Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 961: God-making power

Feeling the strong mysterious power behind her, Nangong Sakura waved a purple light beam.

"Boom!" One blue and one purple mysterious force collided, and the two were bounced away instantly.

Xue Qing's heart sank abruptly, and she rushed out without thinking, but was seized by Xue Yuen Long, "She's fine."

A fluttering sentence made Xue Qingyu suddenly settle down.

He lifted his eyes to look at the sky, and finally saw that she had stabilized her figure after taking two steps, and finally relaxed.

What's wrong with me? Having been with her for so long, it should have been known that she could withstand such shocks, but if she really cares, it will be messy.

Nangong Ying stabilized her figure, but Shang Guanming didn't have her skill, she was ejected directly, and fell to the high platform.

Nangong Ying rushed to catch up, jumped from the air to the high platform, and attacked the past with Shangguan Ming.

Xue Qingxi looked at the high platform for a moment, her figure was tense like an arrow, as if ready to rush forward.

Xue Yuen Long looked at Xue Qingyu's nervous expression, his eyes darkened.

Nangong Sakura was pressing hard, waving purple mysterious power continuously, and finally hit Shang Guanming off the stage.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay!" A group of people rushed up, helping Shangguan Ming helplessly.

Shang Guanming shook his head while covering his chest, and frowned at Nangong Ying.

Nangong Ying looked at Shang Guanming expressionlessly, then turned to help others.

After the Shangguan royal family, there were a few more people, but Nangong Ying didn't give them a chance, and they all hit the stage one by one.

Shang Guanming looked at Nangong Sakura's sharp moves, and a deep light flashed through his deep eyes.

Within a year, she had gone from Qingling to Purple Spirit. In the end, was it because of her talents, or did Fengshen College really have the ability to make gods.

Not only is Shangguan Ming paying attention to Nangong Sakura, but Minyang Xu and Murong Yu are also paying close attention.

The force value of the family is equal to the force value of a country, and the force value of the young members of the royal family also represents the military value of this royal family. Obviously, Nangong Ying's current force value is definitely above that of Liyang Xu and Shangguan Ming. This also means that the Qinghuang royal family is stronger than the Shangguan royal family.

This is also one of the reasons why Murong Shuofeng has insisted on making Murong Su become a prince. Murong Su's cultivation is definitely not comparable to his other princes, and Mo Beichen is so valued and respected in Moxue that cultivation is absolutely important one of the reasons.

Under the attack of Nangong Sakura's gallop, the Nangong Royals won the game soon.

"Win, my wife is too good!"

The people of Qingyu shouted excitedly, and some even started dancing.

It is no wonder that the national strength of Qingye has never been better than Chilie. Although Qingye has never won Chilie as a whole, the Nangong Royal Family has won the Shangguan Royal Family. This is also a great improvement.

On the other hand, Chi Lie was unconvinced, even angry.

Except for Mo Xue, Chi Lie ’s national strength has always been the strongest among the four nations. After the Seven Kingdoms War, only Zi Xiao could compete with Chi Lie. As for Qing Ye and Lan Huan, they were far behind. The game that will win is lost, but the red spirits are not angry.

Shangguan Quanya was black-faced, and stared at Nangong Ying with an indignant expression.

Damn, their Shangguan royal family lost to Nangong, which is a big joke.

Originally she thought about being able to match Murong Yu and Bai Juer on the field, but they didn't expect them to advance. Instead, they lost on the first day, and it was a shame.

Shang Guanming is not angry, because he clearly knows that Chi Lie will definitely rank higher than Qing Ye in the family competition.

Not only because Chilie has been promoted by many families, the bigger reason is that Chilie's first family car has been promoted, but Qingye's first family Shu family has been defeated by Murong. Based on this, Qingye cannot win. Ever Chilie.

At the end of the first day of the competition, there were sixteen families that were promoted. These sixteen families will compete in the semifinals tomorrow.

Murong Yu took Shu Yi around, and when she was outside the stadium, she met the young man.

"Xiaoyu." Seeing Mu Rongjiu and Shu Yu's two carefree looks, Shu Yu shouted with a headache.

Nangong Ying looked at the two with an envious look. Compared to her and Xue Qingyi, Huanger and Ruyue, they obviously had a better chance to be together.

"See you tomorrow." Shu Min waved his hand towards Murong Min, and ran towards them at Shu Yu.

Murong Yuan reluctantly looked at Shu Yi's back, until they went far, they hadn't looked back.

A small hand slammed Murong's shoulder, and Murong was startled, and then he returned to his mind.

"Don't look, the pretty sister has gone far." Murong Yuyi glanced in the direction that Murongyi looked, and teased.

Murong Yan blushed, gave her a strange look, then turned away.

"Brother, do you think of others?" Murong Yusao followed, and embraced Murong's arms, she moved playfully.

"Don't ask the grown-ups about the children." Murong Yu glanced at Murong Yu obliquely, authentically.

"Why am I a child? I'm eleven. Besides, you're not an adult. My mother said, those who are not married are not adults." Murong Yu turned his face dark and retorted in disapproval.

"..." Murong Yan was speechless and could not help but who hadn't married him.

The two siblings were talking, and Bai Qingyan and Murong Jinhong walked out with Baiju.

"The two of you get on the carriage first, don't run away anymore." Bai Qingyan glanced at Murong Yan, and calmly explained.

"I see." Murong Ying responded, and led the restless Murong Yu into the carriage.

Bai Qingyan and Baijue said goodbye and they got on the carriage with Murong Jinhong.

"Aunt seems not very satisfied with Master Shu." Baitan frowned as she looked at Bai Qingyan's back.

"I think so." Thinking of Murong Yun and Shu Yan, Bai Ruyue thought of himself and sighed suddenly.

Baitan also sighed and got on the carriage with Bai Ruyue.

Like Bai Tan's thought, Bai Qingyan called Murong Yu to the room as soon as she returned to Su Wangfu.

"Do you like that girl?" Bai Qingyan asked directly, and asked Murong Yan a big red face.

"Yes, I like her." Despite being shy, Murong Yue clearly stated her mind.

For her mother, Murong Yi has been extremely respected since childhood, even more respectful than her father. He has never concealed her from an early age, nor does he want to conceal his thoughts. He hopes to get her support.

Bai Qingyan frowned and looked at Murong Yan's serious face, after a long while she said, "I don't want you to be together."

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