Another day of fierce decisive battle, the families entering the next round are: Murong Royal Family and Bai Family in Zixiao, Bei Xue and Nan Family in Moxue, Blue Magic Poyang Royal Family and Zuo Family, Qinghuang Nangong Royal Family, There are eight families in Chilie.

Everyone arrived in the match field early this day, and the eight major families arrived early, waiting to draw.

Soon, the playoff table for the semifinals came out: the Bai family vs. the car family, the left family vs. the Nangong royal family, the north family vs. the Nan family, and the Murong royal family against the Puyang royal family.

The **** looked at the bamboo stick in his hand, unexpectedly, they met the car house so quickly.

"Large sister let me play this one too." Bai Ruyue looked at each other's masters, and was anxious.

This car family is obviously stronger than the other families they met before. If there is only brother and Brother Xue, I'm afraid they can't carry it.

"No, I'll go in there." Baitan looked at Che Shengjie on the eye platform and narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah." Bai Ruyue was finally relieved when Baijue was about to play.

Bai Yihan and Xue Qing nodded, and as soon as they wanted to play, they listened to Baiju said, "You two, rest, and leave this to me."

"What?" The two startled, frowning at the same time: "You want to play alone?"

"Big sister, how can you play alone, so many of them." Bai Ruyue disapproved authentically.

Although she also felt sorry for her brother and Brother Xue, but without them, wouldn't the older sister have to fight alone.

"I'm fine, the injury is getting better." Bai Yihan raised his arm with a frown, signalling that his injury was not a big deal.

"My injury is almost better." Xue Qingxun also disapproved that Baiju played alone. This car is no better than other families and can become the first family of Chilie. The strength must not be underestimated. This single fight is too dangerous.

"Trust me, I can do it. I'll give you one day's rest. Tomorrow, it's impossible for you to rest." The **** wicked his lips and jumped onto the platform.

Seeing the **** playing alone, the car family was upset instantly.

What a reason, this woman clearly looks down on them.

Che Shengjie said, "Bai Shimei, she's really brave."

"Brother Che has won the prize, but please don't hesitate to enlighten me." Bai Tan smiled slightly and said with a fist.

The Che family was stimulated by the beaver's arrogance. Before Che Shengjie moved first, he swarmed at the beaver.

The people below were surprised when they saw that neither Bai Yihan nor Xue Qingyi played.

"What's going on? Why aren't Bai Yihan and Xue Qingying playing? This is to fight Bai Juer alone."

"I heard they were injured, and Beaver deliberately let them rest."

"This **** is so courageous, he is indeed the granddaughter of General Bai Lao."

"Can beavers win? There are so many people on the other side."

"Yeah, no matter how high you are, you can't beat your two fists."

Not only did the people worry about Baiju, Murong Shuofeng and Murong Jinhong, Bai Qingyan and Rongshi in the stands frowned.

This girl is really ridiculous. Why is she alone?

It was Mo Beichen's calm face, but a pair of silver-purple eyes looked at the stage instantly.

"What should I do, can older sister be alone?" Bai Ruyue looked anxiously at the **** under siege.

"Don't worry, depending on the situation for a while, if it doesn't work, we will play." Bai Yihan comforted Bai Ruyue and comforted himself. He would never let her be hurt.

Xue Qingxi also looked nervously at the stage, as if ready to play at any time.

Mysterious powers flew, the sword fluttered, countless swords rushed to the **** like a tide.

The white raccoon was carrying a silver foxwalk, shuttled in various sword atmospheres like a ghost, and dealt with the car family in a steady stream.

The Che family is not weak, most of them are above the blue and blue, and there is even a purple spirit, but it is worse than the beaver, so she is not afraid.

Che Shengjie watched for a while, and suddenly lifted his sword into the battle.

Finally moved!

Although Baijue was dealing with these people, her attention was always on Che Shengjie. When she saw him moving, she immediately dropped the people and greeted them.

"Bang!" The two long swords collided together, instantly sparking bright sparks.

"I didn't have a chance to compete with Brother Che last time. This time, it's better to try and compare." Baitan held the sword and looked at Che Shengjie with a smile innocent.

"That's what I meant." Che Shengjie waved Baiju's heart-burning sword sharply, raised his hand, and slap it at Baiju.

The **** flickered, and then returned a mysterious force, the dark beam was obviously stronger than Che Shengjie's.

Che Shengjie was startled, and he quickly dodged. The dark mysterious power passed by, hitting the disciples of the car behind him.

With a loud bang, the man was immediately knocked off the stage without screaming.

Che Shengjie looked back and was hit to the ground, his disciples spurting blood, squinting slightly.

Such a powerful force, it seems that during his retreat, she improved a lot.

After seeing Bai Xie's strong mysterious power, the people all exclaimed.

"Awesome means!"

"She's pulling her power, otherwise she might have lost her life with her previous strength."

"The Lord of Allure County is great, the Lord of Allure County will win."

"The Lord of Allure Town will win!"

Listening to the shouts of the people, the Che family suddenly became angry.

"Let's go together." Everyone rushed up and surrounded the **** group again.

This time, Che Shengjie didn't look silly any more, but raised his sword and attacked with everyone.

While the raccoon was carrying the silver foxwalk, the flying sword swiftly flashed, while attacking Cheng Shengjie.

As for the others, if the raccoons are bothered, they will directly reward them with golden needle rain.

Dense gold needles struck like a rainstorm, and everyone immediately fought against them.

As for the gold needle, the **** can now be used as he wants, and the needle moves with his heart, without the need to send.

Although the gold needle is small, it is mysterious and very flexible, which completely disrupts the pace of the car family and makes them difficult to move at all.

Seeing Bai Jue controlling the situation, Bai Yihan and Xue Qingyu, and Murong Shuofeng and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With the blessing of the golden needle, the **** focused on dealing with Che Shengjie.

For Che Chengjie, Baitan has no neglect. When she was in Fengshen Academy before, she knew that the master Che's cultivation was profound. If it were not for that game, he lost to Ming Lanqi deliberately, and finally told her Maybe Zuo Yuqing will play against each other.

Che Shengjie was thinking of countermeasures while coping with the beaver.

Looking at the color of mysterious power just now, if Dan Bixiu was afraid that he would lose, as for swordsmanship, she might not lose to him.

Che Shengjie thought, as soon as he bit his teeth, he carried his spiritual power to sacrifice his last secret weapon.

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