Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 914: I was wrong but i don't regret

Looking at Bai Ruyue's firm expression, the second lady seemed to see her appearance when she was pregnant. For her own child, she is not afraid of anything.

Now that her child has grown up, she has her own child and knows how to work for her child.

Although all this was much earlier than she expected, but that didn't change anything, she was still her silly girl and still her heart treasure.

The second lady's eyes gently touched Ru Rubai's red and swollen face, "Mother accompanied you."

Knowing that the mother was hurting herself, Bai Ruyue's nose was sore, and she flew into her arms. "Mother, I'm sorry!"

The second lady caressed her hair with pity, and said gently, "Silly girl, there is nothing to be sorry for, as long as you don't regret it, you can justify yourself."

Bai Ruyue dropped a tear and hugged the second wife tightly. "I don't regret it."

No matter what happened in the future, she did not regret her decision.

Shan Zhan looked at the mother and daughter and let go of tears.

Bai Dong was also touched, and it was awkward to stand there.

Fortunately, the mother and daughter did not last long, and followed him.

Seeing that Mrs. Er and Bai Ruyue really went to the ancestral hall with Bai Dong, Shan Yan quickly instructed Siqin, "Go and find the young master."

"it is good."

Siqin was in a hurry, and went to Bai Yihan in a hurry.

Shan Yan and Xing Yumianwu both hurried to the shrine.

When the second lady and Bai Ruyue arrived at the ancestral hall, the ancestral hall was already full of people, Auntie Hua and Aunt Ruan, Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui were all outside, and there was a kind of lively little maid and maid.

The rules of the Bai family, the aunt and his aunt could not enter the ancestral hall, and even the maidservants could only enter when they worshiped their ancestors and made mistakes.

The maids and Xiaoyi are even more unable to enter. Usually, only the Bai surname Xiaoyi can do the house cleaning.

The second lady glanced coldly at those little sisters-in-law and maids who looked at the lively, and those people immediately dropped their heads in fear.

The second lady narrowed her eyes slightly, and went straight into the shrine without seeing Aunt Hua or them.

In the shrine, Bai Ting'an was waiting for Bai Ruyue, and when she saw the second lady coming along, she frowned suddenly, "Why are you here?"

The second lady looked blankly at Bai Ting'an Road. "The second grandfather will punish my daughter, and I will come to see if I am a mother."

The second lady's cold and hot attitude instantly annoyed Bai Tingan.

Glancing at Bai Ruyue behind her, Bai Ting'an was even furious. "Bai Ruyue, don't kneel yet."

Bai Ruyue also did not resist, and straightly knelt towards the ranks of the ancestors of the ancestral hall.

Bai Tingan stared at Bai Ruyue angrily, "You know what's wrong."

Bai Ruyue's back was straight, and he didn't look at Bai Tingan. He only looked at those rankings. "I was wrong, but I don't regret it."

Bai Tingan was instantly angry, "You are a mess, you do n’t know how to deal with people with insults, and you do n’t repent."

Seeing that Bai Ting'an was angry, both Auntie Hua and Auntie Ruan both looked good-looking.

At this moment, the second lady was completely desperate for Bai Tingan.

She thought he was a little bit worried about Yue Er. After all, it was the child she had born for his hard work, but now it seems that he has no care.

"I don't know honesty, I am intimate with others" Is this a father's blame for his daughter? Even if it is heard, it should not be said, let alone in such a situation, in front of so many people.

Bai Ruyue frowned displeasingly, "I have no ignorance of shame, nor do I have a private relationship with others."

Bai Tingan gasped out of breath, "You're still hard-mouthed, Bai Dong invites family rules."

Bai Dong couldn't bear to look at Bai Ruyue, "Erye ..."

Seeing Bai Dong not moving, Bai Tingan immediately looked at Bai Yang, "You go."

Bai Yang had no choice but to look down and took the long whip from the red post. "Second Lord."

Bai Tingan grabbed the long whip and threw it off Bai Ruyue's back.

The second lady frowned, but did not move.

It is not that she did not protect her. This is her own choice. Since she chose to come to the shrine, she should know what kind of punishment will be.

She is also giving herself a chance to completely die.

Outside, some people couldn't bear it, some people were worried, some people were gloating, some people gave pointers, and Mrs. Er took everyone's expression in her eyes, waiting for the final outbreak.

"Pop!" With a whistle, the long whip was dropped, and the skin flickered instantly, but Bai Ruyue didn't feel the pain.

She squinted her eyes and saw Bai Yihan, who was behind her, instantly reddened her eyes, "brother ..."

Everyone was instantly fooled by Bai Yihan, who suddenly rushed in.

When did the young master come in? They hadn't seen anything just now, and people were already inside.

When they saw Bai Yihan, they were all relieved, but Auntie Hua and Aunt Ruan were disappointed.

While the second lady was relieved, she was also distressed by Bai Yihan.

Both were the meat that fell from her, and she felt bad about which one she hit.

Bai Ting'an also stayed. It took him a while to return to God. He looked at Bai Yihan with some distress, "What are you doing here?"

Bai Yihan endured the pain and looked coldly at Bai Ting'an Road. "I didn't optimistic about my sister. If you want to punish, just punish me."

Bai Ting frowned angrily, "Excuse me, you give me a break! I must learn this lesson today."

Hearing a bitter girl, Bai Yihan was also angry. "She is pregnant, hit me if you want to fight."

Bai Ting'an was red-eyed and gritted his teeth, "You really think I dare not hit you."

After speaking, Bai Tingan threw his whip at Bai Yihan.

"Pop!" Was another flesh.

Bai Ruyue suddenly turned to tears and hugged Bai Yihan, tears, "brother ..."

"do not move!"

Bai Yihan endured the pain and held Bai Ruyue tightly in his arms.

The more Bai Yihan defended Bai Ruyue, the more angry Bai Tingan was. "A kind mother, many defeated children, this bad girl is so spoiled by you."

"Slap! Slap! Slap ..."

The sound of dozens of whip flesh flickered, and everyone was scared.

Bai Yihan didn't say a word, but Bai Ruyue was crying out of breath.

Every whip of Bai Tingan seemed to hit the second lady's heart, and every time he hit her, she let her heart die.

Auntie Hua and Auntie Ruan were a little disappointed at first, but now they see Bai Ting'an beating Bai Yihan so hard, they feel relieved.

Bai Ruomeng, in particular, hated Bai Ruyue and Bai Yihan for a long time.

Obviously she is also his sister, but he has never seen him care about her. In his eyes, there has always been only Bai Ruyue's sister, and she and Bai Ruoshui are only air.


Just when Ba Ting-an hit his red eyes, an angry voice suddenly came.

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