Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 924: Unbelievable

Everyone was shocked and stood up nervously together, "What's going on?"

The **** frowned, guessing, "Is that uncle Huang?"

Xue Qing nodded, "Yes, the emperor ordered Uncle Yun and Uncle Yun to be put into the prison, and asked to be cut off three days later."

Bai Yihan frowned, "It's so serious."

Actually, the Emperor had to ask for the cut.

The **** said solemnly, "It seems that Uncle Huang wanted to use Uncle Yun and Aunt Yun to force Rong Hong and Yun Shaoning to show up."

The heart of heaven is unpredictable. If it is really as good as she thinks, then it is terrible that Uncle Huang really moved to the Yun family because of Yun Shaoning.

The **** groaned for a moment and said, "I'll go into the palace now."

"I'll go as well."

The same voices sounded together.

Xue Qingyan frowned and said, "Everyone, don't worry, I think we should let Tanci explore the emperor's tone first. Now the emperor is probably angry, and we will go to too many people in a moment, for fear it will anger the emperor. "

My father has gone to the palace, but I don't know if I can see the emperor.

The **** nodded. "Brother is right. I'll go and see. You're waiting for news at home."

The **** hurried to the palace.

The **** in the palace led the **** to the gate of the second house, where he saw Xue Qingxuan's father Xue Yuenlang, and another middle-aged man who was born.

"Uncle Xue." The **** came to Xue Yuenlang, saluting respectfully.

Bai Xue has always been respectful of Xue Yuen Long, not only because he is Xue Qingyun's father, Anping Houye, but also because he is a close friend of his father. He was born and died with his father, defending the country, and even the emperor paid three points. How can she be disrespectful.

"The raccoon girl also came for Dingguo?" Seeing Baiju, Xue Yuenlang breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor has a lot of pets, and he knows it. Now that the girl is here, maybe things will change for the better.

The **** nodded. "I heard that something happened in Yunfu. I'll take a look."

The middle-aged man on the side heard the words and sighed, "The Lord of the Allure County is also a person with a heart."

The **** looked at the middle-aged man and frowned, "I don't know who this is?"

Xue Yuenlang immediately said, "Let me introduce, this is Jing Anhou, and Ding Guogong is in-laws."

The **** was stunned. It turned out that it was Tang Shizhou of Jing'anhou. I heard that Uncle Huang had married Yun's daughter-in-law of Jing'anhou, aren't these two in-laws?

"It turned out to be Tang Houye, it's rude." Baitan quickly gave a gift to Tang Shizhou.

Tang Shizhou raised the white **** and smiled, "The Lord of Qingcheng County is more courteous. Your father and I are also old friends for many years. Just call me Uncle Tang."

"Uncle Tang." The **** called from the kind.

Tang Shizhou glanced at the closed palace door and said anxiously, "We've all been waiting for a few hours now. I don't know when the emperor summoned us?"

What time is it?

The **** frowned, and a little anxious.

Uncle Xue refused to see it. Uncle Huang was so determined to run Yunfu.

After a moment of incense, the palace door finally opened.

After Ronggong stepped out and gave a trio of gifts to the three, he exclaimed, "The emperor has the purpose, and the chief of Xuan Qingcheng County will see you."

Snow Yuen Long frowned, and Tang Shizhou said anxiously, "Father Rong, what about us?"

Rong Gong looked at Xue Yuenlang and Tang Shizhou and said, "Xue Houye, Tang Houye, the emperor only saw the Lord of Qingcheng County. No one else saw him. Please come back.

The two looked at the **** instantly.

The **** pursed his lips. "In this case, the two uncles go back and wait for the news first."

"Beaver girl." Xue Yuanlang looked at Beaver with anxiety.

Knowing what Snow Yuen Long was worried about, Beaver chuckled, "Uncle Xue is relieved."

Not to mention Yunfu's gratitude to her, it is her relationship with Yun Shaoning and Murong Yu that she will not sit idly by.

Rong Gong took the **** to the Purple Feather Hall. "The emperor, the Lord of Qingcheng County has arrived."

In the room, Murong Shuofeng was playing alone, and the **** immediately stepped forward to salute. "See the emperor."

Murong Shuofeng didn't look up, "I heard that you have a good game of chess. Come and play chess with me."

The **** did not dare to resist, and immediately sat over.

The two were quietly playing chess, and no one spoke.

The emperor's chess skills are much better than those of grandpa and master, but the beaver's mind is completely out of chess.

"Know why I see no one, just see you?" Murong Shuofeng said suddenly after half the game.

The beaver's heart burst out, carefully, "Beaver is stupid."

Murong Shuofeng lifted his eyes to look at the beaver, which said profoundly, "If you are stupid, then there are no smart people in this world."

Bai Tan's eyes were dazzling and he didn't answer.

Murong Shuofeng said to himself, "He has been a prince since he was born. He has never changed in twenty years. Knowing his son Mo Ruofu, he thought he knew him, but now he knows that he didn't Know what he wants? "

Murong Shuofeng suddenly looked at Baiju, "You say, what does he want?"

Looking at Murong Shuofeng's deep eyes, Baijue trembled violently, stiffly, "Murong Yu, he and Yun Shaoning truly love each other, why can't Uncle Huang complete them."

Murong Shuofeng's eyes lighted, and he sneered, "I will fulfill them, then who will fulfill them?"

The **** frowned at Murong Shuofeng, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was strange.

He had been so kind to her before that she once forgot that he was the master of Zixiao, the emperor who was above him, and now he is so real and powerful.

As if he didn't see the beaver's gaze, Murong Shuofeng continued to play chess.

"He can like any woman in the world, why should he like Yun Shaoning?"

Baitan could not help frowning. "This is not wrong in Yunfu."

"Who was wrong?"

Suddenly raising his voice scared the **** to kneel immediately.

Murong Shuo looked at Baiju with a firm and steady attitude. "If you are now giving you a concubine again, you may be willing."

The **** frowned, his head dropped, and he didn't answer.

Murong Shuofeng's eyes darkened, and he turned to put on a chess piece again.

"Go and tell Murong Yu that if he doesn't show up within three days, the Yun family will not be left alone."

The ruthless words made Baiju's heart tremble, and she bowed back without saying anything.

Baici returned to Baifu with a heavy heart, and everyone surrounded them nervously.

"How's the emperor say?"

The **** looked at the crowd and said sadly: "Within three days, if Murong Yao doesn't show up, the Yun family will be destroyed."

"How could this be?"

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Everyone thought things were going to turn around, but they didn't expect that there was no room for turning around.

Beaver frowned and said, "The priority now is to find Murong Yu."

The emperor's purpose was to force Murong Hui to appear. As long as Murong Hui appeared, the Yun family would be fine.

Xue Qingyi thought for a moment and said, "I know the general direction, I'll look for it."

"go together."

Bai Yihan and Zhuo Qingyun, Leng Yihan immediately agreed.

Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan set out together, while Baiju and Mo Beichen stayed at the imperial city to watch the changes.

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