Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 939: Secret Weapon, Murong Chan

Five more sounds were heard outside, Bai Yihan kissed Qi Ziling's forehead lovingly, and then jumped out of the room.

"wait for me."

The dull voice seemed to be still in her ears, plunging into Qi Ziling's heart, making her blush.


It didn't take long for Qingshuang Yulu to come in and wait for Qi Ziling to freshen up.

Bai Yihan went straight over the wall and returned to Jing Hanxuan, who was startled by the people inside when he opened the door.

"Mother, how did you do this?" Bai Yihan blinked like a small thief caught.

"Where did you go last night?"

The second lady frowned and looked at Bai Yihan. I knew everything. You couldn't hide my appearance.

Bai Yihan swallowed his mouth with guilty guts, and didn't conceal directly: "I can't sleep, so I walked outside Qi House."

Sure enough.

The second lady hated Iron Yi and stared at Bai Yihan, "You say you are going to be married, and you do n’t know convergence. Qi family is not that small door, and Qi and Mrs. Qi are the most polite. You ... ... "

Before the second lady finished speaking, Bai Yihan said, "Mother, I know, it won't happen in the future."

The mother-in-law is so powerful, where does he dare? Besides, today he is going to marry Linger home. After that, they will be together every day, where will he do the unruly things.

Bai Yihan said so, and the second lady didn't mention it.

"This is your dress. Hurry up and wear it for a while."

Bai Yihan looked at the dress on the table and raised his eyebrows.

It turned out that the mother-in-law came to send the dress, and he didn't scare him to death, and she really couldn't do anything bad.

After the second lady explained, she left in full swing. Today is a day of great joy, but some are busy.

When Bai Yihan came out wearing his dress, the yard was full of people.

Not only Bai Ruyue and Bai Tan, but also Mo Beichen, Leng Yihan arrived, and even Xue Qingyu and Yun Shaoning came.

"Brother, it's so good today." Bai Ruyue turned around Bai Yihan excitedly.

The **** also admired, "Brother, congratulations."


Everyone was happy to Bai Yihan.

"Thank you!" Bai Yihan returned the gift with spring breeze.

Xue Qingxi smiled at Bai Yihan and said, "Let's go, help Yi Han to bring the bride back soon."

The party was out of Jing Hanxuan.

Bai Tan and Bai Ruyue stayed to help the second lady to greet the guests.

When Bai Yihan left the hospital, they met Murong Yu.

Today, because Bai Yihan was married, Murong Yu handled the state affairs early and ran to Baifu.

One is to congratulate Bai Yihan, and the other is to see Yun Shaoning.

Murong Yuan saw Yun Shaoning all the time. He seemed to be thin. He hadn't seen him for a few days, but it seemed as if he hadn't seen it in a few days.

Perceived Murong's gaze, Yun Shaoning did not raise his eyes.

Murong's eyes darkened and he silently retracted his eyes.

As if he felt something, Bai Yihan glanced at Yun Shaoning next to him, and smiled at Murong Xu: "You can count, just wait for you."


Murong Yu smiled and smiled toward Bai Yihan.

"Let's go and meet us with you, you are our secret weapon."

Several people gathered around Murong Yue and went to the gate.

Yun Shaoning looked at Murongyu's back with deep thoughts under his eyes.

It was only a few days, but he lived for a few years. After that, how could he survive without him.

Xue Qingxi looked at the sadness on Yun Shaoning's face and patted his shoulder silently, "Let's go."

A super-strong welcome team went to Qifu in a mighty manner.

"Which one is this? It's so grand."

"It's the young master of General Bai's General Mansion. Sure enough, he is a talented person who has the style of General Bai.

"Isn't that His Royal Highness? There is also Xiao Xiaohou, Yun San, and so many wealthy sons. Is this going to greet a relative?"

"I heard that Qi Qi is an alchemist. This young Master Bai is really lucky."

Everywhere the welcoming team went, the people talked a lot, and those young boys were envious of Bai Yihan.

Bai Yihan didn't listen to those people's words, and his heart flew to Qifu long ago.

Qifu is in the east of the city, and everyone soon arrives in Qifu, outside Qifu is crowded with people watching it.

A group of people embracing Bai Yihan, arrived at the door of Qifu, but saw that the gate of Qifu was indeed closed.

"Open the door, we are here to welcome our relatives." Xue Qingxi took the lead and knocked on the door.

Someone soon spoke in the room, "Welcome to someone, bring the red envelope first."

Listening to the familiar voice, Xue Qingying and Yun Shaoning looked at each other, and laughed and joked: "It was the sixth prince, this is not right. You should be on our side. How did you get to Qifu? coming?"

Yun Shaoning also echoed, "Cousin, you're a bit unkind."

Mu Rongyi leaned on the door and chuckled: "Brother Qi invited me to keep the door today. You should give me a little less. It's less than a thousand gold. Don't think I'll open the door."

Xue Qingxuan's eyes rolled around and he pulled Murong Xuan over and said, "But your emperor is here too. Give me face, how about one hundred and two?"

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows without thinking or thinking: "No way, how could Brother Huang come to greet a relative?"

"Ah ..." Muronghua coughed softly and said in a timely manner: "Lao Liu, open the door!"

Hearing Murongye's voice, Murongye suddenly made a black line, "You guys ... really invited the emperor!"

Xue Qingyao smiled outside, fortunately Murongyang came, otherwise Murongya this is awful.

Murong Yu and Qi Zixuan looked at each other, and said helplessly: "Well, look at the face of the emperor, one hundred or two, one hundred and two, and put the silver ticket in."

Xue Qing hurriedly smiled and said, "I didn't bring a silver ticket, I brought cash, and opened the door. Silver is indispensable for you."

Two people couldn't, they just opened the door one by one.

As soon as the door opened, Bai Yihan immediately squeezed in.


Xue Qingxuan handed a money bag to Murong Xuan.

Murong took the purse and stunned, frowning suddenly: "No, don't you say a hundred or two gold? How is silver?"

"We only said one hundred and two, but didn't say it was gold." Xue Qingyan smiled like an old fox.

"You guys are cheating." Murong Yu instantly blew his hair.

Yun Shaoning came over and grabbed Murong's neck and said, "It's my family who keeps cheating from cheating, and we will go to Baifu for a drink."

Xue Qingyu also came over, and the two dragged Murong Yu together.

After Bai Yihan met Qi Yushi and Mrs. Qi in the main hall, Qi Ziling was assisted by his wife and maid.

Looking at Qi Ziling, step by step, Li Yibai, Bai Yihan paused for a moment, the bright red, as if burned to his heart, let him unconsciously boil blood.

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