Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 888: Lonely boy

Not far away, Murong Yu heard Tang Zixin's voice and hurried over to this side.

There was a gurgling sound in the forest, and Tang Zixin was instantly frightened, she swallowed droolily, stepped back, and pretended to be calm, "Who is it?"

A cyan figure burst out of the dark forest instantly. "It's me."

Seeing that it was Murong Wong, Tang Zixin flew into his arms, hugged him tightly, and shivered in fear, "You finally came back, scared me."

The soft body bumped into his arms as if it had hit his heart, he subconsciously raised his hand and patted her gently on the back, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

What came to mind, Murong Xu frowned again, "Don't you let me wait in there? Why did you come out yourself?"

Tang Zixin pouted his lips and raised his eyes, "I'm not afraid of you ... Is it dangerous to encounter Warcraft? That's why I came out to look for you."

After Tang Zixin finished speaking, his eyes blinked down.

She couldn't let him know that she was afraid he would leave her and go back to find someone.

Murong Ye blushed and raised the ice cube and the processed pheasant. "I took the ice and caught another pheasant."

He never admitted that he was lost again.

"Heck ..." Murong Yan's face was reddish and he looked at Tang Zixin, who was still holding his hands loose, "Now you can let go."

Tang Zixin finally returned to his thoughts, and quickly loosened Murong's waist flushed.

With her arms empty, Murong Yu felt like her heart was empty, and she felt uncomfortable.

Tang Zixin blushed and gave a rare shy glance at Murong Yan, "I'm sorry ... I'm just too scared."

Murong held back his mind, "It's okay, go back."


Tang Zixin nodded, hopping forward with a stick.

Looking at Tang Zixin who jumped like a pheasant, Murong frowned frantically, tangled for a while, or went to squat in front of him.

Tang Zixin stared at Murong Xu with a stunned look, unsure whether it was what he thought.

Seeing Tang Zixin behind him, Murong Xu said impatiently, "Come up."

"Oh." Tang Zixin said a lip, then lost the stick and lay gently on Murong's back.

Murong Xu picked up Tang Zixin and went to the cave.

Tang Zixin stared at Murong Yan's handsome side face stunned, this person is actually not so unpretentious.

Tang Zixin held Mu Rongyu's neck and whispered in his ear, "Thank you."

Thank you for carrying her for a day today, thank him for not leaving her here alone, and thank him for going out to find her ice and food.

The warm breath sprayed into his ear, and the crispy feeling passed from the tip of the ear to the apex of the heart like a current, which also made his face and neck, and even his ears redden.

Tang Zixin watched Murong Su suddenly become red like dripping earlobes, and couldn't help pulling the corners of her lips.

This man is quite fun.

Back at the cave, Murong Yu put Tang Zixin back on the previous stone.

Putting down the pheasant in his hand, Murong Yu grabbed Tang Zixin's foot without shoes and attached ice cubes.

"His!" The coldness of that moment made Tang Zixin's feet tremble instantly.

Murong frowned and raised his eyes. "Is it too cold?"

Tang Zixin pursed his lips. "A little."

Murong Yan glanced at the ice cube in his hand, suddenly tore off the corner of the coat, wrapped the ice cube, and put it on her feet again. "So, is there any better?"

Tang Zixin nodded, "Well, much better, thank you."

Murong Xu squatted on the ground and helped Tang Zixin to put his feet on his feet. The yellowish fire lightened his expressions more solemnly and seriously.

Tang Zixin looked at Murong Yue momentarily, and suddenly felt calm.

She has been in this strange continent for half a year. No matter how hard she tries to adapt herself to this place, her heart is still not stable. In the subconscious, she may be looking forward to returning to the original world, but she also knows Her hopes of returning are slim.

I didn't expect to be here today, but this strange man calmed down her heart, didn't she want to go back again?

Murong Yu didn't know Tang Zixin's thoughts, only felt that she had been looking at him, he didn't dare to look up and stare at her, just waiting for her to turn her eyes away, but the woman who was skinless and faceless seemed to know nothing about her actions It's so rude, it doesn't mean to look away.

In the end, Murong Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well, there are not many firewood. I'll pick up some more firewood."

Murong Ye didn't look at Tang Zixin either. She put the ice cube in her hand and ran out.

Tang Zixin looked at his flustered back, and his lips twitched.

Murong Yu brought a lot of firewood in this time, added some firewood to the fire, and Murong Yu began to roast the wild pheasant he had handled.

Tang Zixin, while laying his feet on his feet, looked at Murongyu's roast chicken, exactly staring at the roast chicken.

The scent of the roasted chicken slowly emanated. Tang Zixin swallowed his saliva, lost the ice pack, and jumped directly to Murong Yu.

Looking at Tang Zixin's staring at the roast chicken in his hand, Murong raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Hungry?"

"Um." Tang Zixin nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Today, she was pulled up and dressed up by those people a long time ago, and now she hasn't even drooled, she has been hungry.

Murong Yu chuckled, "Wait a minute, it will be fine soon."

Tang Zixin swallowed his throat and nodded again.

After another tea, the pheasant was finally roasted.

Murong Ye gave Tang Zixin the whole pheasant directly.

Tang Zixin frowned. "Aren't you eating?"

Murong asked her lips, "You eat, I'm not hungry."

Tang Zixin stared. "Nonsense, I haven't eaten for a day. How can I not be hungry?"

Tang Zixin said, grabbed the pheasant and divided it into half for Murong Rong.

Mu Rongzheng was not good enough to refuse, so he had to take the half of the chicken and eat it.

Seeing Murong Yong eating, Tang Zixin quickly ate it, eating and commenting, "Well, delicious, delicious."

Looking at Tang Zixin's appearance like eating the best food in the world, Murong Su instantly felt that the tasteless pheasant in his mouth seemed really delicious.

After finishing half a chicken, Tang Zixin sucked his fingers endlessly.

Murong Yu threw the pheasant wreckage out of the fire and looked at Tang Zixin. "Today we live here temporarily and look for a way back tomorrow morning."


Tang Zixin nodded in agreement.

They have no other option but to stay overnight here.

"Just sleep by the fire, it's warm here."

"it is good."

Tang Zixin responded with goodness, then stood on tiptoe and began to undress.

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