Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 929: Gossip

Murong Shuofeng was startled, his eyes flashed, "What are you thinking about? What's the relationship between Yuner and Yunzhi?"

The queen frowned. "You never saw anyone before. No one was allowed to intercede for Dingguo. As a result, when Dinger came back, Dingguo's husband and wife were released without charge. You said that Dinger had nothing to do with this?

The queen stared at Murong Shuofeng tightly, not letting off any expression on his face.

Murong Shuoqiang calmly said, "I let them go because I found out the truth of the matter, and they didn't make any mistakes. I have no reason to keep them."

The queen pouted. As an emperor, does he still need a reason?

"It really has nothing to do with Yuner?"

Looking at the queen's suspicious eyes, Murong Shuofeng shook his head firmly: "It really doesn't matter."

The queen frowned, her face anxious: "Why did the kid suddenly borrow alcohol in the house to relax? What did you tell him yesterday?"

Murong Shuofeng immediately darkened his face and said unhappyly, "What can you tell him? He is now the ancestor."

That kid may have treated him as an enemy now, but what can he do?

Before waiting for the queen to speak, Murong Shuofeng sighed: "Okay, you don't care about his affairs, his affairs will not be dealt with, you just have to keep good health."

The queen frowned and looked at Murong Shuofeng. She was born to her. How could she ignore him? Now she looks like this, she is more worried.

After finally coaxing the queen back to Jinfeng Palace, Murong Shuofeng leaned back on the chair.

She was almost dismantled. If she knew her relationship between Yuner and Yun Shaoning, it would be unthinkable.

Here Murong Shuofeng was at a loss and worried, but Murong Yan was drunk and drunk again and again, like drinking himself to death.

During this period, Murong Xuefei and Murong Lingshan both visited Murong Xun, but Murong Xun did not see him, and he was drunk and dreaming alone in the room.

Murong Xu kept asking for wine, and Zhuyun was worried about death. He didn't get angry with Murong Xu. He gave and feared that he really drank something. In the end, he could only drink water in the wine.

Xu Shi was really drunk, and the wine was not drunk, and Zhuyun was relieved.

Three Princes House.

Since Murong Shuofeng cleared his order last time, both Murong and a house of Zheng Fei have moved out of the palace and lived in the Three Princes' Palace east of the imperial city.

To say that the most favored woman in the government is definitely Fu Ruoshi. Although she is still an unknown house, she has n’t even mixed in a servant, but Murong Xu has left the government except the government. Outside the garden, the best Nanyuan was rewarded to her.

Not only that, Murong Ye also spent the night in Nanyuan. Except for the occasional visit to the concubine Yu Meijiao, most of the time was in Nanyuan. For a time, Fu Ruoshi was in the throne of the Three Princes' Palace, even before. Yu Meijiao, who wanted to kill her, never dared to touch her again.

Rao is so pampered, Fu Ruoshi is also trembling. It ’s his duty. Except for going to Yu Meijiao once a day, the rest of the time is honestly staying in Nanyuan, never proactively provoke anyone, maybe it is this goodness, Let Murong Yu pamper her even more.

"Do you know? Your Royal Highness Your Highness Prince is returning to the palace." Murong lingered around Fu Ruoshi's hair, speaking carelessly.

Fu Ruoshi trembled suddenly and smiled nicely: "The three princes joked. Now the slave's husband is the three prince. Only the three princes are in the heart of slavery."

"Your mouth is sweet enough." Murong Yan smiled and evoked Fu Ruoshi's chin.

Fu Ruoshi raised his eyes and looked at Murong Yu seriously, "The slaves are telling the truth."

Murong Xun's evil lips hooked, apparently Fu Ruoshi's answer pleased him.

"It's a good thing he's back, and we've had a good show this time." Murong Min's eyes narrowed slightly and excited shimmering.

Fu Ruoshi lowered his eyebrows, and didn't think much about it.

In these days, she has gone through life and death too many times. She clearly understands the terrible power. Those who are high above can judge your life and death with one sentence. In order to survive, she must understand what should be seen, what should not be seen, and what What to think and what not to think.

The third prince now spoils her because that she has value to use. Once she has no value, she will never be better than the red lady who once favored her.

"You haven't been home yet. The prince promises you to go home for half a day to visit your relatives."

Murong Su suddenly spoke, instantly impressing Fu Ruoshi.

"Thank you three princes." Fu Ruoshi looked at Murong Yan with tears in her eyes, grateful.

Although she knew he had no sincerity for her, she was grateful to him. Without him, she didn't know how many times she had died.

Overnight, rumors spread throughout the imperial city.

Royal palace, imperial study.

"what did you say?"

Murong Shuofeng was shocked by the pen in his hand, and stared at Father Rong with a dark face.

Rong Gong immediately scratched his head and repeated: "Externally, His Royal Highness His Royal Highness is spreading outside ... People are making trouble at the gate of the palace, saying they want the emperor ..."

"How about you?" Murong Shuofeng's forehead violently crooked, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

Rong Gong's forehead slipped a drop of cold sweat, and he knelt down before saying, "I want the emperor to abolish the prince and set up a new Zhujun."

"What a reason!"

"Pop", Murong Shuofeng shattered the table case with red eyes.

At the same time at the Golden Phoenix Palace, the queen also heard rumors and was so angry that her chest hurt.

"Damn, dare to scorn the children and see that this palace doesn't tear their mouths."

The queen's anger was going to the gate of the palace, and only then was stopped by Murong Shuofeng. "Where are you going?"

Seeing Murong Shuofeng, the queen was even more angry. "They don't care if they do this, you don't care, I care."

The queen said she was about to rush out, but was pulled by Murong Shuofeng. "They will make trouble if they want to make trouble. Wouldn't the aunt Prince be abolished because of those casual words?"

The queen frowned, aggrieved and said: "It wouldn't let those people stigmatize him at will, ruining his reputation."

Xuan Er will be an emperor in the future. How important is the public's heart, and what is the reputation of Xuan Er by such people?

The queen had to go out, and Murong Shuofeng had no choice but to stop her and hug her.

"What are you doing, let me down." The queen was anxious and immediately struggled.

"Don't worry about your son. You're here. You won't abolish your son's prince." Murong Shuofeng held the queen back to the palace.

It was messy enough now, and he couldn't let her mess up anymore.

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