Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 898: The world's first beauty

Under the temptation of Mo Beichen, Baitan really fell asleep.

Xu was really tired from the long journey, and the **** slept into the night as soon as he fell asleep.

Qiwen stayed outside, the more anxious they got, the more they dared not go in, they had to wait outside.

It wasn't until Siqin came to invite someone that Qiwen finally knocked on the door, "Miss!"

The **** woke up stupidly, and just wanted to let her in, but thought of Mo Beichen beside him, and quickly said, "What's the matter?"

Qiwen bowed, "Mrs. Er invited you and Mo Ye to Dongfu for dinner."

The **** looked outside and found that it was dark, and immediately raised an eyebrow, "I see."

As soon as Baitan was about to sit up, a pair of big hands pulled her back.

As soon as Baitan fell to Mo Beichen's chest, he was turned over and pressed directly.

When he saw that he was going to trouble her again, the **** quickly covered his mouth. "My tail was finally closed, and no trouble is allowed."

The **** said, taking the clothes aside, and pleased, "May I help you dress?"

Mo Beichen's eyes jumped over a ray of fire, and his lips twitched, "Help me wear pants."

The **** flushed with a "teng" expression, pushed him away with one palm, threw his clothes to his chest, "wear it by myself."

Before Mo Beichen spoke, the **** jumped out of bed in a panic and hid behind the screen to get dressed.

Mo Beichen looked at her flustered back and laughed again.

Obviously a little fox, but he wants to act as a rabbit.

When the **** gets dressed, Mo Beichen also puts his clothes on.

Seeing Mo Beichen dressed neatly, Baici went to open the door.

"Miss." The trio entered the room together.

"Help me comb my hair." Baitan said as he sat in front of the dressing mirror.

She has n’t had any hairstyles for a long time, it ’s all ponytails, or it ’s just a simple jade pendant or hair band.

"Yes." Yunzhi bowed immediately and combed his hair.

Qiwen and Qingying choose jewelry for the beaver.

Soon, the three dressed up the beaver.

Yunzhi stared at the raccoon with daring eyes. "Miss is so beautiful, it is the first beauty in the world."

Mo Beichen also stared at the **** with a burning gaze.

The **** raised his eyebrows at Mo Beichen and teased, "The world is the first beauty, isn't he?"

This girl just watched A Mo commit idiots.

Yun Zhi looked back at Mo Beichen and immediately blushed, "Miss is the best beauty in the world among women, and uncle is the best beauty in the world among men."

The **** smiled at Yunzhi's head, "it will be poor."

"Let's go."

Baitan pulled Mo Beichen in a good mood and went out together.

Qi Wen and Yun Zhi, Qing Ye also followed the Indus Garden.

Bai Tan originally wanted to go to Keyuan to find Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun. I didn't expect to see them before long.

The second lady also sent someone specially to invite Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun, so they both wanted to come over to Baiju and Mo Beichen. After all, this is their place.

They both had bright eyes when they saw the **** dressed up specially.

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows. Although this woman was a bit greedy for money, she had to admit that she was indeed beautiful, but in his eyes no woman could compare with his Xueer.

Zhuo Qingyun did not have any extra thoughts after an instant appreciation.

The **** saw them and said with a smile, "I just came here, I'm going to find you, let's go together, don't let them wait long."

Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun naturally did not have any opinions, so the **** directly took the three beautiful men to Dongfu.

The second lady prepared a feast for the beavers in the side hall of Dongfu. In addition to Bai Ruxuan, Bai Ruyue, and Bai Yihan brothers and sisters, they also specially invited Xue Qingyu.

The second elder, Bai Tingan, heard that Baiju and Mo Beichen had also returned to the government early in the morning, and they had arrived at the side hall early with the second wife.

When the four beavers entered the side hall, everyone was basically there.

Seeing Bai Tingan, the **** nodded his head slightly, and shouted "second uncle" lukewarmly.

For her second uncle, she is far from having a good opinion of her second concubine.

Bai Ting'an attached great importance to Baijuan, and looked at her with a chuckled smile, "Hexier is back."

Seeing Mo Beichen beside her, he quickly got up and bowed to him, "You are here too."

Mo Beichen nodded still.

Bai Ting'an looked at Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun again, and when they saw that they were both extraordinary, they guessed their identities in their hearts.

Seeing Bai Tingan's thoughts, Baiju looked at Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan and introduced, "These two are my friends, Zhuo Qingyun, Leng Yihan."

Seeing Bai Tan's lack of enthusiasm for Bai Tingan, Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun nodded slightly at him, "Uncle."

Bai Tingan immediately smiled and nodded.

The second lady stood up and looked at Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan. "Zhuo, son, Leng, sit down and talk."

Speaking, looking at Bai Tan and Mo Beichen again, "tan, please sit down."

Bai Tingan also laughed, "Please sit down."

Several people sat down together. Baiju sat next to Bai Ruxuan. Mo Beichen naturally sat next to Bai Juxuan, while Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun were next to each other. They happened to be with Bai Yihan and Bai Ruyue.

When Xiao Xuan'er saw Baitan sitting with her, he immediately leaned in and sat next to Baitan.

The **** rubbed Xiao Xuan'er's head lovingly.

The child didn't seem to be as closed as before, and Eryi really raised her well.

Xiao Xuan'er looked up at the **** and smiled, "The older sister is back, if the grandfather is back, we will be reunited as a family."

The smile on Beaver's face was stiff, and he looked up at Mrs. Er, "Grandpa, he ... still no news?"

The smile on Mrs. Er's face gradually narrowed, and frowning, "We sent people to find a lot of places, and he searched all those places before, but there was no news."

Bai Ting'an also sighed, "I don't know where he went. It's sad to not send a message to his house for such a long time."

Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan both frowned and worried.

Seeing himself changed the atmosphere in the room, Xiao Xuan'er lowered his eyes with guilt.

The **** rubbed her head and laughed, "It's all right, I believe Grandpa will come back in the future."

Soon it will be a family competition. Grandpa will never leave the Bai family.

Xiao Xuan'er looked up at Baitan, "I miss my grandfather."

Although her grandfather was severe, she knew that her grandfather did not hate her.

Beaver smiled softly. "I miss him too, and he will be back soon."

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered lightly, and he also remembered the events of drinking tea and practicing martial arts with his grandfather before, and he still remembers his expression when he promised to enter the burden.

Leng Yihan and Mo Beichen both have some gods. They should be the first **** of cloudscape Bai Qiyuan. Is he not at home?

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