshi gently combed Yun Shaoning's hair, put on a jade crown, and personally helped him put on his wedding dress.

Anshi pulled the wedding dress made by himself, and smiled with satisfaction, "It's just right to be big or small."

The clothes were made in the previous two years. I was wondering when this kid would become married and become a little bigger. I didn't expect to be wearing just right now.

Anshi stared at Yun Shaoning with stunned eyes, and gradually reddened his eyes.

Obviously she is marrying a son, but why is she as uncomfortable as marrying a daughter?

"My dear ..."

Seems to be aware of An's reluctance, Yun Shaoning gently pulled her hand.

Anshi returned to his heart, and patted Yun Shaoning's hand gently, "It's getting late, go and pick up a kiss."

Yun Shaoning frowned slightly, "OK."

When they left the room, they met Murong Yu and Murong Yun.

Seeing An's, Murong Yu immediately bowed down and saluted, "Auntie."

Murong Yun also bowed slightly, "Ms. Yun."

Anshi nodded slightly towards the two, "The two princes are good."

Yun Shaoning looked at the two strangely. "Cousin, why are you five princes coming?"

Murong raised her lips. "Today is the day of your cousin your great joy, how can we not come?"

Murong Yun saw Yun Shaoning wearing a suit, and immediately thought of the dinner party that day.

The emperor brother was detained, and he was also given a marriage. It seems that he and the emperor brother cannot get together.

For some reason, Murong Yun felt a moment of regret. They were clearly two people who should not be together, but they just gave people a sense of ingenuity.

Mu Rongyun sighed silently, put away his thoughts, looked at Yun Shaoning and said, "Are Yun Shizi going to welcome his relatives?"

Yun Shaoning's face froze stiffly, and he twitched his lips, "Yeah."

When Murong's eyes lighted up, he immediately said, "Let's go with you."


Yun Shaoning frowned frantically, but he didn't really go to pick up his relatives. What did he ask them to accompany him?

"Don't do this or that, it will be too late when you don't leave." Before Yun Shaoning finished speaking, Murong Yi directly pulled him away.

Murong Yun nodded gently towards Murong Yan, and followed them.

An's looked at the back of several people in anxiety. The fifth and sixth princes would not go to make trouble.

Yun Shaoning was wearing a red suit and riding a white horse, walking in front of the welcoming team.

Murong Yu and Murong Yun followed each other on horses.

Behind it is the welcoming team and the sedan, and the party went to Jing'anhoufu in a mighty manner.

On the side of Jing'anhou House, Tang Zixin was also dressed up early, put on Feng Guanxia early, and only waited for Yun Shaoning to welcome his relatives.

I don't know what Yun Shaoning looked like. It seemed to be pretty good in Tang Zixin's memory. When he came to meet his relatives, he looked at him secretly.

"Here we come, my new aunt is here to welcome him."

Xi Po walked in with joy, thinking about the good looks of the new aunt who she had just met, and suddenly felt that the Miss Tang family had a great blessing in the future.

"Miss, cover your head quickly." Tang Zixin's personal maid Feng Xi quickly took the hipa cover and put it on Tang Zixin's head.

The two did not wait for Tang Zixin to speak, and helped her out.

Tang House.

The Tang family saw Mu Rongyu and Mu Rongyun also followed to meet and kissed them immediately.

Yun Shaoning stood aside, and some souls didn't abide.

Just now he deliberately slowed down, but still didn't wait for Murong Yu. If he didn't show up when he waited to go back, he would really marry Tang Zixin.

Tang Zixin was aided by Xi Po and Feng Xi into the hall. She looked down and saw Yun Shaoning's red dress corner.

"I'll go by myself."

Tang Zixin gently pushed away the hands of Xi Po and Feng Xi, deliberately made a mistake, and fell in the direction of Yun Shaoning.


Xi Po and Feng Xi were frightened, and they hurried to pull people, but Yun Shaoning caught people faster.

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