Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 916: Adoptive long room

"See the owner!"

Bai Yihan was the first to kneel. Although he was a sister of the Bai family, he never thought of anything.

The second lady also knelt down, and she has always been indisputable. Compared to Bai Tingan, she now hopes that Beaver's girl can succeed as the head of the household.

I have to say that the old man is wise, the ability of Tanuki is far from being able to compare with Bai Tingan.

Seeing that Bai Yihan and the second wife were on their knees, the little sister-in-law and maids on the outside followed to kneel. "See the owner!"

Even Bai Dong and Bai Yang followed her knees.

Bai family rules, the owner seal is the owner of the white family, now the old man gave the family seal to the young lady, that young lady is the white family owner.

Both Bai Ruomeng and Aunt Hua stared stubbornly at the beaver, unwilling to acknowledge her identity.

The **** naturally wouldn't be angry with them, only stared at Bai Tingan indifferently.

Bai Ting'an was numb by the beaver's scalp, and everyone around him knelt. He finally knelt down without resisting the pressure.

Auntie Hua gritted her teeth and glared at Bai Ting'an with iron.

The second elder is too cowardly. If it was replaced by Bai Tingrui today, it would not be easy to let go of the silly beaver.

Seeing that Bai Ting'an was on his knees, Bai Ruomeng uneasily pulled Aunt Lahua's sleeve, "What now?"

Auntie Hua glanced angrily at Bai Ruomeng, "What else can I do?"

Even the second grandfather acknowledged the identity of the fool's owner, what could she do as a waitress?

The two finally knelt down unwillingly.

No one had expected that a fool that everyone could insult at first would become the head of the Bai family today.

Beaver glanced coldly at everyone present, and said, "Ru Yue's marriage was handled by me. When Fengshen, I let her and my disciples become pros. Who would dare to spread wild seeds in the future? , Don't blame my family law for serving. "

The cold voice came to everyone's ears, and everyone shivered in unison.

Auntie Hua grinds her teeth resentfully, and wild seeds are wild seeds. Whatever she does when she is married, the ghost believes what she said.

Not only did Auntie Hua not believe in Beaver's words, other people did not believe her words either.

Beavers didn't care what they thought, and she didn't mean to tell them.

"I'm sorry Erji, you made the decision without first discussing it with you, please forgive me." Baitan looked at Mrs. Er with an apologetic expression and helped her up in person.

The second lady said nothing, but glanced at the **** gratefully.

She knew that she was ridiculed for Ruyue's girl. Where would she blame her? Thank her for being too late.

Auntie Hua sneered unwillingly, "You will know at a glance if you don't handle this kind of thing. The owner can't be full, so as not to get offended."

In a word from Auntie Hua, the **** and the second lady's faces cooled down at the same time.

Baitan raised her eyes and looked at Aunt Hua coldly, "Since someone in the second room can't tolerate Ruyue, the owner will take her as the long-room maid for her."

Everyone was dumbfounded for an instant.

Miss Three's parents are all there.

Auntie Hua and Bai Ruomeng were also stupid. They never thought that Baiju would have such a trick.

"No." Bai Tingan retorted immediately after being shocked.

Why isn't Ru Yue, but also his own daughter, Bai Ting'an, what is going on for the eldest brother now?

The **** ignored the opinion of Bai Tingan at all, and only looked at Mrs. Er, "Erren, what do you mean?"

The second lady couldn't bear to look at Bai Ruyue, and her eyes were red and sad, "I have no opinion."

Bai Tingan looked inconceivably at the second wife. He knew that she always loved Yi Han and Ru Yue. How could she be willing to let Ru Yue pass over to the big house?

The second lady forbeared tears, and stroked Bai Ruyue's head lovingly.

Her daughter was born to her, and no one feels more heartbroken than her, but she knows that such a decision is good for Ru Yue. As long as she lives well, who does it matter to whom to adopt?

The second lady's decision was expected from Baitan, "Ru Yue, what's your opinion?"

Bai Ruyue's eyes were red and swollen, and she looked at the second lady with guilt. "Mother, please be filial."

Bai Ruyue said, slamming three heads at the second lady.

Looking at Bai Ruyue, who was about to say goodbye to her, the second lady couldn't help crying.

The **** couldn't bear to walk to Mrs. Er, and comforted softly, "Erren, rest assured, I will treat Ruyue's sister like me."

The second lady wiped her tears and nodded silently.

She naturally believed in Tanuki and knew that this was the best arrangement for Ru Yue.

The **** glanced at the housekeeper Cao outside, "Go and ask the patriarch."

"Yes." But the steward of Cao dare not neglect, and will immediately invite someone.

"Wait a moment." He also asked the patriarch when he heard Baijuan, and Bai Tingan was even more panicked. He called the housekeeper Cao and looked anxiously at Baijuan. Just live, why bother the patriarch. "

The raccoon smiled and raised his lips. "The second uncle laughed. The succession was about the genealogy. How can he not ask the patriarch?"

The **** said that he would no longer care about Bai Tingan, and raised his chin directly to the housekeeper of Cao.

The housekeeper Cao immediately bowed back.

After a while, the patriarch rushed over with two white family members.

"Grandpa." The **** politely bowed to the patriarch.

"The Lord of Qingcheng County." The old patriarch leaned over and received only half a courtesy from the beaver.

Although the old patriarch is an elder, her identity is not as good as that of the raccoon. In addition, she is also the head of the house selected by the old general Bai, so the old patriarch still has some respect for her.

The old patriarch glanced at the man who was kneeling on the ground, wondering, "What happened?"

The raccoon's lips angled lightly. "Yes, you know that my parents are empty under the knees. I have brothers and sisters with the third sister, so I want to take the third sister for my mother."

"This ..." The old patriarch frowned momentarily.

Aren't these three girls the two-room girl? If she wants to accept five girls, then she is justified. How can these three girls have fathers and mothers?

As if to understand the mind of the old patriarch, Baitan chuckled, "The second uncle and second concubine also agreed."

The old patriarch looked at Bai Tingan and his wife in surprise.

The two did not seem to hurt the child, so why did they agree to adopt the niece?

"I ..." As soon as Bai Ting'an wanted to say no, he was glanced at by the second lady, and he was silent for a moment.

Seeing that they did not object, the old patriarch sighed, "Since both sides agree, it is naturally okay."

The **** bowed. "Then the patriarch grandfather changed the three sisters to my parents' name."

The old patriarch nodded, letting people get the genealogies, and swiped Bai Ruyue's name behind the **** with a big swipe.

Immediately, Bai Tingan was distressed as if he had been dug out.

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