Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 887: Heartless woman

As soon as Murong Shuofeng returned to the Royal Study Room, Rong Gong hurried over to report, "The emperor, just now the fifth prince said that the sixth prince was missing."

Murong was startled, "What's going on?"

"It is said that Miss Tang's chasing Yunshizi went, and the sixth prince went to chase Miss Tangjia again. The two have not returned yet." Rong Gong simply repeated the words of Murong Yun.

Murong Shuofeng squeezed his eyebrows with a headache, only to feel that his head was going to be blown by them.

Fortunately, he has only ten children. Otherwise, this day will not pass.

"Zijin." Murong Shuofeng immediately shouted outside.

Zijin heard the shout and came in quickly. "Subordinates are here."

Murong Shuofeng frowned at Zijin. "Take a team of Zi Wei to find people outside the city. We must bring the Sixth Prince and Miss Tang's family back safely."


Zijin responded immediately, and hurried out to find someone.

Murong Shuofeng sat on the dragon chair and leaned back tiredly.

Everything is in a mess, why can't I ask for it, why do you want Yun Shaoning?

On an unknown mountain road, a man was carrying a woman in a wedding suit, walking forward wearily.

Murong Yu looked at the mountain road in front of her confusedly, frowning.

This is clearly the direction back to the imperial city. Why haven't they come for so long? Did they ride so far?

The shallow sound of breathing in the ears made Murong a black line.

This heartless and heartless woman could even fall asleep.

The warm breath was sprayed evenly on Murong's neck, brushing his heart like a feather, so that he couldn't help but get upset.

After realizing what he thought, Murong's face turned red instantly.

Damn, what do you think, this woman is a cousin's lady.

He must have been without such experience to be so easily affected by her. In fact, he is eighteen and can marry, and when he returns, he will find a good woman to marry.

Depressing the throbbing in her heart, Murong Yu looked up at a completely strange road, and was instantly sad.

He didn't recognize the road without Wu Brother, and it seemed that he could not find the way back by himself.

It's getting late now and he has to find a place to spend the night, otherwise it would be too dangerous in this strange mountain forest.

Murong Yuan looked around, and then went into the forest with Tang Zixin on his back.

By the time Murong Yu found a cave that could stay overnight, it was all dark.

When Murong Wong was about to put Tang Zixin down, Tang Zixin himself woke up.

Tang Zixin opened his eyes and looked at the dark piece in front of him, confused, "Are you home?"

Before Murong Chan answered, Tang Zixin jumped off Murong Chan's back.


The sharp tingling caused Tang Zixin's feet to sting again for a moment, and the person fell to the ground.

In the darkness, Murong Hui quickly embraced Tang Zixin. A scent came, and Murong Hui's heart shook again instantly. He blushed and looked at Tang Zixin, "Are you all right?"

"It hurts!" Tang Zixin was completely awake with the pain in the ankle.

Listening to her pain, Murong frowned. "Who made you jump yourself, you wait for me to put you down."

Tang Zixin said coldly, "I forgot that I had a foot injury."

Murong frowned, straightly held Tang Zixin horizontally, and hugged her to the stone beside him. "Don't move, I'll make a fire for you to see."

Murong Yi soon went out and held in some dry wood, and lit the fire with fire.

The fire illuminated the entire cave instantly, and Tang Zixin finally saw where he was.

Tang Zixin looked around the cave and frowned, "Why are we here? You wouldn't want to ..."

What came to mind, Tang Zixin hurriedly pulled on his clothes, his arms were clasped in his chest, and she looked like a virgin martyr.

Murong Yan glanced at her with a black line, "You think you are a fairy."

What kind of woman is not in the palace, he can see her?

Tang Zixin blinked his eyes and nodded silently.

Also, although she doesn't look bad, she isn't fascinating. The key is in such ancient times, her looks must be everywhere, and the person should look down on himself in terms of clothing. Such.

Murong Yu walked over, squatting down without asking Tang Zixin, she took off her shoes and socks directly and began to look at her feet.

Tang Zixin stared at Murong Yan with a stunned expression, "So you really don't know the way?"

Mu Rongji turned dark for an instant, and said nothing, only looking at her feet.

Murong Wong didn't answer. Tang Zixin regarded him as a tacit consent. "I was the first time I saw a man."

Murong Yan finally pressed her face with a dark face.

"His!" Tang Zixin called out instantly. "It hurts, you lightly."

This man really doesn't understand tenderness at all.

Listening to Tang Zixin's ambiguous call, Murong Junjun's face turned red again, and she lowered her foot, "swelled more."

Tang Zixin then glanced at his ankles and insteps that were swollen as high as a hoe, and frowned sadly.

In this way, she must not hurt for a month or two.

Tang Zixin held his injured foot and glanced at Murong Yan quietly. "Can you help me find an ice cube?"

Now that it's iced, it can get better faster.

Murong Yan looked at Tang Zixin's poor eyes and frowned, "Then you wait for me here."

"Okay." Tang Zixin nodded like a puppy.

Murong pursed her lips and added some wood to the fire before she got up and went outside.

Looking at Murong Hui's back, Tang Zixin panicked in his heart and suddenly said, "Well, come back soon."

Murong stomped his feet, looked back at Tang Zixin's uneasy look, and looked at Microsoft, "Huh."

After Murong Yi answered, he quickly walked out of the cave.

Tang Zixin looked around the rudimentary cave, and immediately rubbed his arm anxiously.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that the firewood was going to be burned out, but Murong Ye didn't see him back, Tang Zixin was impatient.

It's been more than an hour, why didn't he come back, he wouldn't go back by himself, or encounter any danger.

Tang Zixin grew more and more uneasy. He picked up a wooden stick on the ground, and stood up, hopping out.

Tang Zixin jumped out and looked at the dark woods, and then he was afraid again.

I heard that there is World of Warcraft in this continent, I wonder if it is true?

Tang Zixin carefully looked around, while jumping forward.

She wanted to call Murong Yan, but she opened her mouth and realized that she didn't know his name yet, so she shouted, "Hey! Where are you, you hear me answer."

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