Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, the second lady hurriedly said, "The raccoon is right, the father will definitely come back. Don't say these, let's have a meal."

Bai Ting'an also returned to God and said, "Yes, let's have a meal first, and then we will be cold before we eat."

After Bai Tingan said, he moved his chopsticks first.

Others took chopsticks and started eating.

"Dr. Zhuo and Leng, they are all home-cooked dishes, don't mind." The second lady looked at Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan politely.

Leng Yihan chuckled, "How come, Auntie is very kind."

Everyone moved chopsticks, and Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui entered the side hall.

Seeing that everyone was already eating, Bai Ruomeng stared angrily at Bai Ruoshui, all of this dead girl. If she hadn't been entangled to follow, she would have been late.

Bai Ruoshui did not pay attention to Bai Ruomeng's eyes, she looked at Mo Beichen straight, as if stupid.

She saw Tenjin again, and she looked better than Tenjin.

As if he noticed something, Mo Beichen frowned slightly.

The **** felt his change and raised his eyes in doubt.

When she saw Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, Baijuan frowned frantically, especially Bai Ruoshui's idiot's eyes, which made her very disgusted.

Why are they here? For the two nieces in the second room, she has always had no good impression.

Here Bai Ruyue and Mrs. Er finally noticed Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, all frowned.

Seeing that no one asked them to sit down, Bai Rumeng had to pull her skirt up and put herself forward. "Daddy, mother, sorry, we are late."

Bai Ruyue silently snorted. Whatever came late, the mother did not call them at all. Besides, on such occasions, the niece should not have come over.

Mrs. Er's eyes were also cold, her eyes were silent, as if she did not hear Bai Ruomeng's voice.

When Bai Rumeng made such a noise, everyone instantly looked at her and Bai Ruoshui.

Even Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan subconsciously looked back at Bai Ruomeng.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan's handsome and innocent faces, Bai Ruomeng stayed for a moment.

Good-looking men, by looking at their temperament and dressing, they know that they are extraordinary. She knows that the man that Baitan brought back must be good, and she didn't think she had just been dressed for so long.

Bai Ruo dreamed to reach out and caress her hair.

Looking at Bai Ruomeng's movements, Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan frowned, and at the same time retracted their gazes.

On the other side, Bai Ruyue watched Bai Ruomeng's action of touching the horns just now.

Is this woman okay, hasn't he seen a man? The first time I met, I bowed in front of people.

She should learn from her auntie. Auntie Flower is the actress. She would do the most to seduce her father. Her father also eats her most. Unfortunately, she is only 13 years old. Her actions are not tempting at all, but make people feel funny.

Looking at Bai Ruomeng's actions, Mrs. Er's face was hard to look at.

She is usually the most noble and most dismissive of those little moves that Auntie Hua did in the opera, with small eyes, but she did not expect that Bai Ruomeng was young, but she learned how to seduce her auntie. Miss, they are like tricks.

Bai Tingan didn't think there was anything wrong with Bai Ruomeng's movements, but only saw the two come over without permission, and his face was a little unsightly. But in the end the two were his daughters. Even if they were displeased, they didn't lose their faces and hurried them back.

"Since it's here, just sit down."

The two were overjoyed immediately, and immediately said to Bai Tinganfu, "Thank you father."

When Bai Ting'an left them, Bai Ruyue was instantly upset.

Dad is like that, it's really annoying.

Although the second lady was not happy, she didn't put it on her face, and turned back to the ink painting and knowledge book, "Give me a place for Miss Four and Miss Six."


The two immediately responded, one to move the stool and one to get the cutlery.

When the two finished getting things, they didn't know where to put them.

According to the identity of Miss Four and Miss Six, it is time to sit next to the youngest lady, third lady, and fifth lady, but just now the ladies are sitting casually, the ladies are sitting at the top, and the guests are sitting at the bottom. It seems even more irrational to arrange Miss Four and Miss Six among the male guests.

The second lady also frowned and lost her mind.

Such a banquet should be for men and women. It ’s just that Yueer has always said that they are very familiar with Father Leng and Father Zhuo, as well as the Regent, and often eat together at the same table. There is no need to open two tables. She thought that there were no outsiders anyway, so she just arranged A table for wine.

It was really nothing at all, except that Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui would suddenly come over.

Just when Mrs. Er wanted to arrange people between Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan, Bai Ruyue suddenly stood up. "Since the four and six sisters want to come over for dinner, I'll give you the place."

In a word of Bai Ruyue, the atmosphere on the table instantly became awkward.

Bai Ting'an's complexion was hard to look at right away. He was angry with Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, and he was irritated with Bai Ruyue. He had no tolerance for his sisters.

Bai Ruomeng also stared at Bai Ruyue with a hate.

Whoever asked her to give way to her, she clearly wanted to embarrass her in front of everyone.

Bai Ruoshui stood there unknowingly, as if he didn't quite understand why the atmosphere was bad.

No matter what they thought, Bai Ruyue directly took the stool in ink painting and squeezed between Mrs. Er and Bai Ruxuan. "I'll stay with Xiao Xuaner."

Xiao Xuaner smiled nicely immediately, "That's right, the big sister on the left and the third sister on the right. I'm the happiest tonight."

Bai Juyue and Bai Ruyue both laughed at the same time, Bai Ruyue pinched her little face habitually, "Yeah, yeah, you are the happiest. It hurts me. "

Bai Ruxuan glanced at her with a smile, "Who keeps you out of the house all day and outside, and I'm the only one in the family who is with my aunt, who doesn't hurt me?"

As soon as Bai Ruyue heard this, she glared at Mrs. Er, "Mother, when am I out in Amano?"

His mother always teaches Xiao Xuan Er, and he teaches Xiao Xuan Er badly.

The second lady raised her eyebrows. "Did I say wrong? How many days are you at home?"

Bai Ruyue was speechless and dragged the opposite Bai Yihan, "Why don't you say brother, he's not at home."

The second lady didn't look at Bai Yihan, only clipped chopsticks into Xiao Xuan'er's bowl. "So I don't hurt him either, only Xiao Xuan'er."

Bai Ruyue had nothing to say, okay, Xiao Xuan'er was born, she and her brother were wild.

"Hehehe ..."

Everyone laughed in an instant, and the embarrassing atmosphere had finally eased.

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