Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 951: Su Yanran

It sounded like Murong Xuefei mentioned frowning coldly and easily.

Murong Xuefei held a glass of wine in his hand, raised his eyes to look at Shangguan Ming, but really read it.

"Fans and lanterns win the show, and the drums invade the Mingfa. Looking for the same old days, feeling middle-aged and good-looking. Shallow draw the eyebrows in the mirror and worship Lou Xiyue.

Listening to Murong Xuefei's somewhat sad tone, Shang Guanming frowned slightly, but his heart was a little painful.

Cold and cold is holding the wine glass tightly, and the red eyes are full of pain.

Seeing Murong Xuefei attracted everyone's attention, Shangguan Quanya suddenly snorted, "Isn't you writing this poem?"

Murong Xuefei turned her eyes and gave a slight glance to Shangguan Quanya, "Did you just say that you must do it yourself?"

Shangguan Quanya frowned, immediately refuting, but heard Shangguan Ming laughed and said, "Seven princesses are really literary."

Being stunned by Shangguanming, Shangguan Quanya blocked everything in her throat, and could only stare at Shangguanming ugly.

Murong Xuefei didn't talk anymore. She held the wine glass coldly and drank on the moon. The feeling of independence left as if everything around her had been isolated from her, which made people feel sad.

In addition to cold and cold, beavers who know the truth also feel bad for her.

Murong Shuofeng, Murong Yun, those who do not know the original member, in addition to distressed, also worry.

"Miss Bai, don't you have a song?" He Siyu suddenly watched Baiju's trouble.

The **** did not raise his head, and sneered, "No."

He Siyu's provocative expression froze, and he hummed dismissively.

Straw bales are straw bales, no matter how you become a phoenix.

The queen glanced at He Siyu and said lightly, "Since it is a lantern festival today, let's enjoy the lantern."

Baitan raised her eyebrows in surprise, but she did not expect the queen would make a clearance for her.

The queen looked at Murong Shuofeng and laughed, "Let them young people communicate well, let's stop here."

Murong Shuofeng immediately thought of the purpose of the lantern festival, immediately got up, looked at Murong and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Murong Yu nodded.

When Murong Shuofeng walked between Murong Ye and Murong Lingshan, they also flew their "choice" eyes.

A few of them fell down instantly: "Congratulations to my father and mother."

"Congratulations to the Empress."

As soon as Murong Shuofeng and the queen left, everyone finally began to appreciate the lantern.

The lights in the palace are naturally better than elsewhere. Not only are there all kinds of lamps, but each one is very delicate.

Mo Beichen gave Baitan a kitten lamp, and Baitan turned away instantly.

Is she obviously a fox? For Mao to give her a cat.

Looking at Bai Ju's disgusting appearance, Mo Beichen chuckled.

Originally, he wanted a small fox lamp, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be possible, so he could only use a kitten lamp to make up.

"Sister Bai, Brother Mo, I haven't seen you in a long time." Che Shengjie came up with a big snake lantern.

The **** smiled at Che Shengjie and nodded. "It's been a long time since I saw him. I didn't expect to see Brother Che here again."

It turned out that Che Shengjie and Che Wenqing were both car owners, and obviously had the same last name, which she did not even think of.

Che Shengjie first glanced at Beichen, and then looked at Baiju with a deep glance. "This time, I would like to ask Bai Shimei for more advice."

"Please also enlighten me, Brother Che." Bai Tan replied with a smile.

Che Shengjie nodded toward the two and went to look at the lamp elsewhere.

The **** looked at Che Shengjie's back and frowned, "Do you see his practice? I can't even see his practice."

Mo Beichen glanced at Cheng Shengjie. "He should have taken the elixir, but judging by the lightness of his body, it should be at least Mo Ling."

The **** raised his eyebrows in surprise, even when it came to Mo Ling. When he was at Fengshen Academy, he was only Zi Ling. He did not expect to reach Mo Ling after retreat for a while. Was it really stimulated by the woman Ming Lanqi? That's why I worked hard.

Mo Beichen squinted slightly. "This man has a good talent. If you meet him, you can't be careless."

The **** nodded. "I understand."

Under the red plum tree, Murong Xuefei fixed her eyes on the white rabbit lamp on the treetop.

The delicate and vivid white rabbit lamp reflects the moon, as if in the moon palace, quietly.

Leng Yihan looked at Murong Xuefei from afar, and his heart kept paining.

She was clearly in love, but his pain was not small.

Even if she avoided him like a viper, he still couldn't help but want to get closer, but before he walked in, a man came to her.

"You like that lamp?" Shang Guanming followed Murong Xuefei's gaze and looked at the white rabbit lamp on the treetop.

Murong Xuefei's lips slightly raised, "Who doesn't like beautiful things?"

Shangguan fixedly looked at Murong Xuefei's delicate profile, only to think she was as beautiful as a fairy in the sky.

After a short while, Shangguan Ming returned to his mind, and said dumbly, "I'll give it to you."

Before waiting for Murong Xuefei to speak, Shangguan Ming flew off and took off the white rabbit lantern and handed it to Murong Xuefei.

"Thank you."

Murong Xuefei looked at the rabbit lamp and smiled lightly.

A smirk like blooming flowers instantly made Shangguan Ming blindfolded.

Watching Murong Xuefei laugh so brightly at Shangguan Ming, Leng Yihan was jealous of going crazy.

Murong Lingshan saw that Murong Xuefei was surrounded by Shangguan Ming, and Bai Jue and Qi Ziling were also with each other. Seeing that each girl had a lamp in her hand, and then looked at her empty hand, she felt a little sad.

Glancing at Yun Xuening and the fiery Xue Qingyu they chatted with, Murong Lingshan's eyes darkened and he left the garden in silence.

Murong Ye looked at the lost back of Murong Lingshan and frowned gently.

The garden is brightly lit, although the outside is also lit, but the light varies greatly in the end.

Murong Lingshan was absent-minded, and did not see the steps under her feet, and fell out.

Murong Lingshan exclaimed, thinking that when she was about to fall, someone caught her.

"Are you OK?"

The gentle voice was very young, and the man lifted her up and released him politely.

"It's okay, thank you!" Murong Lingshan looked up, but she saw an unfamiliar teenager.

This man looked like he was seventeen or eighteen years old, with a resolute face. Although he was not so handsome, it was sunny and handsome. It just seemed that she had never seen him before.

"you are?"

The young man smiled and introduced himself, "My name is Su Jiran."

Su Yanran?

Murong Lingshan frowned, and her name didn't seem familiar.

"It's Shang Shufu." Looking at Murong Lingshan's confused look, Su Zhiran explained.

Murong Lingshan raised her eyebrows. It turned out to be Shang Shufu.

Su Xiran looked at Murong Lingshan curiously: "Where are you from, and why don't you bring a maid?"

Murong Lingshan's eyes flickered, did he not even know her? This is interesting.

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