Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 907: Paper wrapped fire

Bai Ruyue sat next to the beaver, angrily, "Not my brother, but my father."

"Second Uncle?" Baitan frowned. Did the Second Uncle know that it was troublesome.

Bai Ruyue thought about it, and gritted his teeth again, "It's not my father, it's that auntie flower."

The **** was completely circled, "What the **** is going on?"

After a while, my uncle and my aunt spent a lot of time on her.

Bai Ruyue sat next to Beaver, but said unhappy, "Auntie Hua is pregnant."

The **** stayed for a while, before returning to God.

Auntie Hua was also pregnant. This rich man was amazing. The son and daughter were getting married, and the father had to have children.

Bai Ruyue pouted and looked at the beaver, "Did you say that my dad was abominable, he's too old, and he still doesn't take heart all day, it always makes my mother sad."

"Erh, she's okay."

Seeing Bai Ruyue angry, Bai Jue poured a cup of tea for her.

"What's the matter, okay, the head wind is off, and he's taking medicine in the room."

Bai Ruyue took the tea and drank it in one breath.

The **** frowned, "It's so serious, I'll show her later."

Bai Ruyue pouted, and said angrily, "It's not all my father's annoyance. You don't know that auntie Hua is too much. She wants your baby-dan, and she doesn't dare to ask for it. Find my mother, and let my mother ask for her. "

The beaver's eyes flashed lightly, and Auntie Hua wanted her miscarriage, and her appetite was not small.

Outside the room, Bai Ruomeng entered the Indus Garden with a familiar approach. When no one was guarded in the courtyard, he hurriedly came to the main house. As soon as he walked under the window, he heard Bai Ruyue's angry voice and paused.

"My dad really went to see my mother and asked my mother-in-law to ask his sister-in-law for medicine, which made me mad."

The **** raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the second wife was so sick. The second uncle was indeed too much. He knew that the second wife's temperament was the most upright and unwilling to ask for help. Even if she was pregnant herself, she would not necessarily come to her , The second uncle even asked her to help her aunt to get medicine, this is to hit her on the face naked, no wonder she will get mad.

Bai Ruyue said more and more angry, holding Bai Tan's hand solemnly, "Big sister, no matter who comes to you for elixir from there, you can't give them."

When Bai Ruomeng heard Bai Ruyue's words, he was instantly angry.

Bai Ruyue, a slut, even if she doesn't help, she is still making troubles behind her. The aunt in her aunt's belly is also her brother and sister. How can she be so vicious?

The **** wickedly lip, "I do not care why you are pregnant, I don't have such anxiety."

Auntie Hua is good at calculating, but why does she use her elixir? It's ridiculous.

Bai Ruyue's anger disappeared. "It's almost the same, just can't give them, let them villain get the will."

If the elder sister really gave them Baotai Dan, then Auntie Hua and Ruo Meng Bai could not figure out how to show off to her mother, and they must not be allowed to bully their mother again.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Ruomeng was instantly irritated.

Bai Juer, Bai Ruyue are both sluts. What's so great?

The **** patted Bai Ruyue's hand gently, soothing, "Okay, don't you get angry, always angry is not good for the child?"

After hearing this, Bai Ruyue was instantly scared. "Really? That's bad, I've been angry lately."

The **** raised her eyebrow. "That's why you control it. The temper of a pregnant woman will become irritable, as long as you control it yourself."

Bai Ruyue touched his belly and nodded, "I try to control."

In fact, she didn't want to lose her temper, but sometimes it was really uncontrollable, such as the Bai Ruomeng and Auntie Hua, and her father, which was simply too irritating.

child? Pregnant?

Bai Ruomeng blinked blankly outside the window, what does that mean? Did Bai Ruyue have it?

Bai Ruo dreamed of dropping his ears to the wall with excitement.

"These are all tires?"

"Well, I made it for you according to your constitution. Remember to eat."

"Too much."

"You are in good health, one capsule a day is enough."

"Thank you, big sister."

Bai Ruomeng's lip corner evoked a vicious smile and quietly exited the yard.

Huh, since Bai Ruyue is not kind, don't blame me for being wrong.

As soon as Bai Ruomeng left, the window was opened.

The **** looked at Bai Ruomeng's excited back, squinting slightly, "I really let her go like this?"

Bai Ruyue smiled bitterly, "Why, you still want to kill her?"

The **** raised his eyebrows, "If you can't get it, I can help you."

Ru Yue is her sister, she has never regarded her as a sister.

Bai Ruyue pouted, "Forget it, go with her. I can't hide it for a long time, just know it early and late."

Since Bai Ruo dreams of propaganda, let her propagate.

The paper bag can't hold the fire, it always comes.

Baiju looked at Bai Ruyue seriously, "You are not afraid at all."

If this matter is really publicized, one can imagine how unpleasant it will be spread by people outside.

Bai Ruyue hooked her lips. "What are you afraid of? I am a willing child for my beloved life."

Then, she gently stroked her belly again, and said gently, "They are all my pride, the greatest achievement of my life, not my shame. I have nothing to fear."

Before she was lonely, not afraid, not to mention they are still there.

Bai Jue fixedly looked at Bai Ruyue's eyebrows full of mother's love, and there was a touch of movement in her eyes.

She seems to have grown up overnight, and whether she will become a qualified mother in the future, she is a good mother.

The **** patted Bai Ruyue's shoulder gently. "Relax, there is nothing about me."

When she is here, she will never let her go. She and her children will take care of her.

"Big sister ..." Bai Ruyue fluttered into the beaver's arms reddishly.

The **** chuckled her head and smiled, "Okay ..."

As soon as the **** was about to speak, there was a knock on the door. "Miss, the bird's nest you want is stewed."

Beaver raised his eyes. "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Qiwen, Yunzhi, and Qingying each came into the house with trays.

Putting everything in place, the three talented people retreated aside respectfully.

Baijue took Bai Ruyue to the table and said, "Let's eat first and go and see Er'ao in a while."


Bai Ruyue nodded obediently and tasted the food.

Since she became pregnant, she has really become fond of eating. Even things she did not like before, she now likes to eat.

Everyone said that the girl doll was greedy, and it is estimated that there must be a girl doll in both of her stomach.

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