As soon as Tang Zixin returned to the room, the doctor arrived.

After Tang Shizhou sent Murong Yu, he also arrived at Nanyuan. Tang Chongjun heard the news and hurried over.

The doctor soon checked Tang Zixin's feet.

Li quickly said, "How about, Xiner's feet are all right?"

The doctor stood up and said, "It's okay, just twisted. When I make some plasters for the lady, I will be fine for a few days of rest."

Li breathed a sigh of relief and let Feng Xi send the doctor out.

Tang Zixin looked at the inflated instep and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Fortunately, last night he went to find her ice and gave her an ice pack, otherwise it must be more serious today. Yesterday I really wanted to thank him for his care. Without him, he might have fed a jackal.

When Tang Zixin wanted to finish Murong Yao, Tang Shizhou and Li had already sat in front of her together, and Tang Chongjun was standing behind them.

Tang Zixin was taken aback by this posture, raised his eyes to see Feng Xi, and Huan Huan were all sent out, and frowned suddenly, "Dad, mother, brother what are you doing? The three courts will be judged."

Li pulled Tang Zixin and said, "Xiner, where did you go yesterday?"

Tang Shizhou also looked at Tang Zixin and said, "How did your foot hurt?"

"I heard that he was brought back by the sixth prince." Tang Chongjun, who was standing behind him, also said quietly.

"Stop!" Tang Zixin raised his hand with a headache, "Okay, I'm afraid of you, let me start from the beginning."

Knowing that if you don't make it clear today, this matter is definitely not over.

"Isn't Yun Shaoning robbed yesterday? I went on horseback and chased him. Maybe the six princes were uneasy, so they followed me. I chased after I missed Yun Shaoning halfway. He saved me. "

"I twisted my feet and he found the way behind me. As a result, he didn't know the way, and we went awry. It was dark and we stayed in the cave all night. Then the guards found us and we came back. It's that simple. "

After the speech, Tang Zixin also clapped his hands easily.

The other three in the room were not as relaxed as she was.

Tang Shizhou and Li's frowns.

Xin Er had spent the night in the cave with the sixth prince, and the lonely man and the widow were in the same room. The famous festival of Xin er was completely ruined. If this happened, Xin er must have followed the sixth prince.

But Xiner already has a marriage contract, and the emperor has given him a marriage. The marriage must not be retired, but the fate is that Yun Shaoning still doesn't know where?

A good marriage, but it turned out to be like this, what is this?

Tang Chongjun's eyes flashed as if he had discovered a fortune.

My sister and the sixth prince ...

If the younger sister has followed the sixth prince, it is good that the sixth prince does not have a right concubine now, and that Yun Shaoning doesn't know where to go. If the younger sister really made the sixth concubine's concubine, would it not be more for them it is good.

"I'm hungry and want to eat."

Tang Zixin didn't know what they were thinking or what they were worrying about. She only knew that her stomach was hungry.

Li's mind returned instantly, and he got up and said, "Mother will get you something to eat."

Soon, all three people in the house went out.

Tang Zixin hurriedly called Feng Xi and Huan Huan to give her water. She was going to take a bath, and she felt bad if she didn't wash it.

Over there, Yunzhi Yu and Anshi heard that Tang Zixin had returned to the house safely, and they were relieved. Anshi went to Houfu to visit Tang Zixin in person.

After watching Tang Zixin, An's discussed with Li's marriage.

The two families agreed that as long as the emperor no longer ordered, the marriage of the two would wait for Yun Shaoning to return.

Royal palace, imperial study.

Rong Gong rushed into the palace and reported, "The emperor, the six princes are back."

Murong Shuofeng was instantly happy and said quickly, "Quickly declare."

Murong Wong quickly entered the Imperial Study Room, "See Father Emperor."

Murong Shuofeng pulled Murong up and down looking excitedly, "How are you, are you okay?"

Murong scratched his head and said, "It's okay, I just went the wrong way. I spent the night in the cave last night."

Murong Shuofeng frowned. "With the girl in Jing'anhoufu?"

"Um." Murong Yanjun nodded blushingly.

"You ..." Murong Shuo blushed, and Murong Shuofeng's eyes darkened instantly.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng's misunderstanding, Murong Xu waved his hands in a hurry, "We have nothing, Father Huang, don't misunderstand."

Murong Yan said that he lowered his eyes in guilty conscience.

He likes the woman somewhat, but he also knows that it is impossible for him to marry her. She and his cousin were personally married by the father, and it is not easy to remarry. What should she do in the future?

Looking at Murong Shu's silent expression, Murong Shuofeng's eyes were even more suspicious.

The sixth child is also eighteen, shouldn't it be time for him to choose a daughter-in-law?

Murong Ye looked up at Murong Shuofeng, "Father Emperor, Emperor Brother ..."

"Don't mention that stupid boy to me." Murong Shu said before he finished, Murong Shuo interrupted with a chuckle.

Murong Xu blinked innocently. The father is so angry with the emperor that it seems that the emperor and his cousin are likely to be true.

Looking at Murong Shu's innocent eyes, Murong Shuofeng sighed, "You have been tired for a whole day, go back and rest."


Murong Yu responded, and withdrew from the Royal Study Room.

As soon as Murong Su left, Murong Shuofeng called Zijin, "How about, have you found the Prince and Yun Shizi?"

Zi Jin's eyes flashed lightly, and he knelt down quickly. "The subordinates are incompetent, please the emperor to punish him."

In the past two days, they had to dig through the mountain where His Royal Highness Prince and Yun Shizi disappeared, and found nothing.

Murong Shuofeng was so annoyed that he smashed the tea cup on the table to the ground. "Continue to find him, but get them back anyway."


Zijin responded brazenly, and did not dare to go out to find someone without any delay.

Glen, bamboo house.

After sleeping for a day and a night, Yun Shaoning finally woke up.

Strangely glanced at the location around him, but did not see anyone, Yun Shaoning was sober for a moment, and quickly sat up.


Feeling that his whole body was run over by something, Yun Shaoning got out of bed holding on to his waist.

"Is it really over-indulgence? The waist can't straighten up." Yun Shaoning muttered to himself, and put on his clothes and went out.

"Murongji ..." Yun Shaoning just shouted, and then heard a sound of "slamming".

Yun Shaoning quickly walked to the door of the small kitchen opposite, but saw a mess inside, the entire small kitchen was covered with white dust, only vaguely saw a personal shadow inside.

Yun Shaoning frowned and went in. "What are you doing?"

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