Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 930: Ministers advance

Xue Qing hurried to Baifu, "Did you all hear?"

Bai Ruyue is unknown. So, "What did you hear?"

Xue Qingxi looked serious, "Today, people are in trouble at the gate of the palace."

Bai Ruyue was surprised. "Who is so bold to make trouble at the gate of the palace?"

Are those people dead? All the trouble went to the gate of the palace.

Xue Qing frowned. "The important thing is not the people, but the slogan they shouted."

"What slogan?"

Everyone looked at Xue Qingyu.

Xue Qingxi said suddenly: "The Prince Longyang is good, it is against human relations, abolish the Prince, and establish a new king."

Everyone heard the words, their faces changed greatly, Bai Ruyue was even pale, "How can this be true, those people are too bold, even dare to say such things."

The raccoon sneered solemnly, "If no one was behind this, who would believe it."

Murong Yu is a prince. Don't say those people can't possibly know that he likes Yun Shaoning. Even if they know that most people will only discuss it privately. How could there be such a courage to run to the door of the palace to make trouble.

"Must be that **** of Murong Yu, he has long wanted to be a prince." Bai Ruyue gritted his teeth unevenly.

Bai Yihan also looked completely blank: "If rumors spread throughout the imperial city, I'm afraid it will be very unfavorable to Murong Yu."

The **** frowned, anxious: "It's just a rumor. Don't worry about it at all, you're afraid they will have a second move."

"You mean ..." Xue Qingyu immediately thought of something and immediately got up and said, "I'm going to inquire now."

Looking at Xue Qing's back in a hurry, Bai Ruyue looked at Baijue in doubt, "What's the last move that Big Sister said?"

The **** narrowed his eyes. "The ministers entered."

The words of the people can only shake the hearts of the people, and for the emperor, only the words of the hundred officials have power.

Everyone's face suddenly changed.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Zixiao Hall was very stiff, and the air pressure was too low for people to breathe.

Murong Shuofeng stared gloomily at the following General Weiyuan Fu Fu, "What is wrong with the prince, do you want to abolish the prince?"

Fu Yan glanced expressionlessly, "Prince is yin and yang, so men do n’t deserve to be a monarch of the state for the sake of men regardless of the state society, and they also ask the emperor to be a prince."

Murong shouted grimly, angrily, "Bold, arrogant Prince, you can give you death."

Seeing the emperor's anger, all the civil and military officials around him pinched the sweat for Fu Yan, but he didn't know he calmed down: "Jun wants to die, he has to die, but Wei Chen is for the sake of national justice and has no selfishness. Please Emperor Mingjian. "

Murong Shuo was so angry that his head ached for a while, and his cold gaze was directed at Fu Yan, wishing to kill him directly with his eyes.

Don't think that he doesn't know what this old thing is thinking, isn't it because he didn't want his daughter? It was so obvious to get revenge, what else was said to be selfless.

When thinking of Fu Ruoshi, Murong Shuofeng regretted it for a while. He had known this before, so he didn't hurriedly point his finger at the marriage, and it turned out to be this way.

The supplementary general Yu Yu glanced at his prime minister Xu Lingyang, and stood up and said, "Wei Chen secondly agreed that the prince is a monarch of a country, but he does not love red and blue, which is contrary to human relations, please the emperor to abolish the position of prince. With peace of mind. "

"Secondary and so on."

After Yu Yue spoke, Cao Yiping, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Zhou Xinji, the minister of the Ministry of War, Wei Yi, the minister of the Ministry of Defense, and others all stood out.

Looking at the people who agreed, Murong Shuofeng's eyes flashed a killing moment.

Murong Yu and Murong Yun stared at each other, both frowning, their eyes worried.

Murong Yuean stood quietly, expressionless, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

Xue Yuen Long glanced at Murong Yan, and frowned slightly.

Murong Shuofeng turned to Xu Lingyang with a black face, "What does Xu Qing think?"

Xu Lingyang's eyes flickered, and he paused for a while before bowing out: "His prince's ability is obvious to all, I believe he will be a good monarch in the future."

When Xu Lingyang said this, everyone frowned.

What's wrong with Xu Yanxiang today? Why did you suddenly help His Royal Highness speak? He is the concubine of the three princes. He should be the one who most hopes that his prince will be dismissed.

Murong Shuofeng did not answer, but watched Xu Lingyang waiting for his following.

Sure enough, Xu Lingyang spoke sharply and said, "But this is a great country. If there is no heir, then I am afraid that the people will not be sure. I also ask the emperor to think twice."

Snow Yuen Long sneered at the corner of his lips. Xu Lingyang was indeed an old fox. His hand was reversed, and I am afraid that those old officials who were originally determined would be shaken.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at the ministers under his eyes. Seeing everyone whispering, his pupils narrowed. "Who does Xu Qing think you should change to be a prince?"

Xu Lingyang's lips were raised and he bowed down, "The princes, the three princes, the three princes, the five princes, and the six princes are all grown-ups, all of whom can take up the office. Into a device. "

Hearing Xu Lingyang's remarks, Murong Yun and Murong Yun both frowned.

What does this Xu Yanxiang mean? They never thought of being a prince.

Murong Yu frowned in dissatisfaction.

Just mention him, why bother to take the fifth and sixth.

Murong Shuo smiled angrily, "It's really good. They are all accomplished, but the prince is impossible."

Xu Lingyang's eyes flickered and he didn't answer.

Xue Yuen Long stood out and bowed towards Murong Shuofeng: "The emperor joked. Everyone in the world knows that our Highness His Royal Highness is a young genius. If His Royal Highness Prince is incompetent, I am afraid that no one will do so that day. "

Murong Shuofeng's lip angle was light, and he glanced at Yuen Long with approbation.

Xu Lingyang, the old fox, only the third child can deal with it.

Xu Lingyang's face darkened for a moment, and he glanced at Yuen Long with a dark glance.

Snow Yuen Long's words instantly resonated with civil and military officials.

Qi Yushi stepped forward and bowed down, "His Royal Highness Prince was established as a prince since his childhood. He has never made a mistake for twenty years, and Wei Chen thought that the emperor could not abolish the prince at will.

Su Shangshu also stood out and said, "The position of the crown prince involves the root of the country, and the emperor must think twice."

"Yeah, yeah, the matter of His Royal Highness is inconclusive, and the Emperor cannot be wronged by His Royal Highness."

Soon, there were two factions kneeling on the court, apparently there were more people supporting Murong Rong than those who impeached him.

Murong pinched his fists, glaring at Xue Yuenlang.

Damn, he resolved Murong's crisis so easily.

If such a person could be used by him, he would not be in the position, but unfortunately, he knew that he would never be used by him.

Listening to that sentence in support of Murong Yu, Murong Shuofeng smiled with satisfaction.

When Murong Shuo breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the chanting outside.

"His Royal Highness arrives!"

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