Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 900: Stop short

Seeing everyone's attention was all attracted by Xiao Xuan'er and Bai Ruyue, Bai Ruomeng was instantly angry again.

Bai Ruyue was really annoying. She just was jealous of her, afraid that these sons would see her, so she deliberately made her ugly.

Feeling that the atmosphere had eased, Bai Tingan finally had a smile on his face. He lifted his eyes to see that Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui were still standing there, and frowned suddenly again, "Not yet come to sit down."

After listening to Bai Tingan's words, ink painting and Zhishu quickly put stools and tableware beside him.

Bai Ruomeng sat next to Bai Ting'an first. Bai Ruoshui was not as eager as Bai Ruomeng. He only looked at Mo Beichen while sitting in the middle of Bai Ruomeng and Bai Yihan.

After the two sat down, everyone started using chopsticks.

Bai Ruomeng didn't think much about eating, and a pair of childish winks swept around everyone and stayed on Baiju.

Looking at her glorious face, Bai Ruomeng's eyes flashed a moment of jealousy.

She seems to be beautiful again, and is also the daughter-in-law of the Bai family. Why can she look so beautiful?

The white raccoon noticed Bai Ruomeng's eyes, and he didn't look up either, just chuckling the corners of his lips.

Bai Ruomeng retracted his gaze, and for a long time, finally secretly looked at Mo Beichen.

When seeing that beautiful face like the **** of heaven, Bai Ruomeng's heart beating up and down instantly.

He still looks so good, she has never seen the gods in the sky look like, maybe even the gods can't compare to him.

His status is also honorable. The regent of Moxue Kingdom, even the Emperor Zixiao, must pay three points when he sees him.

Such a powerful and handsome man, how many women in this world dream of marrying him.

It's a pity that he is a beaver's man. She originally wanted to be a waiter for him, but the petite woman of beaver's will certainly not let her approach him. He Siyu is the best example.

Bai Ruomeng decided to give up Mo Beichen and looked at Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun.

That person is like the bright moon in the sky, even if it does n’t belong to her, it ’s better to hold the two noble sons. If there is one who can see her, then she can fly to the branch and turn into a phoenix, not to mention that the two are long It looks good too.

If Bai dreamed, he would throw his eyes winking at Lian Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun who slanted the opposite side and frowned his hair.

Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun didn't even notice at first, but the eyes of He Bai Ruomeng were too hot and the magnetic field was too strong.

Neither of them dared to look up, and the food they ate was also chewy.

Bai Ruomeng's obvious movement instantly made everyone present uncomfortable.

Mrs. Er's face was ugly, Xue Qingyan's face was embarrassed, Bai Ruyue was so angry that Bai Yihan's chest hurt, and her face also sank.

There is only Baiju and Mo Beichen, each with a playful face, a totally optimistic expression, and a blank expression, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

With a slam, Bai Ruyue could not help but pat his chopsticks on the table, and raised his eyes and stared at Bai Ruomeng, "I said, can someone please do this with a shameless face, this is not a brothel, but Seduce people not to look at any occasion, any place. "

Show off flirtatiousness at this dinner table, let people not eat?

The sound of chopsticks falling successfully shifted Bai Ruoshui's sight from Mo Beichen to Bai Ruyue. She blinked confusedly, totally unaware of what happened?

Bai Ruomeng was blushed by Bai Ruyue, she looked at Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun who lowered her head, and immediately shook Bai Ting'an's sleeve with shame and anger, "Daddy, look at the third sister . "

Bai Ting'an's face was not good-looking at the moment. Now Bai Ruyue said that Bai Ruomeng's face was even harder to look at, but there were many people on the table and it was difficult to attack. nonsense."

Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Ting'an in disappointment and sneered, "I'm bullshit, sit next to her. Don't tell me that you can't see her actions just now, or you just like to watch them."

Bai Ruyue's ridiculous words instantly annoyed Bai Ting'an. He slammed the table angrily and yelled, "Bai Ruyue, it's enough for me!"

Bai Ting'an's wrath suddenly made the second lady and Bai Yihan cold, and also Bai Ruyue was cold.

Looking at Bai Ting'an's angry face and Bai Ruomeng's proud look, Bai Ruyue suddenly lost her interest in eating, "Don't you just think I'm here to prevent Simei and Liumei from finding husbands?" Then I will leave. "

Bai Ruyue said as soon as he threw the bowl, he got up and went out.

"Three sisters."

Xiao Xuaner quickly put down the chopsticks and chased out.

The scene became awkward again.

Bai Ruomeng looked at Bai Ruyue's back, and instantly stood up like a winner.

Bai Ruyue, what if you are a niece, father is not helping me yet.

Bai Tingan lowered his head, and was angry and angry.

He was so angry that Bai Ruyue had no one in his eyes, and showed no mercy.

He didn't just see Menger's action just now, but he thought that his daughter had reached the age when he should get married, and it was good for the Leng and Zhuo to look at it.

Yuan was not a big deal. If Yueer didn't talk nonsense, how could Menger be so embarrassed.

When Bai Tingan was complaining about Bai Ruyue, Baiju elegantly picked up the parchment and wiped the corners of her mouth, then stood up and said, "I'm full."

Mo Beichen also took a look at Bai Tingan and then stood up.


Seeing that Mo Beichen and Baiju were about to leave, Bai Tingan immediately wanted to open his mouth, but before he spoke, the two turned and left.

Bai Ting'an's face stiffened.

As soon as Bai Tan and Mo Beichen left, they were cold and cold, Zhuo Qingyun, Xue Qingyun couldn't sit still, and the three got up together. "Sorry, we're full too, uncle, aunt slowly eat."

The three did not wait for the second lady and Bai Tingan to speak, and then stood up and left.

Soon there were only five members of the Bai Ting'an family on the table. Bai Yihan wiped his mouth slowly and wiped his mouth. He got up and said, "Four younger sisters, six younger sisters eat slowly."

Bai Yihan turned around without looking at Bai Tingan and his wife.

Immediately angry, Bai Ting angrily slammed the chopsticks on the table, exasperated and said, "Every one has been turned upside down."

The second lady had no expression on her face at this moment, and her heart was cold.

Outside, the cook brought the dishes. The ink painting didn't know if she should serve the dishes, but she could only go to Mrs. Er to ask, "Mrs., do you want the dishes behind?"

The second lady sneered, "Ask you second elder."

After the second lady spoke, she ignored the person and left directly.

Siqin, ink painting they saw the situation, followed one after another.

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