Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 906: Want to be pregnant

Bai Ruyue's face was dark, and she looked at the second lady with some distress, "I don't care if you are still ill."

Mother-in-law definitely cares. How can any woman care about this? Remember that when Auntie Hua was pregnant with her fourth child, the mother-in-law was also sad for a long time. At that time, she was still young and didn't know how to comfort her. She could only spend time with her brother. Accompany her. Later, Aunt Ruan was pregnant, and her mother seemed to be numb.

The second lady took a deep breath and squeezed Bai Ruyue's hand. "Where does the mother care about this?"

She is not the third lady. If she has been paying attention to these things, I am afraid she will not be able to live on.

She used to care about it when she was young, but then she also figured out, where is this not so big family, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law.

But she didn't fight, her mother-in-law didn't look down on her, and she didn't move forward. The auntie contended for favor, and she let them fight. The maidservants were born one after another. She didn't care about it. Strangle, and do the duty of a mother.

She only needs to guard her pair of children, as long as he does not affect the interests of her children, she opens and closes everything he does. Fortunately, in these years, there are still some couples in love. He did not do anything extraordinary, but this time ...

The second lady gave a sigh, and then she cried.

"The woman fell down yesterday and was diagnosed with a pregnancy. The doctor said that she was not very stable and showed signs of miscarriage. She knew that Tanuki had good medical skills and wanted her miscarriage, but she herself Don't dare to look for Tanuki, just call your father to come to me. "

The second lady said, she was a little excited, "Your dad is really sorry to come to me and ask me to ask for medicine for his auntie. Does he still have a half position in his eyes? I didn't respond, you Dad was upset, and went out with no expression. "

With that, Madam Er's expression was a little sad again.

She thought that their husband and wife for more than 20 years had a bit of affection, but it turned out that she was not as important as a little sister-in-law and a sister-in-law in his heart.

Bai Ruyue also screamed, "Dad is too much, and that woman, if you have the ability, go to the elder sister to ask, why would you ask your mother?"

Just a little sister-in-law, why is she so arrogantly asking for her elder sister's medicine? Does she know how much she can sell for a medicine? Why give her a little bite to eat.

Bai Ruyue said more and more angry, stood up and said, "No, I have to go to the big sister, so that she can't give them medicine."

Bai Ruyue talked and rushed out without waiting for the second lady to speak.

"Yueer!" The second lady yelled quickly and chased to the door, but saw that she had run away.

The second lady sighed lightly and did not chase forward.

Yueer said that the wind was rain, but she wasn't worried. The raccoon girl was more sensible than Yueer, and she had a sense of doing things. If she was not given medicine, she would be able to consider it, and she could not control it.

The second lady thought and went back to lying again.


Auntie Hua also sullenly lay on the bed, holding Bai Ting'an's hand, "Master, please ask Madam again. The wife has such a good relationship with the county master, and the county master will definitely give his wife face."

Bai Ting'an was a little annoyed by the soft and hard foam of Auntie Hua, but she didn't dare to get angry with her anymore, she could only say, "Isn't the doctor saying that it's okay for the time being, and gave birth control pills, you should drink two pairs first, if it is true No, we'll go to her again. "

When I heard Bai Ting'an asked her to take a birth control pill, Auntie Hua's face turned off instantly. "Master, it's difficult to drink the pill. Where can I take the pill? It's easy to eat. Besides, there is no money for her. "Why can she give it to the wife of the Dingguo government, but not to her family?"

Now that Baodan Dan is readily available, why should she go and drink that ineffective fetal pill.

The fool's miscarriage, all the women in the imperial city, went crazy, even if it is difficult to find anything, it is not an exaggeration. She wants a few to come over. If she can't finish the food, she can still pay it back, just sell it. One is richer than Baifu.

With a pig face swollen on the side, Bai Ruomeng said, "Yes, Dad, older sister is very generous to outsiders, but she is mean to my family."

Bai Ting'an's eyes flashed, as if considering the words of their mother and daughter.

Seeing this, Auntie Hua quickly said, "Master and wife are the elders of the county master. You will not refuse to say that you are the master. Master, you are naturally a bad man. You ask your wife to ask, the relationship between the county master and the wife is good. As long as the wife speaks, the sheriff will give it. "

Bai Ting'an frowned, his expression more and more tangled.

Auntie Hua immediately caressed his chest again and said, "The body will be grateful to the wife. When the body is safe to give birth to the child, she will be held in the name of the wife to support the wife, so that the master has two sisters."

Bai Ting'an's eyes were bright, looking at Aunt Hua's belly, and she looked forward to it even more.

He has fewer children and fewer sons. There is only one sister-in-law. If there is one more sister-in-law, it would be better. Rarely is Cai Feng so savvy. If the wife knows that she is willing to raise the child in her name, Will certainly be happy.

Seeing that Bai Tingan kept silent, Bai Ruomeng couldn't stand it anymore, and he stood up and said, "Isn't it just a bottle of medicine? If this is my mother-in-law, if I go, I won't believe that Beaver will not give me."

Bai Rumeng said aggressively and ran out.

"Menger, come back to me."

Auntie Hua shouted anxiously, but Bai Ruomeng could still hear it.

Auntie Hua gritted her teeth and stared at Bai Ruomeng with a grudge.

Can this **** girl just get medicine? She thought the **** was still a fool. Originally, everything was going to be successful, and the second elder was about to be moved to find his wife, but now he has lost a lot of money.

West House, Indus Garden.

Mo Beichen went to Keyuan to find Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun, while Baijue prepared the elixir and sent it to Bai Ruyue.

"Miss, Miss Three ..."

Before the words of Qiwen Baobao were finished, Bai Ruyue rushed in, "Big Sister."

The **** glanced at Bai Ruyue, waving at Qiwen and Yunzhi, "You all go out."

"Yes." The couple bowed immediately.

The **** thought to them and said to them again, "No need to guard at the door, go to the big kitchen and stew two cups of bird's nest, and get some side dishes."


The three responded, bowed and retreated, and closed the door for the two, and went to the large kitchen together.

The **** looked at Bai Ruyue's look of anger, raised an eyebrow, "What's the matter, so angry, brother said you again?"

It shouldn't be. Seeing what the older brother looked like yesterday, it should be accepted.

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