Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 897: Aunt in heaven

"No." Leng Yihan grinds his teeth, removes a bag of high-grade mixed stone from the storage ring and throws it to Baiju.

Zhuo Qingyun also found a stack of silver tickets from her arms and handed them to the beaver.

With mixed stones in his left hand and silver tickets in his right hand, Baiju felt that his life was complete.

"It's still good at home. I have a sense of belonging."

The **** sighed and pushed things into his arms.

Everyone laughed when they heard everything. This is where the family has a sense of belonging, and it is clear that the silver has a sense of belonging.

Bai Tan brought three maids and three beautiful men back to his hometown.

At the middle gate that connects the east and west, the housekeeper Cao had already heard the news and led a group of maids and aunts waiting.

When they saw the raccoon, they immediately bowed down and said, "See the Lord."

The **** looked at the leading steward Cao and laughed with a lip, "Let's get up."

"Xie Junzhu." The slaves stood up.

Because there are not many people in Xifu, there are not many servants in Xifu. Except for the three big maids, Qiwen, Yunzhi, and Qingying, there are only rough maids and young maids who clean the houses. Maids, chefs and cooks in charge of the big kitchen, and guards and gardeners.

Since Baiju killed Shu Xiu one year ago, exposed the affair between Zhao and Sanye, and expelled the people from Zhao and Sanfang, these girls in the house have never dared to make trouble.

Even the housekeeper Cao is now devoted to one's heart and soul, doing his part by himself, for fear that one day the **** will kill him if he is unhappy.

The **** glanced at the servants, and frowned slightly. "Why don't you see Changsheng?"

The steward Cao immediately bowed, "The long guard disappeared shortly after you left?"

The white **** frowned, and Changsheng left? I should go to Grandpa, I do n’t know where he is?

The **** converged his thoughts, and then looked at Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun and instructed the housekeeper, "These two are my friends. They will arrange two rooms for them in the Hayuan. They must be arranged together."

"Yes, the minions are here." The steward Cao responded quickly, and hurriedly arranged.

Leng Yihan stared at the **** with a black line. "Why arrange us together?"

Since it is a guest garden, there should be many rooms.

The **** looked at Zhuo Qingyun and raised an eyebrow and smiled at Leng Yihan. "That is naturally to be together. I'll be looking for you when it is convenient."

Leng Yihan had a black face. "Then just arrange us to your yard. We don't mind the room being smaller."

Beaver rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes at him. "You don't mind, I do."

Some people even minded that she didn't want to ask for help.

Leng Yihan's eyebrows were unconsciously pumped, what do you mind, nor did I live in a yard.

Bai Tan took Mo Beichen and walked away, halfway back, he shouted, "Don't go to Dongyuan, you can go anywhere else."

Leng Yihan looked helpless and had to follow Xiaoyu to Zhuo Qing with Zhuo Qingyun.

Once at the Indus Garden, Qiwen, Cloud Weaving, the green pheasant surrounded the **** together.

"Miss seems to have grown taller."

"Miss is thin."

"Miss is more beautiful."

"Huh, uh, you're all right." Bai Tan responded with a good temper, then pulled Mo Beichen and said, "Come, let me introduce you. This is your future aunt, his surname Mo, you Just call him Lord Mo at will. "

Yun Zhi stared at Mo Beichen dumbfoundedly before smirking with a gaze in his eyes, "My aunt is so beautiful."

Qiwen and Qingying are also amazed by Mo Beichen's stunning looks, but they are still a little sensible.

Looking at Yunzhi's idiot, Qiwen knocked directly on her head.

Yunzhi finally looked back and smiled at the beaver, "Miss also looks good."

After that, I even watched my aunt for a while, and I blame him for being so nice.

The **** did not care, after all, A Mo was really beautiful, and no woman could not be surprised to see him.

"I want to take a bath. Go get me water."


The three of them responded, went to pick up the water, prepared the clothes, prepared the clothes, and brushed the bath barrels, and they quickly opened each.

"Miss, the water is ready." Soon, the three were ready for hot water.

The **** waved, "Let's go out."

Yunzhi and Qingyi immediately bowed down.

Qi Wen still had a leisurely look at the table, and Mo Beichen, who did not want to go out, retreated silently.

After the three went out, the door was closed.

Yun Zhi looked at the closed door, and later realized, "Miss wants to take a bath. Why doesn't Grandpa come out?"

He gave Yunzhi a quirky look, "No **** is allowed."

Yun Zhi froze, and he dared not talk or think in an instant.

Bai Tan walked into the screen, and as soon as he took off his coat, Mo Beichen came in.

"Wash together."

Mo Beichen hugged the **** from behind, gently kissed her neck, and then thoughtfully helped her undress.

Bai Tan patted Mo Beichen's hand delicately, "Don't make trouble, Qiwen are all outside."

Mo Beichen smiled indifferently, "What's the matter, you say I'm an aunt."

Can't tolerate her resistance, Mo Beichen took off her jacket directly, then hugged her into the bath tub.

Looking at his intact black clothes, and then seeing only his bellyband and obscene pants left on him, the **** suddenly stared dissatisfied, "Why take me off like this, you wear so much yourself."

The white raccoon said, and went to pick up Mo Beichen's clothes.

Mo Beichen also did not resist, letting her laugh with a smile.

Soon, the **** stripped his clothes.

Looking at the shadows underwater, the **** was dumbfounded.

Damn, why did he even strip his pants.

Mo Beichen was also not ashamed, looking at the **** with a wicked smile, "Does it look good?"

The **** nodded blankly, and then two nosebleeds slipped from his nose.

Looking at the red halo on the water, the **** finally regained consciousness, and quickly shook his head like a rattle, then his face turned red and his eyes were open, but the light of his eyes was still peeping at the water.

Mo Beichen was directly amused by Bai Ju's lovely look. She hugged her into her arms and raised her head to kiss her.

Baici Qiao flushed her eyes and closed her eyes while enjoying Mo Beichen's kiss while secretly touching his chest with his small hand.

Feeling the soft little hand that moved on the chest, Mo Beichen's lips overflowed with a smile, and she was polite to learn her action for teeth.

The white raccoon moaned softly, and opened his eyes wryly and looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen was completely ignorant, his hands moved constantly, and his mouth moved more enthusiastically.

The accusation was invalid, and the raccoon soon followed the fall. He had no strength to tease him. He could only climb up to him and begged, "Don't make me a fox, and there will be a wind feast at night."

The two took a bath and washed for two hours.

Outside, Qi Wen, Yun Zhi, Qing Qing all looked down with red ears and eyes.

Even if they couldn't hear anything, it was enough for them to think about it for so long.

After two hours of trouble, Mo Beichen finally let go of her kindly when the **** was about to become a little fox.

Looking at his wet plush giant tail, Baiju glanced at Mo Beichen with a grudge.

How did she get out to meet someone like this?

Mo Beichen chuckled and hugged her directly to the bed. "Let's sleep, it's too early anyway."

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