Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 922: Do you know how much I miss you?

Everything to go was gone, and the room was finally clear.

"Yueer, are you all right?" The second lady took Bai Ruyue and looked up and down nervously.

Looking at Mrs. Er's concerned eyes, Bai Ruyue chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"It's okay, it's okay!" The second lady breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the beaver, "This is really thanks to the beaver."

If it wasn't for the raccoon's timely arrival, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

The **** raised his eyebrow. "Erhu, rest assured, even without me, Ruyue would not drink that soup."

Bai Ruyue nodded and said, "Yes, mother, I'm not that stupid."

Knowing that the woman did not deal with herself, how could she drink the soup she brought, and she was not stupid.

The second lady glanced at Bai Ruyue coolly. She is not stupid, can she do such a stupid thing as unmarried and pregnant?

Seeing the mother and daughter released their suspicions, Baijue blinked at Bai Ruyue and said, "Come on slowly, I'll go and make some pill for treating the wind."

The second lady immediately thanked her, "Thank you Tanuki."

Baitan took a group of maids out of the room, leaving only the second lady and mother and daughter Bai Ruyue in the room.

"If you die, you'll be in trouble."

As soon as Baitan left, the second lady suddenly greeted Bai Ruyue's ass.

"Mother, I was wrong."

Like a child, Mrs. Bai Ruyue started begging for mercy before she actually started.

After two hits, the second lady couldn't bear it anymore, sighed lightly, and nodded to her head, "You, it's really breaking your heart."

"Mother, I'm sorry!" Bai Ruyue rushed into the second lady's arms with guilt.

The second lady caressed Bai Ruyue's ink in pity, "Since you have chosen this way, you will have to go on your own no matter how difficult you are in the future. You have no chance to regret it."

Bai Ruyue nodded, his eyes firm, "I know, I will never regret it."

The second lady sighed: "But rest assured, there is your mother at home, and your brother and raccoon are here. No one dares to bully you. We don't care about those words outside, let alone listen."

"I understand." Bai Ruyue laughed and looked up at Mrs. Er. "I know that mother is best for me."

The second lady glared at Bai Ruyue and looked at her stomach, "How is the child these days? Your brother said you are pregnant with twins, so you must pay attention to it later."

Bai Ruyue smiled and touched his stomach, "Mother, don't worry, my health is fine, so is my child."

The second lady nodded silently, and said, "I've made some clothes and shoes for the children these days, and I'll get them for you when I'm done."

Bai Ruyue's eyes flashed, and she blinked playfully at Mrs. Er, "I can't wait to be stunned."

The second lady blushed and said angrily, "You dead girl, you are almost going to be a mother, and there isn't any right now."

The mother and daughter did not have overnight feuds. After a period of laughter and scolding, the mother and daughter's heart was completely opened.

After sending away the second lady, Bai Ruyue stood alone at the window, watching the bright moon outside the window.

It took a long time for her to whisper: "Nangong Huang, do you know how much I miss you?"

Green Palace Royal Palace.

Nangong Ying looked at the note in her hand, surprised and happy.

That girl was pregnant, and they really did that night ...

Thinking of Bai Ruyue's current situation, Nangong Ying's heart was unconsciously, but now it is impossible to let Huang'er go to Zixiao.

"His Royal Highness, please go to Warm Pavilion."

Nangong Ying stunned slightly, put away the note and went to the warm court.

Ruihe, the youngest queen of Nangong in Nuange, is practicing calligraphy.

Nangong Ying came to Nangong Ruihe, kneeling on one knee, "children see the emperor."

Nangong Ruihe did not look up, saying: "I heard that you changed the vice president of Feng Yujun?"

"Yes." Nangong Sakura looked down without changing his face. "The former Vice President Hu was in control of corruption and abuse of power and should have changed."

Nangong Ruihe's ink pen meal, raised his eyes to glance at Nangong cherry blossom.

Feng Yujun is the most elite army in the entire Qing Dynasty. It has always been under the direct control of the empress. Even a maiden can not interfere in the matter of Feng Yujun at will.

This time when she returned from Fengshen College, she gave some rights to her, but unexpectedly she came up and gave her the deputy leader for her.

"Get up."

Nangong Ruihe finished writing a word before Nangong Sakura got up.

"Xie mother emperor." Nangong Sakura rose up humblely.

Nangong Ruihe put down the ink pen and looked up at Nangong Sakura: "You should be nineteen after the New Year."

Nangong Sakura's eyes flickered, and she bowed her head, "It's been twenty years since the end of the year."

"Twenties?" Nangong Ruihe whispered quietly before saying, "It's time to get married, but there is someone you like. If not, you will hold a ceremony of choosing the king."

Nangong Sakura frowned gently, saying unhurriedly, "Women should take national affairs as their top priority, and sons and daughters don't want to get married for the time being."

If she hadn't met Xue Qingyu, perhaps she would have followed her. Now that she has a heart, where else is there to hold the election ceremony?

Nangong Ruihe fixedly looked at Nangong Ying, and suddenly nodded, "Also, you can put it on for a woman first, and show it to Huang Er first."

When Nangong Ying heard this, she immediately frowned, "Huanger is still young, and there is no rush to get married."

Nangong Ruihe didn't take it seriously: "After the New Year, he is also fifteen, and the fifteenth day of the first month is his ritual of ritual. At that time, the solitary party will invite all the young women in the family. Please help him pick.

"Yes." Nangong Sakura couldn't but respond.

"Go on."

Nangong Ruihe waved at Nangong Ying, and Nangong Ying bowed back.

Nangong Ruihe looked at the back of Nangong Ying, and suddenly exclaimed, "Aoba."

Dark Wei Qingye instantly appeared in front of Ruihe Nangong, kneeling on one knee, "Her Majesty."

Nangong Ruihe's deep eyes narrowed slightly, "Go and check, who is the closest lady to the Fengshen period?"


Aoba responded and immediately disappeared.

Nangong Sakura came out of the Warm Pavilion, instead of returning to the Tai Nv Palace, she went to the Phoenix Hall where Nangong Huang lived.

"See Her Royal Highness."

The waiters at the Palace of the Phoenix Palace saw Nangong Ying saluting one after another.

Nangong Ying waved at them, and they consciously retreated.

In front of the carved window, Nangong Huang is holding the wine jar and drinking on the moon.

Nangong Sakura didn't bother him, only walked behind him gently, and followed his eyes to the bright moon outside the window.

"Can you say that I can meet her again?"

The sad words were as mute as a whisper, and Ningong Ying felt a little distressed, "You're drunk."

Nangong Huang stared at Nangong Ying drunkly, "I want to work for our future, but in this golden cage, I can only do nothing."

The deep sense of powerlessness kept him out of breath. He wanted to escape or even break the cage, but in the face of that absolute power, he was as small as a grain of sand and was insignificant.

Nangong Ying gently embraced him, softly, "Sleep."

The gentle voice has infinite power, and Nangong Huang slowly closed his eyes.

Nangong Sakura caressed his head with pity, and there was a gloom under his eyes.

She will not let anyone influence her and Huanger's life, even the mother emperor.

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