Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 955: Cute new baby

White House, Indus Garden.

"Miss Miss, Miss Three, Mrs. Second please invite you over, the Princess and the County Lord are back." Qing Yan curtain entered the room, excitedly reported.

"Aunt is back?"

The white **** rose up with excitement.

The two hurried to the main hall of Dongfu together.

Seeing Bai Tan and Bai Ruyue coming over, Lan Yan immediately led them into the room with a smile. "Prince, who are you looking for?"

"Beaver!" Seeing Baitan, Bai Qingyan greeted her with excitement instantly, pulling her to look around, "I haven't seen her for more than a year, it's all thin."

Feeling mother-like warmth, Baijue's heart was warm, and her little daughter snuggled into Bai Qingyan's arms. "Aunt, Tanzi misses you so much."

Bai Qingyan's eyes were red, and she gently touched Bai Bei's forehead, "Aunt misses you too."

Looking at the affection of the mother and daughter, the people in the room couldn't help but red eyes.

Murong Jinhong stepped forward silently, appeasingly holding Bai Qingyan's shoulder and making fun: "Well, this New Year, you have to endure tears for everyone."

With tears in her eyes, Bai Qingyan stared at Murong Jinhong strangely.

Murong Jinhong blinked innocently, didn't he cry with tears?


The white raccoon wiped her tears and saluted to Murong Jin Hongfu.

Murong Jinhong disappointedly pretended to disappoint, "I'm in the eyes of your girl, I thought you only had your aunt in your eyes."

The **** immediately burst into a laugh and said, "How can it be, my aunt is such a big living person, I can't see it."

Murong Jin raised her eyebrows and glanced at Bai Qingyan, "It is indeed my aunt and niece, this tone is the same."

Mu Rongyu also piqued her mouth, and said deliberately, "Isn't it? I'm more like a mother and daughter than my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law."

"Haha ..."

Listening to Murong Yu's sour words, everyone in the room immediately laughed.

"See Prince, Princess."

After the beavers finished talking, Bai Ruyue, who had been standing silently on the side, came forward to salute regularly.

Bai Qingyan glanced at Bai Ruyue and said, "It's all a family, so you don't need to do these false gifts."

Bai Qingyan always hated the old lady, so she didn't like the descendants of the old lady. Later, things like Zhao's and Bai Ruoyu appeared, and she was even more indifferent to the old lady's room.

The reason why she can still talk to Su's is that it's all in the face of Tanuki.

For Bai Qingyan's indifference, Bai Ruyue was not annoyed, and she stood silently next to the second lady after the ceremony.

The second lady glanced at Bai Ruyue distressedly. She knew that Princess Su did not like them. This was all done by the old lady.

Bai Ruyue comforted the second lady with a smile and signaled that she was fine.

Compared with the previous love answering, my aunt's attitude is much better now. This is all thanks to my elder sister.

Beaver raised his eyes, and then noticed Murong Yan, who was teasing the baby, sitting next to him, "Hey cousin?"

The **** walked curiously, looking at the pink-carved and jade-cut cute doll, his heart melted suddenly, "Wow, it's so cute!"

Murong Yuxi ran over in excitement, jokingly pinched the little baby's cute face and said, "Cute, this is my mother's newborn sister, Qin'er."

Murong Xuan patted Murong Yuzhang's claws, "I said don't pinch my face and drool again."

As she talked, Mu Rongxi took out the zi to gently wipe saliva for Xiao Mengwa.

Mu Rongyu covered his hands and glared at Murong Yu aggrievedly, "Brother, you are too happy about the new and the old. If you have a little sister, don't have a big sister."

Everyone heard the words and laughed again.

Looking at Xiao Qin'er's cute look of sucking his fingers, Baitan could not help but reached out and patted her, "Come, let my sister hug?"

Xiao Qin'er's dark eyes, like black crystals, stared at the white raccoon momentarily.

Murong Yubi lipped her lips playfully, "This little girl is very fine, usually you don't want to be held by others ..."

Before Murong Yu's words had been finished, Xiao Qin'er suddenly stretched out his little hand with a whisper to Baizi.

The white raccoon was overjoyed, and immediately took over Xiao Qin'er carefully.

Mu Rongyu was dumbfounded for a moment. "This little girl is really as old and new as the older brother. I used to hold it before my brother came back. After my brother came back, I lost my share. Now this is my cousin Tan. Now. "

Murong Yan also laughed, cousin Taner is really a trait that people love. Even Xiao Qiner can't resist the charm of Taner.

Xiaoqin Erwo still practiced her great career in the beaver's arms, and that adorable action showed that Beaver and Bai Ruyue's hearts were softened.

Especially Bai Ruyue, she is also a mother-in-law, she is the most irresistible.

"It's so cute." Bai Ruyue couldn't help but touch Xiao Qin's fat feet.

"Would you hug?" When Bai Ruyue liked it, Bai Tan handed Xiao Qin'er to Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue took it immediately and was flattered. Xiao Qin'er only focused on eating, but he didn't pay attention to changing people, so she let Bai Ruyue hug for a while.

However, Bai Ruyue didn't hold it for long, so he returned Xiao Qin'er to Murong Yun. This was the true golden branch and no mistakes could be made.

"Aunts and aunts, are you back for the family competition this time?" Bai Tan asked Murong Jinhong and Bai Qingyan.

"In fact, before Haner became married, we wanted to come back, but Qin'er was sick, so it was delayed. If that girl has been bad, I'm afraid that this family competition can't catch up." Although Bai Qingyan answered Baiju This question was explained to the second lady.

Although there was not much expression on Mrs. Er's face, she was relieved in her eyes.

She was a little concerned about Bai Qingyan's absence to attend Bai Yihan's wedding, but since she didn't come out intentionally, she was relieved.

"Did your grandfather have any news?" Thinking of it, Bai Qingyan frowned and looked at the beaver.

The **** shook his head, and there will be a family competition in two days. Grandpa is afraid he will not return.

Bai Qingyan frowned, and the anger that had already subsided suddenly burst out at this moment.

Yang's mother was killed, but his father did not know why he married Yang and gave birth to three children with her. Such an act of identifying a thief as his wife would be the biggest blow to him.

The father hates not just Yang, but himself.

In fact, she is the same, knowing that it is not his father's fault, but she still can't help resentment against her father. If it were not for him, how could Yang's kill her mother, she would not forgive Yang's woman in her life, even if she Now that it had turned into coke, she was still unable to let go.

She has resentment against her father, but she can't bear to see him staying out, and this family contest, if he is not in town, the Bai family is afraid ...

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