Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 891: Hugged and carried me, and spent the night together

Murong Yu lowered Tang Zixin gently, then held her and looked at Zimu, "Have you brought a sedan chair?"

Zimu froze, and then patted his head in annoyance, "It is because the subordinates are not careful, and the subordinates will send someone to lift the car."

Murong Yan darkened his face. "Forget it, bring a horse."


Zimu responded immediately and took his own dark horse to Murong Yu.

Murong Hui embraced Tang Zixin immediately, and then turned over himself.

The hot body affixed to the back made Tang Zixin's face red.

This action of riding together is very intimate, like a couple, but isn't he Yun Yuning's cousin? Think of it this way, Tang Zixin's thoughts became even more frightened.

Zimu also looked at Murong Yu and Tang Zixin dullly.

If he remembers right, Girl Tang should be Yun Shizi's bride.

Murong Yu waited for a while but didn't see Zimu respond. When he frowned even when he frowned, "It's not time to leave."

"Oh, good!" Zimu turned back instantly, riding another Ziwei's horse, and leading the way.

Murong Yan pulled the reins slowly to follow Zimu.

Tang Zixin's petite figure, although he did not deliberately lean on Murong's arms, was also half-wrapped in his arms as he pulled the reins.

Feeling like he was being held in his arms, Tang Zixin's heart couldn't help but jumped up.

The bodies of the two were not close to each other, but they were close together. A faint scent of fragrance drifted from the tip of his nose to the tip of his heart, which drunk his heart instantly.

Xu was because there were too many people, and the two were speechless all the way, but fortunately they reached the imperial city soon.

I don't know if it was Ziwei led by Zimu, or Tang Zixin's suit was too dazzling. People in the city quickly recognized Tang Zixin.

"Look, isn't that the bride married in Dingguo Mansion yesterday?"

"It's Jing Anhou's young lady. I heard she was missing all night."

"Who is the man behind her? It wouldn't be just spending the night with him."

"Look at this ashamed, who knows what they did?"

Listening to the voices of those people, Murong's face turned ugly.

However, Tang Zixin didn't say what they said in his heart as if he hadn't heard it.

"I'll send you back." Murong Yan glanced coldly at those long tongue women, and then went to Tangfu.

Tang Zixin frowned, turning to look at Murong Yan, "You want to send me home?"

Murong Yan raised an eyebrow. "Otherwise, where do you want to go?"

Tang Zixin pouted, "I'm married, shouldn't you send me to Yunfu?"

Murong Ye's face was a little ugly again for a moment, "You and your cousin haven't become married yet, what cloud house is going to?"


"No, but return to Jing Anhou House." Tang Zixin had to speak, but was deprived of the right to speak directly by Murong Ao.

The resistance was invalid, and Tang Zixin had to send her back to Tang House by him.

At the gate of Jing'an Houfu, Murong Yu directly took Tang Zixin off the horse, and then hugged her to enter Jing'anhoufu.

Tang Zixin's face flushed redly on Murong's chest. "Hey, let me down quickly, I can go by myself."

She didn't care about the thoughts of those people she didn't know, but it didn't mean or care about her family's thoughts. What's wrong with him holding her back like this?

Murong glanced coolly at Tang Zixin's red face, and finally hooked his lips.

This hug too, and my back too. Even the night passed together. Is it too late to have a relationship with him now?

Hou Fu's servants saw Murong Hui returning with Tang Zixin, and happily reported to Tang Shizhou and Li.

Hearing Tang Zixin's return two days later, he hurried over in a hurry and excitedly, just happened to meet Murong Yan holding Tang Zixin to enter the main hall.

Seeing Tang Zixin, Li and Tang Shizhou rushed over immediately, nervously, "Xiner, are you okay?"

Seeing the two in a hurry, Tang Zixin quickly shook his head. "Daddy and mother, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

The two glanced at Tang Zixin, and saw that she didn't seem to be injured, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's God blessing." Li's hands verified that he worshiped the sky.

Tang Zixin's personal girl-in-law Feng Xi and Xi Huan also hurried over, "Miss, you are back, you are worried about us."

Tang Zixin smiled at them calmly, "Aren't I all right? Worried?"

After caring about his daughter, Tang Shizhou finally noticed Murong Yun, "Here is His Highness Six?"

Li finally realized that his daughter was being held by Murong Yu.

Being stared at by Tang Shizhou and Li's, Murong Yu naturally was not good enough to hold Tang Zixin.

He lowered Tang Zixin gently before nodding slightly towards Tang Shizhou and Li, "Houye, Madam."

"Father and mother, it was the sixth prince who saved me." Tang Zixin stomped her feet and explained to Tang Shizhou and Li.

Tang Shizhou and Li's heard the words and quickly bowed gratefully, "Thank Your Highness Six."

"Nothing." Murong Yue responded lightly, and looked at Tang Zixin again. "She has injured her foot. You take care of her."

Hearing that Tang Zixin's foot was hurt, Li's momentarily worried, "Your foot is hurt, is it okay?"

Tang Shizhou also frowned, staring at Tang Zixin's feet.

Tang Zixin gave Murong a glance, and quickly shook his head. "It's okay, hesitated, it will be fine after a few days of rest."

Receiving Tang Zixin's eyes, Murong Yan ticked her lips happily and looked at her. "You have a good rest, I will go first."

"Um." Tang Zixin flushed and nodded quickly.

Seeing that Murong Ye was leaving, Li quickly and gratefully said, "Six princes, thank you so much."

Tang Shizhou also bowed down and said, "Chen Chen sends you out."

Murong Yan glanced at Tang Zixin before turning around.

As soon as Murong Yi left, Li hurriedly pulled Tang Zixin and asked, "Quickly tell your mother what happened yesterday? Why was Shao Ning robbed? Where did you go again? Why did you come back with the sixth prince ? "

Tang Zixin was stunned by a series of questions from Li's. "Mother, you ask me so many questions at once, which one do you want me to answer first."

Li said again, Tang Zixin quickly compared to a pause gesture, "Mother, can you stop asking me questions? My foot is still hurting, shouldn't you ask me for a doctor first?"

Li slammed his head and said, "Look at my mother."

Li said, looking at the steward aside, "Lao Gao, please go to the hospital doctor."

"The old slave is here." The steward responded, and hurriedly went to the hospital doctor.

Li looked at the two aunts aside, "Feng Xi, Huan Huan, help Miss Five back to the room."


The two little girls stepped forward and helped Tang Zixin back to Nanyuan.

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