Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 943: The curtain is closed at night

After toasting the tea, the second lady glanced at the beavers and said, "Haner, show your sister-in-law to see your sisters."

Bai Yihan nodded, and brought Qi Ziling to the beavers, and the three stood up immediately.

"Big sister, you know the third sister. This is the fifth sister."

"Dasao is good."

The three gave Qi Ziling a great gift together.

Qi Ziling immediately made a big red face again, and quickly took a few pieces of parsley from the clear cream tray and handed them to the beavers.

Bai Ruyue took the quilt, looked it over, raised her eyebrows and said, "What's wrong, this lotus, this little fish, is much better than my embroidery."

The second lady heard the words and could not help but quipped: "You are so embarrassed to say that your brother embroidered more than you can see."

"Hahahaha ..."

The roar of laughter came from the main hall instantly.

Bai Ruyue blushed, and immediately stared dissatisfied: "Mother, the sister-in-law entered the door on the first day, you can't give me some face."

The second lady smiled and nodded, "Well, mother, don't say it, just keep it later."

Everyone heard the words and laughed again, and the atmosphere rejoiced, and Qi Ziling's nervous heart finally relaxed.

Bai Yihan brought Qi Ziling to Bai Ruomeng and Bai Ruoshui, and they immediately stood up.

"This is four sisters, six sisters."

"Dasao is good."

After several people saw each other, Qi Ziling also gave each of them a piece of parcel.

After drinking his wife's tea, Bai Tingan left.

The second lady was afraid of Qi Ziling's restraint, and went with her.

Aunt Ruan wanted to stay with Qi Ziling, the future mother-in-law, but Bai Yihan was there. She couldn't open her mouth for a while, but she could only leave Bai Ruoshui and go away.

As soon as the elders left, Bai Ruyue jumped in front of Qi Ziling. "Sister-in-law, you're married to our house. If you don't come again, your brother will have acacia."

Qi Ziling's face flushed, and I didn't know how to answer the conversation, but fortunately looked down.

"Nonsense?" Bai Yihan gave a warning glance at Bai Ruyue.

"Why am I talking nonsense?" Where would Bai Ruyue be afraid? He whispered Qi Ziling and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't know. My brother was like a soulless day before he got married. Thinking about the candlesticks in the cave house. "

Rao is Bai Yihan's cheek thicker, listening to Bai Ruyue's "whisper", could not help but blush.

Qi Ziling was so ashamed that she couldn't even lift her head.

"Sister-in-law sit in Xifu."

As Bai Ruyue said more and more outrageous, Baiju hurried to save the field.


Qi Ziling responded with a smile. When she was about to go to Xifu with the beavers, Bai Yihan was caught. "Go back tomorrow. She is a little uncomfortable today."

"Let's go and rest in the room."

Bai Yihan walked away holding Qi Ziling directly.

"Can't you keep a low profile?" Qi Ziling's complexion secretly twisted the flesh of Bai Yihan's waist.

Bai Yihan chuckled into her ear with a wicked smile and said, "It doesn't matter. Even if I don't say it, they know that we rounded the room last night."

Qi Ziling had no choice but to take Bai Yihan, but blushed and twisted on his waist again.

Bai Ruyue looked at the back of Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling, and sighed softly: "Xunzi is so pitiful, there is no personal freedom under the brother's provocative power."

Baitan raised his hand and knocked on Bai Ruyue's head. "What kind of prowess, brother is a distressed bitch."

"Let's go back to Indus Garden."

The white raccoon walked to Xifu, Bai Ruyue was unable to abduct Qi Ziling, and had no choice but to return to Xifu.

Seeing everyone leaving, Bai Ruoshui couldn't wait to leave.


Bai Ruoshui paused and turned to Bai Ruomeng in doubt, "Four Sisters?"

Bai Ruomeng walked in front of Bai Ruoshui, squinting his eyes, "Don't think that you said you were good enough to keep me out of your eyes."

When Bai Ruoshui was stunned, he immediately grieved and said, "I don't."

Bai Ruomeng sneered in disdain, "You thought you would please your mother and elder brother with your aunt, and they would treat you like a niece, a niece and a niece. Wait, your aunt's fate Not much better than my aunt. "

After a sneer of ridicule, Bai Ruomeng went away proudly.

Bai Ruoshui looked at Bai Ruomeng with red eyes, aggrieved and uneasy.

After returning to Xiyuan, Bai Ruoshui told Aunt Ruan exactly what Bai Ruomeng had said just now.

"Auntie, is it true that the four sisters said, will the mother really send you to the temple?"

Bai Ruoshui looked at Aunt Ruan with tears in his eyes, worried.

Auntie Ruan rubbed Bai Ruoshui's head comfortably. "Your mother is not like that. Auntie didn't make a mistake. Madam won't punish me."

"But ..." Bai Ruoshui frowned, still very uneasy.

"She's scaring you. Don't listen to her. She just can't see you. She's jealous."

Aunt Ruan said and sighed again: "But she said something very well, the niece is the niece, and the niece is the niece. There is no chance in this life, but you are different. The relationship your mother asked you Although it is a successor room, but it is a positive room, you must cherish this opportunity, and you must not be as stupid as Bai Ruomeng. "

Bai Ruoshui frowned, his face confused.

Did the four sisters ignore her because her family was not as good as her, but did the aunt say that the family is also good?

Looking at Bai Ruoshui's incomprehensible appearance, Aunt Ruan sneered coldly: "She is so high, she thinks she is Baifu's girl, and she will definitely be able to be a widow in Gao Menshijia, and she will not look at her identity. Is it true that the born niece wants to fly on a branch and become a phoenix? "

Bai Ruoshui bowed her head a bit, she was also a niece, she was the same age as the five sisters, but the treatment was very different, and it was always different.

Aunt Nguyen took Bai Ruoshui into her arms and sighed, "Your father is an indifferent person. Fortunately, Madam and she are not bad. As long as we keep our duties, she will not treat us."

"Well." Bai Ruoshui nodded and responded obediently.

Jing Han Xuan.

Qi Ziling was organizing things in the room, and Bai Yihan came in and said, "Mother packed up Nanyuan and asked if we should move there?"

Qi Ziling's movements in his hands gave him a pause and raised his eyes, "What do you mean?"

Bai Yihan raised his eyebrows indifferently. "Look at you, I'm the same everywhere."

Qi Ziling thought about it and said, "I think it's fine here, quiet and quiet."

The Baijia Sanfang only has one male, so although it is an outer courtyard, it is cleaner than the inner courtyard.

"Then live here, I am more used to it."

Bai Yihan walked to Qi Ziling with a smile, and threw her directly onto the bed like the big wolf saw the little white rabbit.

Qi Ziling's face flushed, and he lightly hammered his chest, and yelled, "Why? It's still daytime."

"It's evening to close the curtain."

Bai Yihan buried his head next to Qi Ziling's neck and answered carelessly.

"Who told me to come back to rest ..."

The dissatisfied protest voices were all swallowed up, leaving only sweetness and tenderness.

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