Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 940: Only belongs to their clean future

Feeling Bai Yihan's intense gaze, Qi Ziling's small face with thin powder was instantly stained with two red glows.

Looking at the friendship between the two, Mrs. Qi nodded with relief.

Qi Ziling was held up in front of Qi Yushi and Mrs. Qi, and she knelt down.

Seeing this, Bai Yihan immediately knelt down.

"Linger is not filial, and he can no longer honor his father and mother. I wish his father and mother a happy life, and Changle Wuji!"

The two gimmicked Qi Yushi and Mrs. Qi together.

Mrs. Qi wiped tears frequently, with a look of perseverance.

Qi Yushi also watched Qi Ziling reluctantly: "Linger, starting today, you will be a white housewife. In the future, you must wait for your in-laws and husbands, and you should not be as willful as at home."

Qi Ziling's face flushed, and he immediately bowed his eyes, "Yes, Linger obeys his father's instructions."

Mrs. Qi wiped her tears and looked at Bai Yihan, "Yi Han, from today, the mother will give Linger to you. You know, she has a straight temper. If there is anything wrong or wrong in the future, I ask you and your family. They do more. "

Bai Yihan gave a pampered glance at Qi Ziling and bowed down, "Daddy and mother rest assured that I will take good care of Linger and never let her suffer a little bit of grievance."

Qi Yushi nodded and said, "Go, don't miss the time."

"Then we will pass first."

Bai Yihan helped Qi Ziling to stand up, and before Qi Zixuan stepped forward, he directly held Qi Ziling horizontally and went out.

Qi Ziling blushed and held Bai Yihan's neck flushed, whispering, "You can't be more secure, you have to be so eye-catching."

Bai Yihan's lip angle was light, and she could not wait to seal her red lips through Xipa.

How could he let other men hold her, even the eldest brother.

Murong Yan across the street saw Bai Yihan holding Qi Ziling out, and his eyes flushed red, and he wanted to rush out.

"Don't be impulsive!" Xu Lingyang grabbed Murong Yu, and whispered, "Don't miss something for the sake of a woman."

Bai Yihan became married, and Murong Hui also came. The Bai family was obviously the party of the prince. If Murong Hui really moved Bai's wife, it would be awful if things happened to the emperor.

Besides, the title of the first family of the cloud family is not to be seen, not to mention the position of Grandpa Bai in Zixiao, and to say that the beaver's thorn is not something they can afford, and Bai Yihan is also a person. It's not easy to mess with, this Bai family can't be moved unless it is a last resort.

Murong Xu clenched his fists and stared at Bai Yihan's proud expression.

Damn it all should be his, his woman, his wedding ...

Afraid of what really happened to Murong Xu, Xu Lingyang quickly advised: "Don't be too big because of small things, as long as you sit in that high position, He Chou doesn't give up."

When he really became an emperor, what kind of woman he didn't want, I would have forgotten Qi Ziling who was married as a man and woman.

Murong narrowed his eyes narrowly, staring resentfully at the faraway sedan.

Qi Ziling, no matter what, you will be mine.

"Come here, come here, Huajiao!"

In a series of festive firecrackers, Bai Yihan smiled and lifted Qi Ziling off the car.

In the main hall, Bai Tingan, the second lady, and Baiju, Bai Ruyue, Bai Ruxuan were already waiting.

Those guests also crowded the room, waiting to see the worship hall.

"The bride is here."

After the child's excited voice, a couple entered the main hall.


The emcee sang loudly, and the atmosphere in the main hall was heated up.

Not wanting to influence the worship ceremony because of her identity, Murong Xu did not follow into the main hall.

Yun Shaoning watched outside for a while and saw that they had finished worship, so they didn't follow the fun together, and transferred to the secluded courtyard, but did not expect to encounter Murong Yu.

Murong Yan stood there quietly, as if waiting for him.

Yun Shaoning didn't dare to lift his eyes and went straight through Murong Yu and wanted to go out.

Murong frowned frantically, grabbed Yun Shaoning, rolled over and pressed him to the corner.

Yun Shaoning panicked, and immediately wanted to struggle.

"No one is watching here."

A low voice came into the ear, and before Yun Shaoning returned, his fiery lips fell down.

Yun Shaoning froze for a moment, then slowly closed his eyes.

After tasting this familiar taste again, Murong Yu felt that his life was complete.

It was a long time before he rubbed his lips and said dumbly, "I will let the father emperor withdraw the dark guard of Yunfu."

Yun Shaoning looked down, "Thank you ..."

The lips were bitten slightly, as if to punish him for his kindness and alienation.

Without waiting for him to feel the pain, his lips were covered with pity again.

Murong Yu held his face up and looked at his eyes firmly, "Wait for me, I will give you a future."

A clean future that belongs only to them.

Yun Shaoning's eyes softened, and his eyes were red with sadness, "I wait for you, how long I will wait."

Mu Rongxi suffocated his heart, held his face again, and kissed with a domineering attitude.

The two kissed in ecstasy, without paying any attention to Murong Yu standing at the gate of the courtyard.

Murong Yu originally wanted to come to Yun Shaoning, but didn't want to see such a scene.

Before, he heard that Brother Huang and his cousin were together, but now he saw it, but still couldn't believe it, still dreaming.

The indifferent and arrogant emperor would have such a gentle side, and the cousin was transformed from a naughty boy into a gentle man. Obviously they are two people who are not related to each other, but they seem to match each other.

Murong Yue quietly exited the courtyard without disturbing the two.

It seems that the woman is completely out of play, and it is impossible to marry her according to the cousin's current situation.

Murong Yan and Yun Shaoning forgot to kiss here, and Bai Yihan also welcomed Qi Ziling into the new house.

The Ruyi scale tied with red silk gently lifted the red hijab embroidered with embroidery, and the delicate and smart little face like an elf came into view instantly.

Bai Yihan only felt a rush of blood on his brain. At this moment, apart from the people in front of him, his eyes, his heart, his god, could not bear any trace of anything.

Looking at Bai Yihan's appearance, Xi Po and the maids couldn't help laughing.

"You all go down." Bai Yihan coughed and waved at them.

"Yes." Several people bowed with a smile and quit the new house together.

Bai Yihan picked up the wine on the table and handed a cup to Qi Ziling.

After the two drank the pot wine, Bai Yihan took the phoenix crown from Qi Ziling's head.

Rumo's green silk slid down like a waterfall, and her white, jade-like face added a little softness.

"Linger ..."

Bai Yihan looked at Qi Ziling infatuatedly, and the voice evoked was actually hoarse.

Qi Ziling suddenly turned his ears and neck red, and finally raised his eyes and looked at Bai Yihan shyly, "You, don't you need to accompany the wine?"

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