Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 942: Waiting for you

Tang Zixin, even with a thick face, couldn't stand Murong Yan's unbridled look.

"Not enough, can't get up yet." Tang Zixin blushed, not expressly.

Murong Hui looked back and looked at Tang Zixin sarcastically: "You really do everything you can."

Why wouldn't she be afraid that he would let it go, it would be that he would be a meat pad for her.

Tang Zixin pierced his neck and pouted, "It's you who can't help but you can't blame me."

If he just held her down just now, would she be so dangerous?

Murong Xu pinched Tang Zixin's chin and smiled evilly: "It's still so sharp."

Mouth is very powerful, just don't know how it tastes?

Tang Zixin's face turned red, and she immediately pushed away Murong Yu, who was pressing on her, and crawled up.

"Thank you today, goodbye." Tang Zixin picked up the baggage on the ground and was about to run.

"where are you going?"

Seeing that Tang Zixin was leaving, His Majesty Murong held her subconsciously.

Tang Zixin pouted his lips, "Naturally, I'm going to Langji Tianya. It's so hard to come back once, how can I learn like those predecessors, Langji Tianya and make a big career."

Tang Zixin said he was about to leave, but was dragged by Murong Biao, "What are you doing, and have a great career, and you have no martial arts, don't say that you can go out and smash the rivers and lakes, you can't make it out. city."

Murong stared at Tang Zixin in a sullen expression. How uncaring and heartless this woman was, she was just such a little woman who wanted to go out and slam the rivers and lakes. This is not what it is to die for.

Murong Xu kept pulling her, Tang Zixin was annoyed, and snarled his neck and said, "Impossible, I know where the city gate is. I was able to get out of the imperial city last time. Why can't I get out of the imperial city this time? . "

"Moreover, I have no martial arts, but I have a mind, and I don't believe I die so easily."

Even if she died, she might be able to wear it back.

Tang Zixin became more and more excited and couldn't wait to go out of the world.

"No, don't go out."

Before she waited for Tang Zixin to run, Murong Yu hugged her directly and walked towards the wall.

Realizing Murong's intention, Tang Zixin was anxious for a moment and immediately struggled, "What are you doing, let me down."

"Let it go."

Murong Ye didn't even look at Tang Zixin, she flew into Tang Palace with her.

Tang Zixin was completely anxious, she managed to run out, she didn't want to go back like this again.

Tang Zixin didn't have time to think about it. He directly touched Murong's neck and kissed him.

Mu Rongzhen froze instantly with his soft, delicate lips stuck to him.

Feeling that Murong Yan had no intention of letting go, Tang Zixin couldn't care less about shyness, and opened his teeth directly.

As a fragrant fragrance rushed into the mouth, the refreshing fragrance rushed to the top of his head, and Murong's head went blank for a moment, and finally let go.

Tang Zixin seized the opportunity, grabbed his baggage, and ran away.

When Murong Yu returned to God, Tang Zixin had long since disappeared.

Murong Li licked her lips and suddenly smiled evil.

"Follow her, don't let her out of the Imperial City."


Someone whispered in midair and disappeared quickly.

Murong Yan looked at the darkness in front of her lips.

Tang Zixin, I am waiting for you to throw yourself in the net.


Early the next morning, Baiju and Bai Ruyue arrived at the main hall of Dongfu.

By the time the two arrived, Bai Tingan and the second wife, as well as Aunt Ruan, Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui had already arrived.

Bai Ruomeng had a few troubles with her wedding before, and no one paid attention to it. Later, I heard that the five top echelons were pretty good, and after Bai Yihan was nearing her wedding date, she gave up her fate.

Auntie Hua was always insane after the last childbirth. This time Bai Yihan was married, and the second wife was afraid that she would disturb the guests, so she was placed in the Bai family's house for repair.

Neither Bai Ting'an nor Bai Ruomeng had any objection to this, nor did they intend to pick her up again. They didn't mention that the second lady would not take the initiative to pick up Aunt Hua, but she remembered that she wanted to kill Ruyue. .

"Uncle, Eryi."

The **** greeted Bai Ting'an and the second lady generously.

Bai Ruyue followed her behind, slightly behind her, and said nothing.

Bai Tingan stared at Bai Ruyue angrily.

How he sees Bai Ruyue now, how he feels that she is not pleasing to the eye, as if she is a stain that is difficult to erase in his life, and is very uncomfortable.

The second lady ignored the expression of Bai Ting'an at all, and did not care about Bai Ruyue's rudeness. She looked at them and smiled gently: "Sit down, your elder brother and aunt will be here in a while."

The two blessed themselves and sat next to Xiao Xuan'er.

Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling came over soon, one full of spring breeze, one with shame and timidity, and the two had an endless friendship between them.

The second lady looked at the affectionate look of the two and smiled with relief.

His son is not as opinionated as his father, and his daughter-in-law is also a good one. They will definitely be better in the future.

Bai Yihan held Qi Ziling lightly, her gentle appearance, as if she were a fragile ceramic doll.

Looking at Bai Yihan's careful appearance, Bai Ruyue couldn't help laughing.

Bai Tan and Bai Ruxuan also chuckled their lips and smiled. The older brother used to be a sister, but now he can become a wife and slave.

Hearing everyone's snickers, Qi Ziling flushed aside Bai Yihan's hand and gave him a strange look.

I said don't help or don't help, now let people see the joke.

Bai Yihan smiled cheerfully, then glanced at Bai Ruyue and Baijue with a cold face.

After receiving the warning eyes of Bai Yihan, everyone didn't dare to laugh again.

Qi Ziling's face became even redder when she saw this, and she couldn't do anything special in front of her in-laws, so she could only glance at him secretly.

Bai Yihan looked at Qi Ziling with an inexplicable look. He didn't let them laugh anymore. Why wasn't she happy?

Looking at Bai Yihan's dull appearance, Bai Ruyue and Baiju laughed again.

Brother and wife are really cute.

Qi Ziling blushed like a cooked prawn. She didn't dare to make any small moves. She lowered her eyebrows and walked in front of Bai Ting'an and Mrs. Blessing.

"This is the shoes and socks made by your wife. I hope my parents like it."

Qi Ziling took the tray in Qingshuang's hand and passed it respectfully.


The second lady smiled gently, took the tray herself, and handed it to Yunqi.

The ink painting came forward, and put the futons prepared in front of Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling, respectively.

After they knelt down together, Siqin and Zhishu brought two tea cups.

"Daddy and mother drink tea."

"Daddy and mother drink tea."

Bai Yihan took the tea cup and handed it to Bai Tingan, and Qi Ziling gave the tea to the second lady.

"be good."

The two took the tea together, and after drinking the tea of ​​his wife, one gave a big red envelope.

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