Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 915: The child's fatherhood is noble

The people turned around instantly, and saw that Baiju and Bai Ruxuan came over with Qi Wen, and they immediately gave way.

Bai Tan and Bai Ruxuan stepped into the ancestral hall, while Qiwen and them all stayed outside.

When Bai Jue and Bai Ruxuan entered the ancestral hall brightly, Bai Ruomeng's dark eyes flashed a moment of jealousy.

Obviously they are both Bai's daughters, so they can enter the ancestral hall, but she and Bai Ruoshui can only enter when they worship the ancestors.

Bai Ruoshui directly scolded the Bai family ancestor who made the family rules in his heart.

Seeing Bai Yihan's crisscrossed bloodstains and Bai Ruyue's eyes red like a rabbit, Baijuan was instantly angry.

"What is Uncle No. 2? What did she do wrong? I need you to be so angry."

Although polite, the voice was full of anger.

When the **** came over, the second lady's heart settled.

do not know why? She always feels that there is nothing that this girl can't solve in this world, as long as she is there, she can be at ease.

When Bai Ting'an saw the beaver, he was surprised, "Where are you, beaver?"

Baitan looked up at Bai Ting'an. "I heard that Ru Yue had made a mistake and shocked the second uncle to open the ancestral hall. Tanzi came over to take a look."

When I heard that Baitan came for Bai Ruyue, Bai Tingan's face suddenly cooled down. "There is nothing to look at. This inverse girl and the others have cherished wild seeds. I naturally want to open a shrine as the head of the family."

Bai Ting'an held his head upright and said that justice was stunned, while Madam Er and Bai Yihan were cold.

The **** was completely angry, "Who says Ru Yuehuai is a wild species?"

Leng Yue's voice carried Mars, and there was no concession because the other party was an elder.

Bai Tingan frowned. As soon as she was about to speak, Auntie Flower couldn't help with the weird yin and yang. "Miss Miss said that Ms. San was pregnant before she got married. Isn't it a wild seed?"

It ’s so funny, I do n’t know what they ’re dragging. A girl who is not married is pregnant. If you change it, you have to lift the dip cage, but they ’re good, one by one, and very reasonable. Looks shameless.

Baitan didn't even look at the auntie flower outside the shrine, only raised her chin proudly, "When did the Baijia shrine get a little sister to speak?"

In a word, Bai Ting'an and Auntie Hua both turned black at the same time.

Auntie Hua stiffened her face, and resigned her neck, "Why can't I talk? I didn't say it inside."

She was standing outside, the fool would not let her go.

The **** smiled coldly, and looked at Auntie Hua with an evil look. "Knowing that I don't even have the qualifications to enter the shrine, just shut me up."

"You ..." Auntie Hua was so angry for a moment, but she had no choice but to look at Bai Ting'an with grievance.

Bai Tingan originally thought that Auntie Hua had lost his face, so where would she help her out.

Seeing that Bai Ting'an ignored her, Auntie Hua suddenly turned her eyes red and glared at the beaver.

Damn fool, is it great to be able to enter the shrine? Sooner or later one day she will be able to enter the Baijia Ancestral Hall in a fair and honest manner.

The **** bird is not a birdie aunt either. She turned around and swept everyone around, raised her chin and said, "I repeat, Ru Yue's belly is not a wild species, and the child's fatherhood is distinguished. You people give He doesn't even match his shoes. If I hear the word wild again in the future, I will make him look good. "

In the last sentence, I was powerful and full of prestige, so that the maids and young sisters outside the theater were immediately afraid of lowering their heads.

Aunt Ruan's lowered eyes blinked slightly.

Is the child's fatherhood distinguished? Who are the children in these three ladies? Which prince is it?

No, if the prince is the emperor, it is impossible for the emperor to ignore it. It is even more impossible for this young lady to let Miss Three just sit on such a reputation and ignore it.

When Auntie Hua heard this, she hummed disdainfully.

What kind of status is distinguished? Only a fool can believe this. If it is a distinguished nobleman, how can he let his blood flow out.

The second lady frowned slightly, and looked at Bai Ruyue, who was crying and red-eyed, and her heart twitched.

I'm afraid she's a silly girl who doesn't care what the other person is. Since she is willing to conceive a child for that person, she must really love him.

Bai Ting'an's words also made Bai Ting'an a little uneasy. Is this child's father really a distinguished person? If this is the case, it is really difficult to deal with it at will.

Bai Ting'an originally wanted to kill Bai Ruyue's child, but now Bai Jue said that he couldn't decide for a while.

The **** looked at Bai Tingan's expression and raised an eyebrow. "The second uncle is done with the lesson. After the lesson is completed, let Ru Yue and the elder brother go back."

If Baitan was rude, Bai Tingan frowned disappointedly in an instant.

The **** sneered, "I'm sorry, I'll take care of this business."

Bai Ting frowned anxiously. As soon as she was about to speak, she saw that Auntie Hua had jumped out. "Baizier, what do you care about in the second room? How old are you?"

The beaver's gaze shot coldly at Aunt Hua, "Qiwen, palm mouth."


Qi Wen answered, and when she stepped forward, she arched left and right on Aunt Hua's face.

"Slap! Slap!" Mu's slaps were full of strength, instantly hitting Aunt Hua with venom.

For a moment, everyone was stupid.

Auntie Hua also stunned herself. She never thought that Baijue would let someone hit her, not to mention that she would be beaten by a slave one day.

Looking back, Aunt Hua suddenly reddened her eyes and stared angrily at the beaver, "I'm from the second room. Why did you hit me?"

At this time Bai Tingan's face was also black and scary, and there was some resentment in the look at Baijuan's eyes.

No matter how bad Cai Feng was, it was his servant, when it was her turn to learn.

The **** ignored Bai Ting'an's eyes, raised his chin and raised his voice, "Qiwen."

Qi Wen immediately understood, holding an object covered with red silk and entered the shrine.

The **** lifted the red silk in Qiwen's hand, and a piece of white sheep's fat appeared instantly in front of everyone.

"It's the seal of the homeowner!" All eyes widened in shock.

Beaver looked at Aunt Hua with a smile, "Now you know how old I am?"

Auntie Hua's face was so ugly, **** it, how could the seal of the owner be in the hands of this fool?

Bai Ting'an was also embarrassed. Just now he was still claiming to be the head of the family, but he didn't expect to be beaten so soon.

I always knew that my father was partial to the big room. I thought that the elder brother and the third brother were dead. This owner must be his, but he didn't expect that his father would prefer to pass on to Tanuki rather than give him a chance.

Baitan took over the sheep fat Baiyu in Qiwen's hand and held it high. "The seventeenth generation of the Bai family's long-haired maid, Baitan, has officially taken over as the owner from today."

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