Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 963: Mutual complaint

Until the night, Xue Qingxi finally couldn't help but leap out of Xuefu.

At the post, Xue Qingyu sneaked into the room where Qingyu guarded most.

"Who?" The fluctuations in the air made the people in the room tense up instantly.

"Is it you?" Xue Qingyan frowned at Shu Yu, looking puzzled.

There are the most guards here. It should be her room. Is he wrong?

"Xuegongzi?" Shu Yu was surprised when she saw Xue Qingyu.

"Where is she?"

"The palace went down to Baifu." Xue Qingyi asked briefly, and Shu Yu answered briefly.

Xue Qingxi got the answer and immediately disappeared.

White House.

Nangong Sakura is also in a black night clothes, sneaking into Mingyue Xuan.

Quietly sneaking into the room, Nangong Sakura only realized that the room looked like it was unoccupied. Just before leaving, there was a shadow mask.

Before she could react, the man snapped her into her arms and sealed her red lips.

The familiar breath blew into the tip of the nose, and Nangong Ying suffocated, and her body softened instantly.

She lifted her toes and wrapped him around his neck.

The two breathed, and the fiery kiss became more urgent, as if they both wanted to swallow each other.

It took a long time for the lingering kiss to finally rest.

Nangong Ying softly nestled in Xue Qingyu's arms, panting lightly.

Xue Qingxi hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead gently.

The two did not speak, but the deep feeling of miss was directly transmitted to each other's heart.

"Why don't you come to me first?" Xueqing Xu said before, but it was a strong sour taste.

Nangong Ying chuckled, hugging Xue Qingyu's neck, and kissed him fiercely.

It wasn't because he was so charming that she didn't want to find him because she was afraid she couldn't hold it.

"Where does Ruyue live?" Nangong Sakura didn't want to answer this question, and switched the subject directly.

Xue Qing sullenly glanced at Nangong Ying, "She is not here."

Xue Qing took Nangong Sakura and took her directly to Indus Garden.

In the courtyard, Baitan hadn't slept yet, was drinking tea to the moon, and Mo Beichen and Bai Ruyue were also by his side.

Suddenly, Mo Beichen raised the eyebrows.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The beaver's lips angled slightly, and he picked up the teapot and poured two cups of tea.

Xue Qing appeared with Nangong Sakura.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Nangong Ying smiled directly at Baiju and Bai Ruyue.

"It's been a long time." Baitan stood up and hugged Nangong Ying.

Bai Ruyue also stood up and hugged Nangong Ying.

"Sorry, he didn't come." Nangong Ying looked at Bai Ruyue's slightly swollen stomach and apologized.

"Is he okay?" Bai Ruyue raised a bitter smile.

Nangong Sakura's eyes flickered, after all, he didn't tell the truth, "He's fine."

"Okay." Bai Ruyue was relieved and finally laughed.

Even if she didn't see him, she was content to know his news.

The **** looked at Nangong Ying's regretful look, his eyes lightened, and he smiled, "Sit."

Nangong Sakura looked around, looking wary.

"Rest assured, A Mo has set up an enchantment. No one except you can get close to the Indus Garden." It seemed that Nangong Ying's anxiety was seen, Baitan explained.

Nangong Ying nodded silently, and then she really relaxed.

This family contest came a lot. Everyone is gathered in Zixiao. No one knows which corner will stare at you. That ’s why she let Shu Yu secretly stay in the room for her. She was afraid that someone would watch her in secret. .

"Well, did you go well along the way?" Baici handed the tea to the two of them.

"However, there are a few little hair thieves trying to stop the road, but I don't pay attention." Nangong Ying took the tea and said with a smile.

"These people really do everything they can." The **** frowned, his eyes full of coldness.

"Anyway, it's just some clowns." Nangong Ying was optimistic, and she always despised those who couldn't see the light.

"This time Bingwei also came, did she come to you?"

The **** nodded. "Bing Wei is pregnant. It's Zuo Yutao who met me. The Zuo family invited a lot of powerful foreign aid this time. He made me careful."

"Even if I ask for foreign aid, I will really find a way out." Nangong Ying sneered dismissively.

The rule of the family competition is that the disciples can also participate in it, so many families are digging for this, please foreign aid.

"I heard that those people are very tall, so be careful when you meet them." Thinking of Zuo Yutao, Baitan frowned.

"I know." Nangong Ying nodded solemnly.

"By the way, Bing Wei also asked me to perform with her." Bai Tan told her before, Zuo Yutao, and they told Nangong Ying one by one.

"This proposal is good, and that's what I mean." After listening to the request of Liyang Bingwei, Nangong Sakura's eyes lighted up.

Now that the situation is unknown, they should be so true or false so that people can't understand the situation, and the emperor has sent someone to Fengshen, and she has to guard against it.

"That's good, then we will arrange it like that." Baijue also thought that the proposal of Liyang Bingwei was good.

After coming out of Baifu, Xue Qingyu and Nangong Sakura honed for a long time, until the sky was bright, and Xue Qingyu sent Nangong Sakura back to the station.

The game continued the next day, and everyone arrived early in the morning to prepare to draw again.

The **** was drawn this time by the Blue Fantasy Family. Although the Feng Family is not the left family, it is also the second largest family of the Blue Fantasy. The influence in the Blue Fantasy is also quite large and the natural strength cannot be underestimated.

After knowing that his opponent was the Bai family, the Feng family was also very nervous, and the Feng family owner even held an emergency meeting.

Fengjia discussed for a long time before finally coming on stage. A total of nine people played in Fengjia, each wearing a sword, and looked dignified.

The beavers didn't discuss anything, and they still played Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu.

After seeing the ceremony, the two sides immediately fought.

On the basis of Xiu Wei, none of the nine members of the Feng family played better than Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu. Even if the nine of them joined forces, they could not beat Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu.

Therefore, Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxuan quickly took control of the overall situation.

The one-sided situation on the court instantly caused the audience below to boil.

"It looks like the Bai family is going to win again."

"The Bai family is so great. Two to nine has won so fast."

"The Bai family is definitely the biggest hit this time."

"Great, we are going to win again." Bai Ruyue looked at the situation on the field and said excitedly.

Compared to the tension on the first day, Bai Ruyue is completely relaxed today.

"Don't be too happy, the other party should not be able to make a move afterwards." Baitan watched the calmly Feng family owner and warned.

As the second family of the Blue Fantasy, the Feng family cannot have any strength.

"Look!" Even before Bai Ruyue understood, the situation on the court changed instantly.

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