Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 952: More interesting canaries

Murong Lingshan raised her eyebrows and glanced at Su Suran casually. "Aren't you not taking Xiaoyu with you?"

Su Yiran smirked, and then smiled: "I'm used to it."

Su Yanran frowned, looking at Minglang, where the light in front was not too bright. "Are you going to look at the lamp in front? No one is there."

Murong Lingshan looked at the shy boy in front of her, which was very interesting, and deliberately teased: "Aren't you just a person, you might as well go with me to see it."

It seems that he did not expect that Murong Lingshan was so bold, and Su Shiran was surprised again.

"okay then."

Su Jiran thought for a moment, but still should.

In fact, you should avoid suspicion, but other girls don't care, and he is naturally not arrogant.

Murong Ye looked at the back of the two, his eyes flashing.

Yun Shaoning came over, looked at the people in front, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Is Su Jiran? Are you going to see?"

"It's okay." Murong Yan stared at Su Yiran's back, squinting slightly.

Murong Lingshan and Su Shiran arrived at the Ming Gallery. The various lamps on the gallery were exquisite.

Su Shiran looked at the dazzling lights and couldn't help sighing, "The lights in the palace are really beautiful."

"Is there anything different?" Murong Lingshan didn't feel particularly beautiful, she should be similar to the outside.

Su Yanran glanced at Murong Lingshan and smiled: "You rarely see the lantern market at first sight."

Seen through at a glance, Murong Lingshan smiled stiffly, "It doesn't go out often."

Su Yanran only smiled when she was a lady in the middle of the house and explained with a smile: "The lights outside are not as delicate as in the palace, but the lights outside are more interesting than the orthodox in the palace."

"Really?" Murong Lingshan instantly became interested. "What strange lights are there outside?"

There are already a lot of lamps in the palace. What kind of octagonal palace lamps, colorful lotus lamps, and various styles are there, is there any lamp outside the palace?

"Just like pumpkin lanterns, orange peels, bitter pomelo lanterns, etc." Seeing that Murong Lingshan was interested, Su Shiran said it carefully.

"Make a lamp with pumpkin and orange peel?" Murong Lingshan's eyes widened, something incredible.

How do those things make lights?

Su Shiran chuckled, "Yeah, hollowed out the pumpkin, dig out a few holes, and put candles, oranges and bitter pomelo are similar."

Murong Lingshan's eyes were bright, and her interest in the eyes instantly became stronger.

"Will you make a pumpkin lantern?"

"Yes." Su Shiran smiled confidently, but he would have done these things as a child.

"You follow me." Murong Lingshan was a little excited, grabbing Su Huanran's sleeve directly, and pulled him to run.

Although the sleeves were pulled, Su's handsome face couldn't help turning red.

Murong Lingshan took Su Huanran to the kitchen of his dormitory, and held a lantern show outside, so this kitchen was temporarily empty.

"here is……"

Su Yanran looked around the whole kitchen, a little disturbed.

Murong Lingshan, without any worries, went directly to the basket and held a pumpkin and handed it to Su Shiran, "You make me a pumpkin lantern."

Su Dai looked at the pumpkin blankly, "Do you want a pumpkin lantern?"

"Can you?" Murong Lingshan blinked at him.

Su Yanran blushed, and took the pumpkin to Murong Lingshan whispered: "Then we secretly take a pumpkin and do it, if it is not good for others to see here."

Su Shiran said that he could not care about etiquette, and ran Murong Lingshan out of the small kitchen.

Murong Lingshan looked at Su Jiran's big hand, her face turned red for the first time.

The two returned to Ming Gallery, and Su Shiran took out a dagger from his arms and skillfully operated it.

The embarrassment on his face has never subsided because he stole the pumpkin.

After digging up the pumpkin, Su Xiran took another palace lantern, took the candle inside and put it in the pumpkin lantern. The pumpkin, which was originally dim and dull, suddenly seemed to be filled with soul, and instantly glorified.

"Give you."

Su Yanran put away his dagger and passed the pumpkin lantern to Murong Lingshan.

Murong Lingshan looked at the eyes of the pumpkin lantern, her mouth, and she was immediately happy, "It's fun, like a smiley face."

Murong Lingshan laughed, and Su Shiran also laughed.

Noble beauty smiled and didn't blame him for doing this villain.

Murong Lingshan looked up at Su Shiran and smiled: "Thank you, this is the best lamp I have ever received."

They look better than Murong Xuefei and Baijuer.

"You're welcome." Su Yanran sneered with blush immediately.

Murong Lingshan and Su Yanran were hiding in the Ming Gallery to look at the lights. Murong Ling was surrounded by the family ladies in the Royal Garden.

"Six princes, shall we go and see the lights?"

"What's so good about the lamp, why don't you guess the lantern riddle?"

"The peacock lamp over there is very nice. Will the six prince take it down for me?"

Girls, you say it to me, Murong's head hurts.

Murong Yu glanced resentfully at the leisurely Murong Yun and Murong Yun, and suddenly felt unfair.

Obviously they are all princes, so why surround him alone.

"Five Brother." Murong Yu looked at Murong Yun for help, and wanted him to come and rescue him.

However, Murong Yun went to Murong Xuefei directly like he did not see his plea for help.

Compared to Murong Kuan's dispensable famous festival, of course, it is more important for Xiao Qi. Shang Guanming's intention is too obvious, he can not give him a chance to succeed.

Seeing Murong Yun rescue the hero and save the beauty, Murong Kun resentment immediately.

It ’s all natural. Would you like to treat it differently?

No one was rescued, and Murong had to find a way to save himself.

"Father Emperor!"

Murong Su suddenly looked at the salute in front of him seriously.

When everyone heard it, they all knelt down. "See the emperor."

Murong Yu seized the opportunity and ran away.

Yun Shaoning watched Murong Yue running faster than the rabbit, and immediately he was happy, "Cousin has today."

Murong asked his lips, "Where is the father asking him to choose a concubine?"

Yun Shaoning suddenly said, "No wonder he ran so fast." It turned out that he was forced to marry.

Thinking of something, Yun Shaoning frowned suddenly: "Yes, girl Tang is the maid of Jing'anhoufu. She seems to be missing. Tangfu is looking for people everywhere. But there is no news. Can you send someone to look for it? "

For Tang Zixin, Yun Shaoning had 120,000 apologies, so he didn't want her to be okay, otherwise he was afraid he wouldn't be at ease in this life.

Murong Yan glanced at Murong Yan's back, and said, "Relax, someone will send her back."

Yun Shaoning frowned, didn't quite understand what Murongyi meant.

Murong Yu didn't explain, only smiled mysteriously.

Murong Xuan ran out of the Royal Garden in one breath, and finally stopped. "Yu, finally ran out, the woman is really terrible."

The thought of Murong's eyes brightened, and it was more interesting to tease his canary than to deal with these women.

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