Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 902: She's shameless, I still have a face

The **** smiled and pinched Xiao Xuan'er's face, "Since some people are not hungry, then we two eat."

Xiao Xuan'er's eyes brightened, "Is the older sister brought food?"

Just now, she did n’t have enough to eat, so she ate two chopsticks, and four sisters and six sisters came.

The **** raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, Eryi is afraid that our little Xuaner is hungry, so let the older sister bring food to Xiaoxuaner."

When the **** said, he took Xiao Xuaner to the table, and set out the food in the food box.

Not too many things, four dishes and one soup, just enough for their sisters.

Baitan held a bowl of fish soup and handed it to Xiao Xuan'er, "Xiao Xuan'er, eat more, anyway, your third sister doesn't eat it."

Xiao Xuan'er took a small spoon and drank the fish soup. His eyes were bright and he turned to look at Bai Ruyue. "Come on, sister, this fish soup is delicious."

Bai Ruyue was originally tickled by the beaver, and now listening to Xiao Xuan'er's words, she couldn't sit still.

"Who says I don't eat, I'm not full."

Bai Ruyue sat next to Xiao Xuan'er butt, picking up chopsticks and going to clamp the meat, but Bai Xi took the lead.

The **** ate the meat and looked at Bai Ruyue leisurely, jokingly, "You are not full? How did I just hear someone say that I was too full?"

Bai Ruyue pouted, "I was so full of gas."

Bai Ruyue said she was picking up a prawn, and before she could deliver it to her mouth, Xiao Xuan'er blinked, "The third sister you just said is not angry."

Bai Ruyue was so angry that he threw the prawns into the bowl. "You two still want to be angry with me?"

Baitan glanced at her with a smirk. "Just as you are angry, you are not as sensible as Xiao Xuan'er. What do you care about her like Bai Ruomeng, anyway, her idea is impossible to achieve, you leave her alone That ’s all for the one-man show, we just watch the show. ”

No matter it is Mo Beichen or Leng Yihan, Zhuo Qingyun, Xue Qingyun cannot see her, she will not be angry if she changes her, right to watch the drama.

The **** shook his brows and blackened his face. "It's embarrassing, okay, Bai Ruomeng's woman is my sister. Although she's not a mother, she's a dad. She doesn't have a face, I want a face."

Zhuo Qingyun, cold and cold, Brother Xue is regarded as a friend of her and her brother. Bai Ruomeng has always smirked at them. What would people think of her and how would she think of her and her brother?

Beaver's eyes were dazzling, and he raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Although Ru Yue doesn't like Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, she treats them as sisters, so she is so angry with them.

Just like Xiao Xuan'er, although Bai Ruoyu was a wild species born by Bai Tingrui and Zhao's, Xiao Xuan'er regarded her as her sister. Even if she killed Bai Tingrui and the old lady, she begged her to let her go.

Thinking of Bai Ruoyu, there was a flash of killing in Baiju's eyes.

Anyway, she will account with her sooner or later.

Concealed his emotions, Baitan raised his eyes and smiled at Bai Ruyue, "Don't be angry, eat."

"The fish soup is not bad, you can taste it." Bai Tan said, and filled a bowl of fish soup for Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue took a sip of fish soup, but immediately spit it out, frowning uncomfortably, "It's fishy."

"Is it fishy?" Baitan glanced puzzledly at the fish soup in his hand. She drank it just now, and it tasted okay, basically no smell.

Bai Ruyue frowned and looked at Bai Tan and Xiao Xuan'er, "Don't you feel fishy?"

Xiao Xuaner took a sip of her soup and shook her head. "No, it's delicious, you drink mine."

Xiao Xuan'er passed her bowl of soup to feed Bai Ruyue.

"Nausea ..." It seemed that he smelled something terrible, and Bai Ruyue vomited while covering her mouth.

Looking at Bai Ruyue's appearance, Baijue's heart burst into a sudden.

Wouldn't this girl be ... but why? She is still so young.

The **** looked at her complexion carefully, her hands and belly, the complexion became harder to look.

Xiao Xuan'er was also startled, quickly put down the soup bowl and patted Bai Ruyue back, "Sanjie, are you okay?"

Bai Ruyue waved his hand, "It's all right, it's all right without drinking fish soup."

Xiao Xuaner immediately obediently took the pot of fish soup away.

Bai Ruyue took a deep breath, which made her feel better.

When Xiao Xuan'er saw that her face was not good, she immediately felt relieved and said, "Sister Three, should you ask for a doctor?"

Bai Ruyue shook her head. "No, it's not a big deal. I'm not looking so fragile. Let's eat, I'm starving."

Bai Ruyue said that she ate a lot of food, she was really too hungry.

Seeing that Bai Ruyue was okay, Xiao Xuaner also obediently ate.

The **** glanced at Bai Ruyue indifferently, and asked inadvertently, "Ru Yue, when are you stunned?"

Bai Ruyue swallowed a meal and laughed, "I am the tenth birthday of the first month, and I will be a few days after the New Year."

Thinking of being about to be ready soon, Bai Ruyue felt better.

After the encounter, she is an adult and will be able to marry. If she can't wait for Nangong Huang at that time, she will go to Qingyu to find him.

Beaver's eyes dangled, and a heart suddenly dulled.

Why, why be so stupid?

Baijue was absent-minded, eating dinner with the same taste, Bai Ruyue and Xiao Xuan'er were all happy, eating happily.

After the three had dinner, Bai Ruyue's personal maid, Xing Yu, and cotton mist, took away the food container.

Soon Liu Xue came in again and said, "Miss, Miss Three, Thrush, Qingzhuang is here to pick up Miss Five."

The **** got up and took Xiao Xuan'er's hand, "Big sister will take you back."

Bai Ruyue heard the words and immediately got up and said, "I will go too."

Xiao Xuan'er chuckled, "The older sister and the older sister are afraid that I don't know the way back, they are rushing to send me."

"We are rare you." Bai Ruyue stooped and pinched Xiao Xuan'er's face.

Xiao Xuan'er smiled and blinked, "I know that older sister and older sister treat me well, but I can go back by myself."

She is all eleven, and the older sister and the older sister still treat her like a child.

What the **** thought of, frowned slightly, "If they are not good for you, you can learn whatever you want."

Xiao Xuan'er looked at Beaver gratefully, "Relax, big sister, after they were taught by you last time, they didn't dare treat me badly."

Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly, rubbing Xiao Xuan'er's head, and deliberately exclaiming, "A slave is a slave, who dares to climb on the master's head, and is not wronged to death."

The thrush outside the house, Qingzhuang, Liu Xue, Tao Yun, and others all heard the beaver's words, and they all shook.

Especially Thrush, Qingzhuang, when she was warned by Baiju before, her face was whiter and whiter.

Knowing that the **** was beating the thrush, Xiao Xuan'er squeezed Beaver's hand gratefully. "Xuan'er saves it, big sister, three sister, I'm going back."

Bai Ruyue squeezed her face with a smile, "Go."

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