Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 931: Deep love

"It is His Royal Highness."

"Prince's Hall is down!"

In the whisper of everyone, Murong Yue stepped into the Purple Xiao Temple.

Murong Yu and Murong Yun both breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, Brother Huang has finally arrived. See if those villains dare to impeach him again?

Murong frowned frantically, a flash of coldness flashed across his eyes.

Shouldn't he have died in drunk life at this time? How come to the hall?

Murong Shuofeng also frowned slightly. What did this little ancestor want to do? He managed to settle this for him, but don't make any other moths.

The civil and military officials on both sides of the hall all looked at Murongyu who came step by step.

Today's Murong Yu is no different from usual, and does not have the whole body of wine that those people say, and looking at his face and expression is not like drinking.

Murong Yu walked down the steps and arbitrarily made a gift to Murong Shuofeng, and stood in the center of the hall.

Murong Shuofeng squinted slightly, and was a little disturbed.

He couldn't guess the kid's mind at all now, and didn't know what he wanted to do?

Fu Yan saw a ray of fire flash in Murong's eyes, "The Prince's Palace came down just right. It is rumored that you love the son of Dingguo, and you have long been deeply rooted in him. I wonder if this is the case?"

If Fu Yan's yin and yang were strange, all the civil and military officials around him instantly took in the cool air.

This is too daring, how dare to ask His Royal Highness this kind of question in the Grand Palace of Xiao Xiao.

There were still many officials who didn't know the reason before. When they heard the words of Dingguo Gongshizi, they all seemed to explode and started talking.

"It turned out that His Royal Highness loved Dingguo Shizi. It is no wonder that the emperor had to put Dingguo and his wife into the prison."

"When this Dingguo Shizi became married to the small county chief of Jing'anhoufu, he was robbed. It seems that this robber should be His Royal Highness."

"It is presumed that the emperor knew the thoughts of His Royal Highness, so he had to marry the Dingguo Mansion and Jing'anhou Mansion, so that His Royal Highness would die."

"I heard that His Royal Highness has long liked Dingguo Gongzi, haven't the two been very close at the emperor's birthday party?"

Murong Shuofeng's eyes suddenly showed a sharp killing intention. Just when he was about to scold Fu Yun, he heard Murong Xu speak.

"What do you think? Who needs to talk to you?"

The words of arrogance and coldness were like loud slaps, and they waved on Fu's face, instantly making his face dull.

Fu Yan clenched his fist, staring at Murong Yan with staring hatred in his eyes.

It's all him. If it weren't for him, Shi'er wouldn't have died in the imperial palace, and now he wouldn't be as thin as the ice in the Three Princes' Palace.

Fu Yan took a deep breath and said, "His Royal Highness is a prince of a kingdom. Natural feelings do not need to be explained to Weichen, but Weichen also asked for the people. Now, rumors of His Royal Highness are outside. But it ’s very bad, ca n’t His Royal Highness explain it? ”

Murong Ye didn't look at Fu Ye, and raised his chin proudly. "Ryumaru stops on 瓯 臾, rumors stop on the wise. It seems you are not a brained person."

It was another loud slap, fanning Fu Fu's face.

Fu Yan's original dark face was now flushed.

The officials who had just been arguing just now seemed to have been beaten, and all of them dropped their heads in shame.

Fu Yan frowned, pressing unwillingly, "His Royal Highness meant that the rumor was not true."

Murong Yu sneered dismissively, "Can you guess what you mean?"

He turned his head quietly, and finally gave Fu Zheng a right eye, "And, you are not worthy of replacing the people."

In a word, Fu Yan's flushed face became pale in an instant.

Yes, he has forgotten that he is only a third-ranking general. He is not qualified to ask the Prince what to do on behalf of the people?

The only people who can replace the people here are the emperor and the prince. He just said those words and had taboos.

Murong Yu is so sharp. Where can Murong Yu's people dare to speak out?

An old fox like Xu Lingyang stood even more frowningly, as if he had not participated in it at all.

Murong Yan's lowered eyes were full of anger. Murong Yan, a coward who dared not to be a coward, thought he loved Yun Shaoning so much.

Murong Yu and Murong Yun looked at Murong Yu together, they both felt relieved.

The emperor went out of his way, and it was extraordinary. The third brother wanted to replace the emperor, because it was impossible.

Xue Yuen Long also glanced at Murong Yu with compliment. He had to say that Shuofeng's vision of looking at people was really accurate. Even if the princes all add up, they can't match Murong Yu. If he chooses to choose him instead He will definitely choose Murong Yu as the heir.

Murong Shuofeng also finally relaxed, and happily raised the corners of her lips.

This kid is finally back to normal, these people are really not good enough in front of this kid.

"Ah ..." Murong Shuofeng coughed in a good mood, "Everyone knows that rumors are not credible, and everyone here is full of poetry books. Don't you understand the truth of rumors? ?"

Murong Shuofeng said, glanced at Fu Yan and others with a hint.

He is in a good mood today, so let them go for the time being, don't think he doesn't know what they want to do, as long as he is in office for a day, he won't let them succeed.


The Baiguan looked down in guilt.

Murong Shuo raised his eyebrows. "Come to the will of the prince, and the rumors will not be brought to the court."

"The minister obeys."

The hundred officials knelt together.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at Father Rong.

Rong Gong immediately understood and came forward and sang, "There is something to start, nothing to retreat."

Just as everyone was preparing to retreat, Murong Su suddenly said: "Children have something to play."

"Speak." Murong Shuofeng looked at Murong Ye in a good mood.

Murong Xuan arched his face expressionlessly: "The son-in-law is devoted to the martial arts, unwilling to serve the society, it is difficult to take the responsibility of Chu Jun, please ask the father to abandon the son-in-law's prince and return the son-in-law free.

After listening to Murong Yun's speech, all the officials were horrified.

His Royal Highness has just tried to break the rumor by reason, and now he has asked himself to dethrone the Prince.

And what does the last sentence mean that he is free? Who would feel uncomfortable as a prince?

Both Murong Rong and Murong Yun looked at Murong Rong in shock.

The emperor is really ... It seems that he really loves Yun Shaoning.

Xu Lingyang, Fu Yan, and others all couldn't help but evoke the corners of their lips, and there was no way out of the heavy mountains and rivers.

There was a sneer on the corner of Murong's lips. Murong, ah Murong, you are really poisoned, you have no way to go to heaven, you have no way to go to hell, since that is the case, I am not polite.

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