Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 903: She is pregnant

After Xiaoxuaner left, Baijue pulled Bai Ruyue into the room.

Looking at Bai's mysterious appearance, Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows curiously, "What are you doing? Have something to tell me?"

Baijue didn't speak, she pulled Bai Ruyue's wrist directly to explore her pulse.

Bai Ruyue lingered for a while before reacting to draw back the hand, "I'm not sick, what are you doing for me?"

"do not move!"

The **** frowned, and with a serious expression he pulled Bai Ruyue's hand back again.

Bai Ruyue didn't do it, but when she saw Bai Tan's expression so serious, she couldn't resist, she gave her a pulse.

It took a long time for Baitan to wait until Bairuyue had to wonder if she was seriously ill. Baitan finally let go of her hand.

Beaver frowned and looked at Bai Ruyue seriously.

Bai Ruyue was confused by her. When she saw that she had been looking at her seriously, she suddenly panicked. "You look so scary, shouldn't I have any incurable disease?"

She also feels that her body is strange recently. It seems that there is something wrong. Does she really have any incurable disease?

Bai Ruyue became more and more panicked. When she wanted to ask Bai Zi what illness she had, she listened to Bai Zi and said, "Are you married to Nangong Huang?"

Bai Ruyue's words surprised Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan outside the house at the same time.

Bai Yihan's hand that was supposed to knock on the door momentarily stopped, and his face became ugly.

Bai Ruyue's face was flushed, and her heart was panicking.

The elder sister knew that she and Nangong Huang had a husband and wife, and this medicine is too good!

No, this is not the point. The point is now that the older sister knows this, what should she do?

What Bai Ruyue looks like now, even if she doesn't say it, Baijue knows the answer.

"Why are you so stupid? You haven't gotten too late?" Baiju looked at Bai Ruyue with a sad look on his face.

Outside the house, Bai Yihan's heart also trembled suddenly, and his heart suddenly became painful.

"I ..." Bai Ruyue was in red, his gestures incoherently compared, "No ... I was willing ... No, I forced him ..."

The **** frowned, grasping Bai Ruyue's shoulder and said, "Why don't you always catch the point? No matter who is taking the initiative, you shouldn't be like that, you are not yet adults."

In fact, she has no position to say this, because she has always wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. If it is not forbidden by conditions, she and A Mo must have been married.

However, she was an adult in her previous life. Even if she was only fifteen years old, she could have married as an adult at the age of fifteen, and she was already in her twenties. In addition, Amo was an adult, She didn't have so much scruples.

But they are different. Whether it is Ru Yue or Nangong Huang, they are too young.

Bai Ruyue dropped his shoulder suddenly, "I know, but he's leaving, maybe I will never see him again, so we ..."

Baitan twisted her eyebrows. "It's because you might never see each other again, so you can't do this ..."

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Baitan's words stopped abruptly.

"Brother ..." Seeing Bai Yihan at the door, Bai Ruyue's face turned pale instantly.

The **** also frowned with a headache. After the elder brother's control, he must go and chop Nangong Huang.

Bai Yihan walked in front of Bai Ruyue with a black face, and mutely said, "He really touched you?"

"Brother ..." Bai Ruyue was frightened by Bai Yihan's expression, and muttered a sentence, his head was blank, and he could not say a word.

Bai Yihan's face grew darker for a moment, and he gritted his teeth, "I went to chop him."

Bai Yihan said and turned to rush out.

"Brother ..." Bai Ruyue was anxious, and quickly took hold of him, anxiously, "It's really none of his business, it's my initiative. If you want to kill, kill me."

"Let go ..." Bai Yihan frowned, pushing Bai Ruyue's hand firmly, but Bai Ruyue refused to let go.

Looking at the stubborn brothers and sisters, Baijue squeezed her eyebrows with a headache and suddenly said, "Don't make trouble, Ruyue is pregnant."

Bai Yihan's body stiffened, and Bai Ruyue paused for a moment.

For a long time, the two people looked back at Baiju together and asked in unison, "What are you talking about?"

The **** wind raised her eyebrows lightly, and put a chin on Bai Ruyue's belly, "She is pregnant."

In a word, Baijue made Bai Ruyue's legs soft and she would fall to the ground.

Bai Yihan subconsciously supported her, and her head was blank.

The **** seemed to be afraid of not stimulating them enough, and then uttered quietly, "And it is twins."

Their heads buzzed as if they were hit by something.

It took a while for Bai Ruyue to go back and touch his belly with a shrew.

She is pregnant, and she even has his child. No wonder she has always felt fat recently, and she is particularly able to eat and sleep. God is really good to her.

Bai Yihan also stared blankly at Bai Ruyue's belly, it took a long while to return to God to help her sit down.

Bai Tan and Bai Yihan stood together in front of Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue touched his belly and glanced at the two.

The **** raised an eyebrow. "Look at you, you want to keep them."

"Of course." Bai Ruyue answered without thinking, looking at Bai Tan and Bai Yihan firmly, "I must leave them."

This is her and Nangong Huang's children, and she will definitely not want them.

The **** raised his eyebrows. "I have no opinion."

The child is innocent, she is a healer, and she does not agree with letting the innocent child go.

Seeing Bai Jue's opposition to her thoughts, Bai Ruyue relieved and looked at Bai Yihan.

Bai Yihan frowned, looked at Bai Ruyue's belly in a tangled manner, and said, "Have a good rest," and then turned out.

Bai Ruyue stared blankly at Bai Yihan's back and looked sadly at Baiju, "Brother, does he disagree with me leaving the child?"

Baitan rubbed Bai Ruyue's head comfortably, "Did you not know Big Brother yet?"

Bai Ruyue blinked confusedly, did not understand the meaning of Baiju.

Beaver lip, "He will never let you have no children."

The eldest brother is a sister-in-law. Where is she willing to let Ru Ru be hurt?

Bai Ruyue's eyes lit up, "Really? Brother really thinks so."

The **** chuckled, "Relax, he should come to see you tomorrow."

The elder brother was just too nervous just now, he was too nervous to know how to face Ru Yue and how to face Ru Yue's children. When he clears up tomorrow, he will come to take care of Ruyue like a dad.

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