Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 921: No more children

Auntie Hua glanced angrily at Beaver and Bai Ruyue, and suddenly roared like a viper suddenly, "It's them. They killed our son. Second master, you need revenge for our son."

Bai Tingan's face changed, and he frowned at Baijuan and Bairuyue.

Suddenly, Yin Yin's eyes fixed on Bai Ruyue.

"You a beast!" Bai Ting stood up anxiously and raised his hand violently.

"Pop", before the palm with mysterious strength fell, he was pinched firmly.

The second lady's nervous heart finally fell back, and her eyes looking at Bai Ting'an also instantly brought ice residue.

Knowing that Yue'er was pregnant, he had to go to this dead hand. It seemed that he had no place for their mother and daughter in his heart.

Bai Tan squeezed Bai Ting'an's wrist forcefully, and said coldly, "The second uncle seems to have forgotten that the third sister is already in my big room."

Even the elders, the maid of the long room, can't be taught casually.

His hands were numb, and Bai Tingan's forehead gradually began to sweat coldly.

He stared viciously at Bai Ruyue, yanked his hand back, and said angrily, "Okay, good. Since she is now your long-room man, please give me an explanation."

He is a good son, born in Indus Garden, and even if he had troubled the patriarch today, he must tell them.

Bai Ruyue lifted her eyes coldly, and there was no hurt in her heart to Bai Ting'an's angry eyes.

The palm he carried with mystery just now has completely interrupted their meager father-daughter relationship. She will never be sad again no matter what he does to her.

The **** raised his eyebrows. "What the second uncle wants me to tell you, the child of Aunt Hua's stomach is still a stillbirth. You should already know it."

Bai Ting'an looked so earthy at once, and finally remembered that Auntie Hua couldn't keep it at all.

Hearing the word "birthbite", Auntie Hua screamed frantically, "You bullshit, my son is not a stillbirth, he just moved in my stomach."

The **** sneered sneered, "Just still moving? You're evil, you have no fetal heart two days ago, how can you move?"

Auntie Hua stared sternly and shouted in disbelief: "Impossible, you're less here to seduce people."

The **** don't take a deep look at the pool of blood on the ground, "Actually, you had saved the baby before. You killed your child yourself."

"You bullshit, it was you who killed my child, and you spit on your blood." The most scared place in the center of the poking, Auntie Hua cried like crazy.

She didn't kill her child, she didn't ...

Looking at the crazy Auntie Flower, Bai Ting'an became suspicious, frowning and asked the beaver: "What do you mean?"

Baozhi and Zhenliu both took a step back.

The **** scratched her lips and said slowly: "Although the fetus was weak before, as long as Auntie Hua took the prenatal medicine prescribed by the doctor on time, she could keep it, but unfortunately Auntie Hua was so far away that a drop of the birth control medicine was unwilling to drink. It's getting weaker and weaker, so she's the killer of her own child. "

Bai Tingan's eyes widened incredulously, and he turned to Auntie Flower, "Did you not drink those birth control pills?"

Auntie Hua panicked, clutching Bai Ting'an's sleeves in a panic, "Don't listen to her nonsense, I don't ..."

Bai Ting'an did not listen to Auntie Hua's explanation at all, and her gaze glared at Baozhi and Zhenliu, "said, did your auntie take medicine?"

Seeing that they couldn't hide it, the two of them suddenly startled and fell to their knees.

"It's not about slavery, it's the aunt who refuses to drink it."

"Slaves boil medicine on time every day. It was her aunt who asked us to dump it."

Listening to the agreement between the two, Bai Tingan was instantly angry.

"Bitch!" With a mysterious slap, he slammed and called to Aunt Hua's face again.

Auntie Hua's pale face swelled instantly, and the red blood on her lips slipped down.

The severe pain on her face made Auntie Hua even more enchanted. She raised her head sharply, and said, "Yeah, what happened to me if I didn't drink the miscarriage? That fool has a miscarriage, why should I Take a low-level pregnancy-preventing medicine? She can give birth-preventing dandan to those outsiders and wild species, why ca n’t she give it to me? "

Unexpectedly, Auntie Hua's obsession was so deep, Bai Tingan looked at her like a lunatic.

For the sake of a miscarriage, she wiped out the child in her belly.

There was a flash of **** killing in Bai Ting'an's eyes. This **** crazy woman, he really wished to shoot her with a single palm.

The second lady frowned and looked at Auntie Hua, without sympathy in her eyes, only cold.

Aunt Nguyen is even more gloating, after this second grandfather was afraid that she would never spend the position of Caifeng again.

Listening to Auntie Hua's ignorant words taken for granted, Baitan sneered politely, "What kind of thing do you deserve to eat my elixir?"

Is she a beaver's elixir, which cat and dog can eat it?

The **** walked up to Aunt Hua and raised an evil eyebrow. "You should know how domineering your own medicine is. Congratulations, you will never have children again."

Auntie Hua slumped to the ground in despair in no time. She bought the medicine. No one knew better than her the efficacy of the medicine. She would never have a child again.

Bai Ting stared anxiously, looking at Baiju and Bai Ruyue in shock, "What does this mean? What makes her have no more children?"

Bai Ruyue glanced at the auntie Hua sitting on the ground and said coldly, "Just now this woman took a bowl of anti-natal medicine to force me to drink, and her elder sister fed her to drink. As a result, not only the child flowed away, but also later Never give birth again. "

The most poisonous woman's heart, this woman not only wants to harm her child, but also wants her to never be a mother in the future.

Bai Tingan's face turned black, and he was speechless.

He always knew she had a narrow mind, but he didn't expect her to be so vicious.

"Poison woman!" The second lady's heart fluttered suddenly, and she raised her hand and fanned at Aunt Hua.

"Slap!" Aunt Hua's face was crooked again.


Bai Ruomeng rushed in, looking at Aunt Hua's horrible look, and stared resentfully at Bai Jue and Bai Ruyue, "What are you doing, are you trying to kill my aunt?"

The **** sneered, "I can't afford such a long crime. Uncle Trouble can take your gold auntie and niece back. You have to send someone to clean the dirty place."

Listening to Baitan's taunting words, Bai Tingan went away with a dark face.

As soon as Ba Ting-an left, the others also evacuated.

Auntie Hua wanted to make trouble, but she suffered a serious crime, and her lower body was so painful that she could not help making trouble. She could only help Baozhi and Zhenliu to help her back.

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