Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 890: Is it too late to hold?

After listening to her asking so casually, Murong Ye was angry again.

Tang Zixin blinked his eyes and waited for a while, before he heard Murong Yi spit out the three words, "Murong Yue."

Murong Ming? Murong? Murong Ming?

Looking at Murong Yan's dark and handsome face, Tang Zixin did not have the courage to ask him which one?

After Tang Zixin had tangled the slang character, he noticed his surname, "Your surname Murong? Are you not a royal person?"

Hearing Tang Zixin's questioning, Murong Yu raised her eyebrows proudly, "The prince is sixth."

Really guessed by her? The imperial city is indeed the site of the Tianjia family.

Tang Zixin chuckled with a stiff face, "It was the Sixth Prince."

It turned out to be a prince. No wonder he looks so good and has such a good temperament, but Yun Shaoning is more suitable for her.

Thinking of Yun Shaoning, Tang Zixin moaned again.

Murong frowned. "What's your sigh?"

Tang Zixin said cheekily, "I'm thinking of my husband, I don't know where Yun Shaoning is now. What's wrong, I'm still waiting for him to come back and marry me?"

Murong Ye's face didn't look good instantly, but when she heard the words behind her, there was a moment of sympathy in her eyes.

The cousin should really be with Brother Huang, and because of the nature of Brother Huang, she would never let Yun Shaoning get married. So what would she do in the future?

Just after Murong Yu was worried about Tang Zixin, Tang Zixin suddenly fell asleep.

Looking at Tang Zixin who was standing beside the fire, Murong frowned, helplessly took off her robe, and gently covered her.

Feeling warm, Tang Zixin rolled over instantly and wrapped the robe directly.

The yellowish light flickered, and Murong Min looked at her face seriously for the first time.

Her face is not big, she has some baby fat, she looks a little childish, and her face is painted with makeup, but it is not as glamourous as the time of the three emperors, but it looks like a fresh feeling, but she has been traveling for a day, and she has a delicate makeup. It took too much, but it was cute with her slightly red lips.

Murong looked at Tang Zixin for a long time before finally returning to her senses, Jun face reddishly dressed her, and then sat back in a panic.

Tang Zixin slept peacefully, and Murong Yu sat in the vigil, but the two of them spent an entire night in peace.

The next day, when Tang Zixin woke up, he found that Murong Yu was no longer in the cave.

She stunned, and erected "upright".

Seeing the robe slipping down on his body, Tang Zixin slowly settled down.

The clothes are still here. He probably won't leave her, maybe he's looking for food.

Tang Zixin got up on one foot and put on the suit again, and then he held out Murong's clothes and walked out.

"Cousin ... Murongji ..." Tang Zixin shouted into the mountain forest with a throat.

As soon as Tang Zixin's high-pitched voice fell, Murong Yu appeared.

"Watch ... Murongji!" She quickly jumped over with one foot.

Murong Yan glanced at Tang Zixin's injured foot, "It looks like your foot is fine."

Tang Zixin bent his eyes and smiled, "Thank you, much better."

Talking, it also proved that his little white girl shook her like.

Looking at her white, jade-like feet, Murong Xuan's eyes lightened. "Go back and put on your shoes."

Murong Yan said, and stuffed the fruit in his arms into Tang Zixin's arms, and then directly held her horizontally and hugged her to the cave.

Tang Zixin held his clothes and fruit, looked at Murong Yan's handsome face, and suddenly felt that his heartbeat accelerated.

Murong Hui hugged Tang Zixin back to the cave, then squatted directly, skillfully put on shoes and socks for her.

Looking at Murong Yan who lowered her head seriously and put on shoes for him, Tang Zixin's cheeks couldn't help getting red, in fact she can now wear shoes by herself.

He is not so unpretentious, and there are not many women who are willing to wear shoes for women in modern times. Besides, he is also a prince.

Tang Zixin frowned, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Murong Ye helped Tang Zixin put on his shoes and raised his eyes. "I just went out looking for a way. You eat the fruit, let's go out."

"Um." Tang Zixin recalled his thoughts and gave half of the fruit he had just given to Murong Yun.

Murong Yi refused to answer, "You eat, I have eaten before."

Tang Zixin raised her eyebrows, and withdrew her hands in a loss.

Tang Zixin finally felt a little bit more comfortable when he sipped a few fruits in his arms.

Murong Yu also put on her clothes and crouched in front of Tang Zixin, "Let's go."

Tang Zixin blushed, and said, "In fact, I can go by myself."

Murong Yu paused for a moment, and smiled evilly, "Is it too late to hold on now?"

He carried her for a day yesterday.

Tang Zixin's face turned redder, and he lay slowly on Murong's back.

Murong Hui picked up her effortlessly and went out of the cave.

The two came out of the forest and returned to the previous mountain trail.

Murong Yu didn't go any further, but turned back.

Yesterday he should have gone in the wrong direction. He can't tell which direction he is now. He can only go back to the place where he dropped off before he can find his way back to the Imperial City.

Neither person spoke all the way until Tang Zixin saw the beads of sweat from Murong Jujiao.

"Aren't you tired?" Tang Zixin grabbed his sleeves and wiped the sweat for Murong Yu. "Will I go down for a while?"

Murong frowned and didn't answer.

"Shall we take a break?"

Murong Ye still didn't speak.

Tang Zixin's eyes turned around and said, "If I take off my clothes, I can be lighter."

At last Murong could not help but glance at Tang Zixin, and said with a cold face, "You just like to take off your clothes."

Tang Zixin blushed and yelled, "No, am I not trying to make you easier?"

"I am not tired."

Murong Yan dropped his face with a dark face, and carried her on his back.

Tang Zixin glanced at his dark face and silently took his sleeves to wipe his sweat.

Murong Yan's complexion finally eased gradually.

The two walked for a while, and finally met Zi Wei, who was looking for someone overnight.

"Your Highness Six, are you okay?" Zimu saw Murong Ye and greeted him with joy.

"It's okay." Murong Yan said blankly.

Tang Zixin lay on Murong's back and looked at Zimu curiously. This is the guard in the palace. It is indeed very imposing.

When Zimu saw Tang Zixin in his wedding clothes, she suddenly said, "This is Tang girl."

Murong's eyes flashed, as if to explain, "She hurt her foot."

Zimu looked surprised, and quickly said, "Girl Tang is injured, so let the genus come down and carry it."

Murong Yan's face sank and he stared at Zimu coldly.

Zimu felt the back of his neck cold immediately, and never dared to talk anymore.

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