Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 917: You can't afford my beaver's elixir

Bai Rumeng clenched his fist jealously.

Damn Bai Ruyue, what a good thing really made her occupy.

The name of the long-room maid is even louder than that of the second-room maid. At the time, she and Bai Ruoyu and Bai Ruoshui, who had never made the idea of ​​this long maid, did not expect that Bai Ruyue finally took advantage.

There was a flash of light in Auntie Hua's eyes, and she suddenly said excitedly, "Now my wife is empty, it is better to adopt our dream, and filial piety, you will surely serve the second grandfather and his wife."

The second lady's face suddenly darkened, but Bai Tingan's eyes brightened.

Aunt Ruan heard the words and immediately pulled Bairuo Waterway indifferently. "Our water children are also good and sensible from a young age. If the wife wants to survive, she must give us a chance."

"Mrs ...." Bai Ting'an looked at the second lady with excitement.

At this moment, Mrs. Er's heart was frozen to the freezing point instantly, and there was no feeling of emotion in looking at Bai Ting'an.

Bai Ting'an's heart panicked for no reason. When he was about to rush out of his mouth, he immediately got stuck in his throat and could not say anything.

Looking at the greedy eyes of Auntie Hua and Auntie Ruan, as well as the expectant eyes of Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, Baixie's evil hooked lips. Well, we still lack men in our long room. "

"Ahem ..." Bai Tan's words stirred Bai Ting'an to the outer focus like a thunderstorm. He coughed twice and immediately turned to look at the old patriarch. "It's not early, patriarch, please go back first."

He is now such a prodigal son, but can no longer be snatched away by the long room.

The old patriarch glanced at the beaver, and saw that she didn't mean to keep him, and nodded, "Then I'll interrupt, and say goodbye."

"There is a grandfather of the Patriarch." The **** bowed to the old Patriarch with a smile, and said, "Cao steward, send the grandpa to the Patriarch."


When the steward Cao responded, he led the old patriarch and his party out.

Baitan raised Bai Ruyue, held her hand, and looked at the crowd. "From now on, the three younger sisters are my long-room maids. If anyone dares to disrespect her, it is disrespect to my long-room."

The words of slamming the ground instantly made everyone fall together, "Slave (slave) dare not."

There is a young lady who supports Miss Three in this way. Who else dares to disrespect her?

Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Jue with a look of excitement. The elder sister was really kind to her. She decided that the object of her worship would be replaced by the elder sister.

"Yunzhi, Qingye, go and move Miss San's things to Wutongyuan."


The two responded and immediately went to Mingyue Xuan to pack up with Xingyu Mianwu.

"Come on, let's go home."

No longer care about the others, Bai Tan and Bai Ruyue left Bai Aihan while supporting Bai Yihan.

After seeing the **** and leaving, Auntie Hua immediately looked at Bai Ting'an anxiously, "Second Lord, Baotai Dan."

"Wait a minute." Bai Ting'an finally thought of something and immediately chased out.

The three paused together, and Beaver turned to look at Bai Tingan, "The second uncle is still in trouble?"

Bai Ting'an glanced at Bai Yihan and Bai Ruyue and said embarrassedly, "Caifeng's baby is very unstable, and you need your tire-prevention. Can you give me two bottles?"

Unexpectedly, Bai Tingan would speak in person, and Bai Ruyue's face was hard to look at.

Even Bai Yihan's eyes burst into Mars.

"Two bottles?" Baitan raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly. "Does the second uncle know how much my two bottles of tire protector are worth?"

The opening was two bottles, and the tone was not small, I was afraid he could not afford it.

Being stabbed by the beaver, Bai Ting'an's face instantly stiffened, and embarrassed, "What is money and not money is a family. How can I see this outside?"

Baitan sneered politely. "Family? The second uncle really hurts people. It's just a little coward. Usually everyone's uncle is a slave. Will he become a family when he is here?"

The taunted words made Bai Tingan blush instantly, but unable to refute.

Mrs. Er's face was a little bit colder, but she was not disappointed and angry.

He has always been so indifferent and indifferent, he is not clear, and she has been used to it for so many years.

Auntie Hua waved a pat, twisted her waist, and walked to Bai Tingan. "Even if I am a grandma, that is also the grandfather of grandpa. I am still your elder."

Baitan didn't even look at Aunt Hua, she only looked at Bai Ting'an and said, "The second uncle is really a good temper. This elder, Wuer can't afford it."

Bai Tingan's complexion was hard to look at instantly.

The **** did not care about him.

Seeing that Beaver was going again, Auntie Flower was anxious, and rushed to the Beaver, stopped her, straightened out: "But just two bottles of Baodan Dan, why can't you give it to your family?"

The white raccoon's eyes stared blankly, raising her eyes coldly to look at Aunt Hua.

"First, you can't afford to be my beaver's family."

"Second, you can't afford my beaver's elixir."

"Third, my **** has always had clear grievances. The Dingguo government has kindness to me. I am willing to give as much as possible. But you do n’t remember what kind of kindness you have to me?"

The three-sentence Aunt Hua was anxious and pale, but she could not say a word when she wanted to quibble.

Where would she have any kind to this fool? When she bullied her before, she was not at all soft.

Baitan looked up at Bai Tingan and raised her eyebrows: "You can also have a fertility Dan, one million two gold."

"One million two gold? You grab the money!" Auntie Hua screamed and screamed as she listened to the figures.

Before the old lady took out 400,000 gold, it was already a family affair. Now even if I sell the entire General Mansion, I am afraid that there is no one million gold.

The **** smiled angrily. "The thing is mine. You want to get it for nothing. Who is it?"

Auntie Hua was said to be thinking, and she blushed again.

The **** sneered, "Don't say I don't care about my family. This is already ten times lower than the market price. If you have money, you can take it. No money. It's not a cost-free business. "

After talking, Bai Tan no longer cares about the two, and supports Bai Yihan with Bai Ruyue and returns to Jing Hanxuan.

Looking at the crisscrossed bloodstains on Bai Yihan's back, Bai Ruyue instantly reddened her eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you."

Bai Yihan rubbed Bai Ruyue's head and comforted him, "What stupid thing to say? It was originally my responsibility, and I didn't take care of you."


Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Yihan's gentle eyes and cried even more suddenly.

Bai Yihan painfully wiped tears for Bai Ruyue, "Don't cry, it doesn't hurt much ..."


Before Bai Yihan's stubborn words were finished, he felt a pain in his breath.

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