Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 954: A person locked up in chains

The excitement outside is still on stage, only one place is a little lonely.

Murong Xuefei held the wine jar and stared drunkly at the moon in the air.

In the end, Murong Yun uneasily went to Blowing Snow Palace, but she saw the beauty half drunk.

Murong Yun frowned, walked over and removed the wine jar in Murong Xuefei's hand. "Drink less and hurt yourself."

Murong Xuefei raised her blurred water eyes, "Brother Huang?"

Murong Yun sat next to Murong Xuefei, concerned, "Do you have any thoughts?"

Murong Xuefei looked at the full moon in the sky, and her lips blew up, "The moon that is missing a corner can come back again, but what about people?"

Murong Yun frowned, looking at Murong Xuefei worriedly.

What's wrong with Xiao Qi, I always feel that she seems to have something on her mind this time.

Murong Xuefei tilted her head and leaned gently on Murong Yun's shoulder. "Did the emperor ever think about marrying a wife?"

Mu Rongyun said for a moment, then bitterly: "How can I break the body to harm people?"

The father and the emperor can persecute the emperor, the sixth, the seventh, and the eighth, but they never ask him anything. The same is true of the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law, even if he never thinks that he has the possibility of marrying a wife.

Looking at the pessimistic Murong Yun, Murong Xuefei suddenly smiled lowly, "You should trust Tanuki's medicine."

Tanuki said that in the future, the emperor could live like a normal person, and that the emperor would surely marry a wife and have a child like a normal person.

Murong Yun raised her eyebrows. Baijuer's medicine is really good. Her medicine has really made him a lot better. He seems to have not been sick for a long time. Maybe one day he can really live like a normal person.

Murong Yun grabbed Murong Xuefei into her arms and teased: "Little Qi wants to marry someone?"

Murong Xuefei's eyes were dazzling, looking at the rabbit lamp hanging from the treetop, you said quietly, "If you meet the right person, you will naturally marry someone."

Whatever it is, she should be married.

Murong Yun froze slightly and smiled slightly.

Xiao Qi, who had no desire for it, wanted to marry, and he thought she would never want to marry in her life.

Leng Yihan in the dark heard Murong Xuefei's words, and was a little upset.

Sudden air fluctuations made Leng Yihan's eyes light for a moment, before a person approached, a black mysterious power waved over.

In the darkness, the man snorted and disappeared before approaching again.

At the station, Shang Guanming looked at the heavily injured Chidian and frowned frantically. "What's the matter?"

Chidian swallowed the blood in his mouth, and said arduously: "There is a master in the Seven Princess Palace guarding him, and his subordinates cannot approach him."


Shangguanming squinted slightly, Chidian was already a purple spirit, and it would not be easy to repair a person who hurt him so badly. Was it Zijin, the first shadow guard beside Emperor Xiao Xiao?


Shangguan Ming gritted his teeth and squeezed his fist.

Who is it? Who is that man who is close to Murong Xuefei?

Late at night, Leng Yihan floated into Murong Xuefei's room.

She seemed to be asleep, a faint moonlight on her little red face, showing a different kind of warmth.

Leng Yihan caressed her little face lovingly, whispered softly, "Do you want to marry someone?"

"Yeah, I forgot, we said yes, we will propose you when you reach Zixiao. You can rest assured that I will propose to your father as soon as possible." Leng Yihan looked at Murong Xuefei with a look of nostalgia, deep eyes There was a trace of longing in it.

Seemingly uncomfortable, Murong Xuefei frowned slightly and fell asleep again.

In the middle of the night, the **** arrived at the west platform of the city in accordance with the agreement on the note, where someone seemed to be waiting.

"Bing Wei?"

The **** tentatively called to the black shadow.

The man turned around and grinned at Beaver, "Sister Bai."

"Is it you?" Baitan raised her eyebrows in surprise, wasn't it Liyang Bingwei who was looking for her?

Zuo Yutao smiled embarrassedly, "Sorry, because Weier is pregnant, and the station is under surveillance again, so I can only come."

The **** nodded and frowned, "Are you guys looking for me?"

It wouldn't be just telling her to come to her so late.

Zuo Yutao nodded. "This time the Zuo family entered a lot of people. Grandfather and uncle they trained a lot of people. Weier was worried about you, so I tried to inform you first."

"Train a lot of people?" Baitan frowned doubtfully.

Although the family competition stipulates that besides the family, side branches and disciples can also participate in the competition, but those who are temporarily trained by the Zuo family should not play any role.

Seeing Baiju's doubts, Zuo Yutao explained: "Don't underestimate those people. Their cultivation is unfathomable and very powerful. I can't afford a hundred tricks in their hands."

"What?" Baitan startled, "So powerful?"

Zuo Yutao's cultivation has reached the late period of the Purple Spirit. Even such cultivation can't survive a hundred strokes in their hands, how powerful these people are.

Zuo Yutao's face was serious, "Yes, not only is he powerful, but his tricks are very evil, so you must be careful."

The **** nodded, watching Zuo Yutao gratefully, "Thank Bing Wei for me, I will pay attention."

Zuo Yutao said, "By the way, she also asked you to perform with her."


The **** raised an eyebrow in doubt.

After Zuo Yutao left, Mo Beichen appeared.

The **** looked at Zuo Yutao's back and frowned, "What do you think this Zuo family has done?"

It should not be possible to find so many masters based on the strength of Zuo Zuojia, not to mention that there are not so many masters in Yunjing mainland that can defeat the late Ziling masters in a hundred moves.

Mo Beichen frowned, "Would you like to go to the post now?"

The **** shook his head silently. "Forget it, since they are here to participate in the family competition, then we will have the opportunity to meet sooner or later, and it will not be too late to check again."

Green Palace Royal Palace.

"Why?" Nangong Huang stared at Nangong Ying in shock, "I have said that no one cares about me, why does the mother-in-law still want to marry?"

Nangong Ying frowned. "Don't you understand now? The mother emperor should have been optimistic about the candidate, so whether you choose or not, or who you choose, will not affect today's results."

"But I don't like that Ling Yuchun at all." Nangong Huang angrily dropped her jade crown to the ground. "She has never heard my thoughts since childhood."

Originally thinking that she would be an adult, she would finally give him the opportunity to choose freely, but the result was so cruel.

Nangong Ying looked at Nangong Huang with pity, and frowned, "Don't resist her first."

"But ..." Nangong Huang was in a hurry.

Nangong Sakura gave him a soothing look and smiled evilly: "No rush, isn't it a while before we get married?"

This time is enough for her to do things.

Nangong Sakura picked up the jade crown on the ground and put it on the table. "I will go to Zixiao tomorrow. Do you have anything to take?"

Nangong Huang's eyes flickered, shaking his head suddenly.

What else could he say to a man who was locked up in chains? He couldn't bear the pain of losing her, but he couldn't give her the future. He was so selfish.

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