Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 964: Speak out

I saw that the Feng family, who was originally in a disadvantaged position, moved at this time. Only a moment's effort made the situation reverse.

The Feng family had nine people in a nine-house structure, and one person occupied a position, enclosing Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu.

They frowned frantically, immediately back to back, and watched the Feng family who besieged them vigilantly.

The silhouette moved, as the wind followed, countless sword qi came from everywhere, but the two men standing in the middle could not see the source, only the sword qi like chaos.

Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxi did not hesitate, and immediately took out their arms to block each other.

Under the stage, Baiju looked at the nine people who kept changing positions, and frowned.

"What is that? Is it a formation?" Bai Ruyue looked nervously at the pale blue Jiu Gong halo, worried.

"It's Jiugongzhen." Yun Shaoning squinted and stared at the Jiugongzheng method on the stage.

I've heard that the Feng family's formation is very famous, and it can be compared with their Yun family. Nowadays, it is well-deserved.

"Is there any way to break the line?" Bai Ruyue looked anxiously at Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu who were besieged in the middle.

"Of course, any team can be broken."

With a word from Yun Shaoning, everyone came over.

"Cough ..." Yun Shaoning coughed and stopped selling Guanzi. He said directly, "If you are not in the Ninth Palace, you can break the battle."

They are now standing at the center of the formation, which is the most disadvantageous position for them.

The **** frowned, observed the array, and finally found the problem. He immediately transmitted a message to Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxun.

Upon hearing the news, the two looked at each other and flew away immediately.

Seeing the actions of the two, the Feng family owner frowned frantically.

It was so quick to see through the mystery of this formation, but did they think his Fengjia formation was so easy to break?

The Jiugong array method has been formed, and mysterious power has been injected between each point, so it is not easy for Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu to play.

The two flew in mid-air, while coping with the swaying sword qi, while trying to break through the mysterious blessing.

The exciting competition on the stage made all the people in the audience fascinated. Except for the sound of breathing, no one spoke.

A quiet blue sword flew, and Xue Qingyu was pinched by the front and back. He couldn't dodge at all.

With a loud whistle, Xue Qingxuan's arm was suddenly cut off.

Nangong Sakura's heart tightened so hard that she didn't even pay attention to the Nangong Royals' game, she just stared at the people walking through countless swords.

"Brother Xue!" Bai Ruyue also exclaimed, a look of distress.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Xue Qing's injuries, Bai Yihan immediately flew over from the other side.

"It's okay!" Xue Qingxi glanced at the **** arm and said calmly.

"Be careful!" Another sword flew, and Bai Yihan had no time to stop, so he could only block Xue Qing's sword with his hand.

"Brother!" When Bai Yihan was injured, Bai Ruyue immediately wanted to rush to the stage, but was pulled by Baiju.

Qi Ziling also squeezed Pa Zi, his worried eyes stared at Bai Yihan on the stage.

Although Bai Tan is also worried about Xue Qingyu and Bai Yihan, she trusts the most. She believes they can break the battle.

Xue Qingxi glanced at Bai Yihan's deep wound on his arm and frowned frantically, "I'll leave it to you, I'll break the battle."

"Leave it to me assuredly." Bai Yihan responded with a whistle, and put all his mental strength to the extreme, focusing on the sword qi flying from all directions.

Xue Qingxun put all his strength on the broken array, he concentrated the mysterious power of the whole body, facing the center of the array.

A dazzling purple light beam was sacrificed, and the Nine Palace Array formed by the nine people's mystic power burst instantly.

With a bang, the nine people standing in the position of Jiugong immediately followed the broken array missiles.

"That's great, it's a break." Bai Ruyue was overjoyed, and her tight heart relaxed instantly.

The **** and Qi Ziling and Nangong Ying were also relieved.

On the stage, the two chased each other with victory, and did not give them a second chance at all, and directly broke them one by one.

"Win!" As the last person of Feng's family landed, the onlookers cheered.

The place where the family competition is held is in Zixiao, which is also a great event for the people of Zixiao. So many people come from all over the country, most of them come for the Bai family.

The Bai family has a good reputation and is a popular candidate for this year's family championship. Therefore, the people have very high expectations of the Bai family.

"Brother, Brother Xue, are you okay?" The two came down from the high platform, and Bai Ruyue greeted him immediately.

Qi Ziling also came forward silently, grabbed Bai Yihan's shoulder and looked.

"Gold sore medicine." Baitan took two bottles of medicine and threw them directly to the two.

Qi Ziling took the medicine and distressed Bai Yihan.

Xue Qingyu was taken care of by Song Yan. He looked up at Nangong Sakura, seeing that she was looking at herself with concern, and immediately felt warm, and gave her an "all right" look.

The Feng family owner saw that they lost the game so quickly. At the same time, they were still impressed.

The Bai family is indeed the first family of Yunjing. This strength can not be underestimated. It has won so many games with just two people, and Bai Qiyuan is not on the scene. If Bai Qiyuan is present, their momentum will probably be more fierce.

"It seems that we have no chance to meet in the finals." The Feng family owner was thinking, and a gloating Nou voice came.

The Feng family owner glanced at Mr. Zuo, squinting coldly and hummingly, "Feng's family missed the final, but your left family may not be able to enter the final."

This game is not over yet, but he will say nothing.

"Our Zuo family will not be as useless as the Feng family." Father Zuo raised his head and sneered disdainfully.

"You ..." Feng's family was so angry and suddenly wanted to refute but was interrupted by Pu Yangxu.

"Don't quarrel with the two homeowners, so as not to hurt your harmony." I saw the two of you and I went head-to-head with each other, and Pu Yangxu came out to be a peacemaker. "

"His Royal Highness said." Pu Yangxu came out to speak, and the Feng family owner could only lower his head to respond.

Father Zuo is not as good as the Feng family owner. "Feng family is not qualified to compare with our Zuo family. Your Royal Highness, look at it. The champion of this family competition must be our Zuo family."

If Mr. Zuo was unreasonable, he suddenly let Feng Jiajiao sway his lips.

Although Pu Yangxu couldn't get used to Mr. Zuo's unpretentious arrogance, he still smiled and said, "That's natural. The strength of the Zuo family is there. I believe the Zuo family can win the championship for Blue Fantasy."

The Feng family owner snorted in disapproval. The Zuo family was terrible, but for so many years it has been suppressed by the Bai family. With the strength of the Bai family, the Zuo family wants to defeat the Bai family and win the championship. It is not easy.

He waited to see how Zuo would win the championship.

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