Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 923: Something went wrong with the Yun family

Dongfu hasn't stopped since Aunt Hua spent her baby.

On the other side of Xiyuan, the ghosts cried, referring to Sang and Huaihuai, which once gave Bai Tingan the idea of ​​wanting to sell, but in the end he was so good that he could only hide in the outer courtyard.

Bai Ting'an doesn't care, neither does the second wife, even Bai Ruomeng's biological daughter.

Since Auntie Hua was mad, Bai Ruomeng has been dressed up all day and ran to Xifu Keyuan, disturbing Zhuo Qingyun and Leng Yihan to hide in Wutong Garden together.

In order to prevent Bai Rumeng from doing anything extraordinary, the second wife resolutely settled a close relationship between her and Bai Ruoshui.

Both were married far away. Bai Ruomeng settled on Shanxi Taishou, but he was not his wife, but Liangzhu.

Bai Ruoshui is a wealthy businessman in Jiangnan, and is a continuation string. The other party just died, and his wife had to be filial piety for three years. After three years, Bai Ruoshui had reached the age of marriage.

Bai Ruomeng wanted to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. Where could a Wupin Taishou get in her eyes, let alone marry a married wife who was not a formal wife, how could she be satisfied with such a relationship.

Auntie Hua is crazy, and she has no supporters, so she goes to Bai Tingan every day.

Bai Ting'an had always been angry with their mother and daughter. Where would she care about her? Besides, he didn't feel that the two relatives were looking for anything bad, so he would not take the lead for her.

Bai Tingan didn't work here. Bai Ruomeng went to talk with Aunt Ruan and Bai Ruoshui again. This time without waiting for Bai Ruoshui's head to be clear, Aunt Ruan directly blocked Bai Ruomeng.

She is quite satisfied with the family relationship that his wife is looking for. With her own daughter's IQ, if she is married to a government official, she must be eaten without bones, or a wealthy merchant, at least married in the past. of.

Although it is a continuation string, anyway, he is also a legitimate wife, and since the person is willing to keep filial piety for his wife for three years, it shows that he is also a loved one. At that time, if Shuier married and had a child and a half daughter, life would never be hard.

In fact, it is also good for the wife to find a family relationship for Bai Ruomeng. Shanxi Taishou is a five-grade official. This official position is much higher than the second master's status as an unscrupulous official. Even Liangzhu is also married. Supported by a general's house, she was afraid she could not squeeze in.

Like her aunt, Bai Ruomeng likes Gao Yuanyuan, a niece, who really wants to fly on a branch to become a phoenix.

Aunt Ruan refused to blend in, and Bai Ruomeng had to go to Qionghuayuan to make trouble by herself.

Shan Ye looked out the window and frowned. "Madam, Miss Four is in trouble again."

The second lady expressed expressionlessly: "Follow her, she won't be able to make any noise for too long. When Haner becomes a pro, she will be carried out."

What came to mind, the second lady said, "Yes, is there any news from Li Matchmaker?"

Shan Yan shook his head. "Not yet. I think I'm coming soon."

The two were talking, and Siqin went into the house to report: "Mrs. Li Matchmaker is here."

The second lady's eyes brightened, and she immediately went to the main hall.

"What's wrong?" The second lady asked excitedly as she entered the main hall.

Li matchmaker smiled and arched at Mrs. Er, "Congratulations Madam, Qi Fu promised, when the two of you will negotiate again."

"That would be great, please." The second lady was overjoyed and quickly asked Shan Ye to take a big purse for Li Matchmaker.

After the matchmaker Li left, the second lady went to Jing Hanxuan in a hurry.

Bai Yihan is practicing his sword in the yard. After several days of recuperation, his injury has been healed.



Seeing the second lady coming over, Bai Yihan immediately closed his sword.

"The Qi family agreed to advance the wedding date, you should go with me to discuss the date with the Qi family." The second lady excitedly pulled Bai Yihan away.

Bai Yihan was also happy, and then frowned again, "Will you go now? How can you let me change my clothes?"

He had just practiced his sword but he was sweating.

The second lady didn't mind it and said without looking back, "Don't change it, it's already pretty good."

The two arrived at Qi's house with a gift. Qi Yushi and Mrs. Qi did not expect them to come so fast.

"Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi." Bai Yihan saluted the two with an awkward look.

The second lady was full of joy, "In-laws, in-laws, we are here today to discuss the date when the two children will be married."

The second lady discussed the marriage with the second old man in Qifu, while Bai Yihan accompanied Qi Ziling to the garden in the backyard.

"Is Ru Yue okay?" Qi Ziling looked at Bai Yihan with a worried look on her face, her eyes full of concern.

These days she also heard a lot of rumors. Regardless of whether Ru Yue's pregnancy is true or not, I am afraid it will affect them a lot.

Bai Yihan shook his eyes and said, "Now she went to the long room, and there was a raccoon girl, she couldn't afford it."

Qi Ziling nodded silently, but was a little disturbed.

Ru Yue was actually assigned to the long room. It seems that pregnancy is inseparable. Ru Yue is really confused.

Thinking of the future of Nangong Huang and Bai Ruyue, Qi Ziling was even more worried.

Just before Qi Ziling's hair bun, Bai Yihan suddenly embraced her.

Qi Ziling turned back and turned red.

A few of the maids who followed in the distance saw Bai Yihan's movements, and immediately turned with redness.

"We are finally going to get married." Bai Yihan sighed with a hug of Qi Ziling, who was hugging him.

Listening to Bai Yihan's nostalgic voice, Qi Ziling's eyes softened instantly.

Yeah, they're finally getting married, everything is coming too fast, like dreaming.

Bai Yihan took the breath of her deeply and said hoarsely, "We can't see each other again until we get married, do you have nothing to say to me?"

The magnetic voice floated to Qi Ziling's heart like a feather, making her pause for a moment.

Qi Ziling's blurred little eyes pleased Bai Yihan instantly, and he bowed his head gently to kiss the delicate red lips.

The figure in the sun is so beautiful and quiet.

Another day, cold and cold, Zhuo Qingyun, Bai Yihan, Bai Ruyue, plus Bai Tan and Mo Beichen, several people gathered in Wutong Garden.

"I heard that my brother and sister-in-law's wedding date has been set." Bai Ruyue looked at Bai Yihan with a look of excitement.

Bai Yihan raised his lips, "Twenty-eighth lunar month."

He will be married in less than ten days.

"Congratulations." Both Leng Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun suddenly enviously bowed to Bai Yihan.

The **** looked at the two people with almost the same envious expression, and immediately made fun of him, "It is better to work harder than to envy others."

A word from the beaver, the two instantly resembled the eggplant beaten by frost.

If the efforts are useful, they must be 10,000 or more points harder than others.

Leng Yihan frowned and looked at Baiju, "When are you free, go to the palace and help Xueer find out the pulse, her feelings seem serious again."

"Okay." Baitan nodded silently.

In fact, she should have entered the palace long ago. These days, she has been busy at home and has been delayed.

"Beaver!" Several people were drinking tea, Xue Qingxi hurriedly rushed in, "There is something wrong with the Yun family."

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