Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 959: Follow the older sister to eat meat

The Feng family owner narrowed his eyes slightly. "You are useless to play, and the Bai family is not the best yet."

"You mean Bai Qiyuan." The middle-aged man frowned doubtfully.

Feng's owner sighed, raised his chin towards Baiju, "It's not Bai Qiyuan, but the girl doll."

Originally thinking that Bai Qiyuan was not there, they may still have a chance to win. Now it seems that he underestimated the Bai family. That girl doll's cultivation is afraid that he can't even match it.

Since you can't win anyway, it's better to give up, or you'll lose sight.

The middle-aged man looked at the **** along the eyes of the Feng family owner, but was startled.

It turned out to be Mo Ling. The girl looked at her young age, but she was so advanced. She did not expect that the Bai family was really a hidden dragon.

Seeing that Feng's family didn't act, the **** finally raised his lips.

She deliberately did not converge on her own behavior, just to deter those people from doing unnecessary fights and save energy for themselves. After all, they have few Bai family members, and the wheel battle is very difficult.

As no one from the Feng family came to help, Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyi quickly won the game, and the Bai family won the match.

"Win!" Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan stepped down, and Bai Ruyue immediately ran over with excitement. "Brother Xue, you are so terrific, you are killing the Quartet!"

Bai Yihan smiled and rubbed Bai Ruyue's head, "Don't be too happy, this is just the first game."

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows confidently, "I believe you can."

There is an elder brother, Brother Xue, and an elder sister. They must win. Besides, there is an elder brother referee!

After the first game, half of the family was eliminated.

There was a second match in the afternoon. In the second match, the beavers had a smoother life, because the opponent they picked was the Yang family.

The Yang family of the Ruiguo government is actually the maiden house of Baitan ’s grandmother and the old woman who died before, so the two Baiyangs have not only a close relationship but also a real blood relationship.

Although the Yang family has fallen a little, but this father Guo Guo is a smart man. In the face of the Bai family, he chose to abstain.

Although Baitaner and Murong Yun have terminated their marriage contract, there is a big backer of the regent King Moxue, which is definitely a super thigh. And even if they choose to fight, it is impossible to win the Bai family with the current strength of the Yang family, so abstaining is the wisest choice.

Beavers readily accepted the Yang family's favor.

One is naturally because of that blood relationship, if the father and grandmother are still there, then the relationship between the Bai family and the Yang family will actually be closer. The second is also to help Murong Biao pull the forces. Although the Yang family has not fallen a lot compared with before, it is still the Gongqing family. Like the Dingguo government, it has some power.

The Bai family won two rounds at the fastest speed, and instantly caught the audience's attention.

"Look, the Bai family has won two games so fast. It is indeed the first family."

"It seems that this time the family competition, Bai family is likely to win again."

"Baijia really is the biggest hit in this game. I'll go and buy Baijia to win."

"I'll go as well."

At the sound of everyone's discussion, there was a faint flash in Beaver's eyes.

No matter what kind of competition, there is always a gambling game, this ancient man really has no fun.

When Bai Ruyue heard about the bet, his eyes glanced brightly into Baijue's ear and said excitedly, "Sister, should we also take the next bet?"

The **** wicked his lips, "What is it, isn't this two days?"

Looking at Bai Jue's confident look, Bai Ruyue immediately relaxed.

The older sister must have an idea, as long as you follow the older sister, you must have meat.

Murong Ye's second game was against the Qing Family's Shu family. Murong Family did not play in this game. There were not many characters in the Murong family. There were five Murong family, Murong family, and three Murong families For youth.

The Shu family also attended five people, four women, and one man, two of whom were Shu Yu and Shu Yan who they knew.

Murong Yu was a little bit stunned when she saw Shu Min playing, but he never thought of going with her.

Shu Min also did not expect that the opponent they met in the second game would be the Murong Royals.

After the others came to court, they quickly fought, with only Murong and Shu Ying standing silly.

Murong Xuan moved a sturdy body, slamming his palms and shoving Shu Shu.

Murong was startled, and immediately waved away Murong Yan, to meet Shu Yan himself.

"I'm sorry." Murong Xu whispered while fighting Shu Shu.

He couldn't let Murong Yu hurt him, he had to fight her.

Mu Rongzheng's intention, Shu Min naturally understood, she even smiled: "It doesn't matter, you don't show mercy under your hands."

Shu Yan said, as if he was afraid that Murong Yu would be merciless, when he attacked fiercely.

Where can Murong Ye fight against Shu Ye, even if Shu Ye is not soft-hearted, he is only defenseless.

Sitting down watching the match, Murong Yu frowned in doubt, "Brother is so strange."

Bai Qingyan also glanced at Murong Jinhong doubtfully.

Murong Jinhong didn't worry at all, but laughed at it. "That girl, I'm afraid I know him."

Bai Qingyan raised her eyebrows in surprise and turned her eyes to look at the stage again.

I should have met at the college, the girl of the Qing family Shu family ...

Murong Yusong suddenly stunned, "I see, my brother must like that sister."

Baiju and Bai Ruyue listened to Murong Yu's words and laughed at the same time.

My cousin is really smart, does my cousin just like others?

Murong Yuzhu blinked his eyes and looked at Shu Xu with excitement.

This is her future sister-in-law. She looks so beautiful.

The lineups of the Shu family and the Murong royal family are similar, and the military values ​​of the two sides are almost the same, except that most of the Shu family women are physically inferior to Murong's side.

Soon someone in the Shu family fell on the stage, and the considerable confrontation collapsed instantly.

The Shu family fell down one by one, and Shu Yu was besieged by the three men, but also gradually lost.

Murong Yu had just been robbed of his opponent by Murong Yu, and he was dissatisfied. After solving the opponent at hand, he went straight to Shu Yue.

The fierce palm winds galloped, and Shu Huan could no longer care about Murong Huan and fought against Murong Huan.

With a single round of repairs, Shu Huan is still not as good as Murong Huan, so he struggles quickly.

Murong Yu sneered, looking for a chance, and slaps Shu Shu's chest with one hand.

There was a moment of anger in Shu Min's eyes.

Seeing this, Murong Xun rushed out before his head had time to think.

Shu Min looked at Murong Yun who was suddenly in front of her, and she was a little bit embarrassed, but she instantly regained her consciousness. Before waiting for the wind to fall, she jumped off the stage with Murong Yun.

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