Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 905: No one but the moon can understand his sorrow

Xue Qingyi said, and before Bai Yihan answered, she overthrew the idea.

Maybe not. He was fine just when he left. Did he go to Qifu for a while, and argue with Qi girl.

Bai Yihan didn't speak and kept drinking.

Xue Qing had no choice but to hold a glass and drink with him silently.

After drinking the whole altar, Bai Yihan directly emptied the empty altar to the stone table. The sound of a "bang" immediately frightened Xue Qingyu, but he did not expect that he was still behind.

"She's pregnant." Bai Yihan held the wine jar, drunk and authentic.

Xue Qingyu stayed for a moment, didn't she? Qi Ziling was pregnant?

Bai Yihan doesn't seem to be doing such unreliable things, how could he ...

Looking at Bai Yihan's stunned look, Xue Qingyan swallowed his mouth and comforted, "That ... that's OK, just marry in advance."

Anyway, they have a marriage contract, and it is understandable to marry in advance. If you want to come to the second wife's nature, you should not mind it too much. Besides, did the emperor let them marry in advance?

Bai Yihan listened a little, and frowned at Xue Qing, saying, "I am talking about Bai Ruyue."

"Cough ..." Xue Qing sipped the wine in his mouth momentarily, coughing desperately twice, and then he stayed like a chicken, "You say Ruyue ... is pregnant ..."

Bai Yihan didn't speak, and looked at Mingyue in the air faintly expressing his sorrow.

No one except the moon can understand his sorrow. He treats his sister well and is run away by others. Can he not be sad?

Xue Qing stunned for a while before she recovered her voice, shocked, "Is it Nangong Huang?"

A word provoked Bai Yihan for a while.

Xue Qingyan swallowed, and laughed, "It must be."

I didn't expect that his future sister-in-law was so fierce that he didn't even start after thinking about it. He even had children.

Xue Qing took a sip of wine and suppressed the shock in her heart before she said, "What now?"

If Qi Qi was pregnant, it would be easy to get married, and it would be good if she married directly. Now Ru Yue is pregnant, and Nangong Huang is far away in Qingyuan. What should I do?

Bai Yihan looked up brightly and sighed quietly, "If you have a way to contact the other side, tell them the news."

Although he was reluctant to marry her so early, he was even more reluctant to let her stay here and let those people swear.

Xue Qingxi nodded, Ru Yue was pregnant, Nangong Ying and Nangong Huang really should know this.

Bai Yihan didn't stay much. After drinking that altar, he went back.

Xue Qingxuan wanted to send him, but he didn't let it. Xue Qingxuan had to find two young sisters to **** him back.

As soon as Bai Yihan left, Xue Qingxi wrote to Nangong Ying.

When the two separated before, Nangong Sakura gave him the Iron Eagle who had been sending letters.

After writing the letter, Xue Qingyi folded the letter into a paper roll and tied it to the iron eagle's feet.

After feeding Iron Eagle, Xue Qingyu let it go.

Watching Tie Ying disappear into the night sky a little, Xue Qingyu's heart rose.

I don't know when they will meet again.

Baifu, Mingyue Xuan.

After a good night's sleep, Bai Ruyue slept directly until she woke up naturally.

Xing Yu, Cotton Mist came in with the basin. "Miss, you are awake, slaves are waiting for you to freshen up."

Xing Yu took the basin into the atrial chamber, and Cotton Mist used to help Bai Ruyue get dressed.

When she saw Mian Wu, she had to help her dress. Bai Ruyue quickly took the clothes in her hand and said, "Don't tell me to dress for me, I'll do it myself."

She's not a child, wouldn't she wear clothes?

Bai Ruyue dressed neatly with her hands and feet, and went to the ear room to freshen up.

Knowing that Bai Ruyue didn't like them to serve, Xing Yu Mianwu prepared the things and retreated out obediently.

Bai Ruyue was groomed and went to Qionghua Garden.

As soon as I arrived at Qionghuayuan, I saw the doctor walking out with his medicine box on his back.

The doctor saw that Bai Ruyue quickly bowed and left.

Bai Ruyue frowned, went into the courtyard and looked at Zhishu, "What's going on? Is your mother sick?"

Zhishu pouted, and looked angrily to the west, "I'm not angry with Xiyuan yet."

"What's wrong?" Bai Ruyue frowned even more.

As soon as the Zhishu was about to answer, Dan was glanced sideways.

The Zhishu shrugged his lips and stopped talking.

Seeing the two people playing a maze, Bai Ruyue's doubts deepened.

What the **** happened, and how did those two get so angry?

Shan Yan looked at Bai Ruyue with a smile and said, "Nothing, Miss Three is here to greet his wife, please come in."

Dan Zhe said, and closed the curtain for Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue frowned, and stooped into the room.

Smelling the medicine in the room, Bai Ruyue's brow could not help wrinkling.

Inside, the second lady was lying on the big pillow, and Siqin was feeding medicine.

Seeing Bai Ruyue coming, the second lady quickly got up, "Yueer is here."

Bai Ruyue walked over and pressed the second lady back to the big pillow. "Mother, don't get up if you are sick."

The second lady chuckled, "Mother is okay, but she has a head wind sickness and has a headache."

Bai Ruyue took the medicine bowl in Siqin's hand and said, "Go down, give it to me here."

"Yes." Siqin immediately got up, blessed herself towards Bai Ruyue and his wife, and retreated respectfully.

Bai Ruyue sat by the bed and scooped up a spoonful of soup and medicine to feed Mrs. Er.

The second lady gladly accepted the rare and considerate thoughts of her daughter and drank half a bowl of medicine in cooperation.

Bai Ruyue put down the medicine bowl and wiped his mouth with a papa, helping the second lady. "Say, how are those two angry with you?"

The second lady glanced at Bai Ruyue, her eyes darkened instantly, and she sighed softly, "Aunt Hua is pregnant."

Bai Ruyue frowned frantically, and two clusters of angry little flames ignited instantly in her eyes.

No wonder my mother is so sad, Dad is too much.

"I'm going to find father."

Bai Ruyue was getting more and more angry. She got up and went out, but was pulled by Mrs. Er, "No fuss is allowed."

Bai Ruyue turned around and looked at Mrs. Er, "Mother, Dad is such a willful act, you just leave him alone."

Looking at Bai Ruyue's screaming look, the second lady suddenly chuckled, "What kind of willful behavior is he? Is there an aunt at home who doesn't let him sleep?"

He had been in her room for some time before, but this man did n’t steal it. After a long time, he ran back to Xiyuan again, but as long as he did n’t go out When the mess came, she opened her eyes and closed her eyes, anyway, she never expected that he could only keep her one.

Bai Ruyue frowned. "But ..."

The second lady patted her hand comfortably, took her to sit down, "It wasn't the first one to get out anyway, and the mother didn't care anymore."

The niece has two, even if there is another bitch.

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