Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 960: The style of painting is clear

Everyone looked dumbfounded by the painting's unique style.

Under what circumstances, how do you look at these two people like a family?

The beaver's eyes twitched, and the feeling of jumping the platform into a cliff was no one.

Bai Ruyue was cheerful, and Shu Shimei was still so interesting.

"Are you okay?" Shu Zheng looked at Murong Xu and worried about the stage.

Shouldn't that palm hit him just now?

Murong shook his head dumbly, thinking of something, and immediately bounced out of Shu Yi's arms, his face flushed: "I'm fine, you don't matter."

"Thank you." Looking at Mu Rongji's embarrassment, Shu Min chuckled.

Immediately after his palm fell, Murong Yu stared angrily at Murong Yu under the stage. "What mad did you just get? Which side are you on?"

If it hadn't been for his sudden rush, he would have slapped the woman out with one hand.

Murong Yu frowned and looked at Murong Yu, but did not answer.

He was wrong about this, he shouldn't have any occasion, no big deal, but he didn't think about it at that time. When he saw that she was in danger, his body rushed uncontrollably.

Seeing Murong Yu scolded for her, Shu Yan Qingling's eyes deepened, raising her eyes coldly: "You won!"

Shu Min said without looking at Murong Min's expression, he pulled Murong Min directly.

A soft touch struck, and Murong Yao flushed, and followed Shu Shu like a little daughter-in-law.

In the rest area, Murong Jinhong looked at her son's daughter-in-law and looked helpless.

Why does he have the feeling that he has a girl, no, he has to pass on his teaching experience when he goes back. How can the man be blushing, and when he should take the initiative, how can he be active The doll took the initiative.

Bai Qingyan on the side was not as optimistic as Murong Jinhong, she frowned at the back of the two leaving, her face solemn.

Also worried was Shu Yu. Before she was in college, she saw that this girl was a bit wrong, but she did not expect to be involved with Zi Xiao's Su Shizi.

Thinking of the unclear feelings of his own master and Xue Gongzi, Shu Yu felt big.

Qing Ye, so many tender and considerate men, why do they like Zixiao men?

Out of the field, Shu Min released Murong Min's hand.

The soft touch disappeared, and Murong Yu's heart was empty for a moment.

The two stood opposite each other, no one spoke, and the atmosphere instantly became ambiguous.


A sudden crisp voice interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere.

"Why did you come out?" Murong raised her eyebrows in surprise as she looked over her head.

"This sister looks so good, are you a brother's friend?" Murong Yuhao ignored Mu Ronghuan, only looking at Shu Yan with a naive smile.

"Yeah, we are friends." Looking at Murong Yujun and Murong Yu's somewhat similar faces, Shu Min laughed.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yan would be so straightforward, and Murong Yu's impression of her suddenly improved to another level.

Murong Ye didn't expect Shu Ye to say so. Looking at Murong Yu 筠 's playful eyes, he suddenly introduced with a little embarrassment, "This is Shu Ye, my friend."

"Sister Shu is good!" Murong Yuxi immediately and greeted Shuxi nicely.

"She is my sister, Murong Yuyu."

Shu Zheng raised her eyebrows, "Murong County Master!"

Murong Yuxi smiled brightly, "Sister Shu just call me a child."

Shu Yan didn't have any feelings, so she called out "Yi Er" from the kindness.

"Sister Shu, I like you so much. You can go to my house as a guest, and my father and mother will definitely like you." Murong Yuxi held Shu's hand and shook affectionately.

She's not polite. She really likes this beautiful sister. You should know that even such a bold girl in the northwest is rare.

No matter how unconventional Shu Shu was, he was blushed by Murong Yubi.

She had a good opinion of Murong Ye, but it was not yet time to meet her parents.

Shu Min coughed, his face awkward, "This time is not convenient, next time."

This time they are here to participate in the family competition. The mother and the family members are all there. She can't act arbitrarily.

"Well then, next time you're going to visit us in the Northwest, we have prairies over there. It's fun." Murong Yuxi collapsed her face a little disappointed, but still invited with a smile.

Shu Min chuckled, "I must go if I have a chance."

But she always yearned for the prairie that symbolized freedom.

"My mother seems to call me, I'll go back first." Murong Yu took a look at his brother, very authentic.

Murong Yuxi gave Murong a "seize opportunity" look, and then ran away.

As soon as Murong Yubi left, Murongyu and Shuyu were left, and the atmosphere of the two became ambiguous again.

For a long time, Shu Min said, "Your sister is very cute."

"It's leather." Murong Yan raised her corner of her lips, pampering her face.

There is love between the two men here, and the competition on the stage is still going on.

At the time of application, there were not many families competing on the field. The most noticeable one was the Nangong royal family and the Shangguan royal family.

From the point of view of the players, the values ​​of the two sides should be similar. Because of this, the game has been delayed for so long.

It was another cup of tea, and still could not tell the difference.

Nangong Sakura narrowed her eyes, tiptoe, and finally flew onto the stage.

As soon as Nangong Sakura moved here, Shang Guanming immediately followed.

The two didn't reach the stage, and they fought directly in midair.

One blue, one purple, and two mysterious powers collided instantly. With a bang, Shangguan Ming was bounced away.

Shang Guanming covered her chest and looked at Nangong Sakura incredibly.

She had already arrived at Ziling. It seemed that the previous information was wrong.

Nangong Sakura looked cold, and once again attacked Shangguan Ming.

Shang Guanming had just been promoted to the blue spirit with elixir. Where was Nangong Ying's opponent, soon he was chased by Nangong Ying.

On the stage, Shangguan Quanya, watching the two men in midair battle, immediately waved the opponent away, and then flew to help.

Nangong Sakura was caught off guard and was soon besieged by the two.

The vacancy in Shangguan Quanya was quickly overtaken by the people below. Nangong Sakura's rise to power did not affect the situation.

Xue Qingxi looked at Nangong Sakura, who was besieged in midair, and frowned.

Nangong Ying perfunctory Shangguan Ming, while attacking Shangguan Quanya.

She has just been promoted to Ziling, and it's still a bit difficult to deal with the two at the moment. The only way now is to beat Shangguan Quanya first.

Nangong Sakura stormed, and Shangguan Quanya couldn't carry it immediately, after all, they were two grades apart.

Shangguan Quanya flashed out to reveal a loophole, and Nangong Sakura's eyes brightened, and she immediately came out.

"Bang" for a moment, Shangguan Quanya fell from mid-air in an instant.

At the same time, a blue mysterious force was coming towards Nangong Ying's back.

"Be careful!" Xue Qingxi's face changed, and she couldn't help yelling.

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