Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 966: Do you want to give in? Still serious?

A dazzling white light flashed, and the **** felt his eyes as if being needled, and could not open them at all.

With only a blink of an eye, the person who was still fighting in front of him disappeared like that.

"What's going on, why are people missing?"

"Yeah, it was just still there."

"Is it stealth? It's hard to beat the **** now."

Looking at the people who suddenly disappeared, the people underneath also talked in surprise.

"That man is invisible, this is awful." Bai Ruyue looked nervously at the stage, remembering that his forehead was sweating slightly.

Both Bai Yihan and Xue Qingxi were also tense, and both were ready to step on the stage at any time.

Seeing Che Shengjie offering his magic weapon, the Che family was excited.

Good play came on, watching how Beaver would break this stealth magic weapon.


The **** narrowed his eyes and looked around, but he was alert.

It should be the dazzling magic weapon that has stealth function. It is indeed Che Shengjie, but it did not make her feel too boring.

Baitan held her breath and listened to the fluctuations in the air, but there were too many people on the stage and she couldn't concentrate at all.

"Bang!" A palm came in secret and hit the beaver's heart firmly.

"Oh!" The **** spit out blood.

Mo Beichen felt a sudden pain in his heart, his eyes darkened.

"Big Sister!" Bai Ruyue was frightened too, and immediately wanted to rush to the stage, but was pulled by Bai Yihan.

"Brother?" Bai Ruyue stared at Bai Yihan dissatisfied, trying to shake his hand away.

"On the stand." Bai Yihan was also distressed, but he had trust in his eyes.

Bai Ruyue lifted her eyes and saw that Baiju on the stage was gesticulating, begging them not to play.

The **** wiped the blood on the corners of his lips, and suddenly closed the needle.

This strange move instantly aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Why did she accept the magic weapon, is this to admit defeat?"

"Yeah, it's too much to beat. Give yourself an opponent. Do you really want to lose?"

The people all looked up at the stage, all worried about the beaver.

Che Chengjie in the dark frowned, looking at Baird strangely, totally unable to guess her thoughts.

"What does she want to do?" The Che family looked puzzled as they watched the race.

The ancestor of the car squinted and looked at Bai's stubborn face, and said lowly, "No matter what she wants to do, she will never want to give in."

The car family on the stage lost their gold needles and stopped at the **** like a wolf.

The beaver's evil lips hooked, showing a smile of victory, as if waiting for this moment.

She calmly began to mobilize the mysterious power and the aura in her body, and then slowly merged the two.

The black mysterious power slowly merged with the red fire light, and gradually became a dazzling golden light.

Before those people approached, the golden light bounced off, and before they reflected, everyone flew out.

"Ah!" For a moment, I heard a bang and a mourn from under the stage.

The people watching the game from the bottom saw all this, and they were all dumbfounded.

"What light is that, so powerful."

"It's amazing how many people have been knocked down all at once."

"Originally, it wasn't about admitting defeat, it was about getting serious."

"Yeah, that was just playing with them. They could sweep them out with just one move, just to see how they felt."

"That was just ..." Not only did the Che family stop when they saw the golden light, the people of the other families were all dull.

It is an unprecedented invention that someone can combine mystic and spiritual power together, and such an invention is obviously not suitable for most people.

In order to use this invention, the first condition is that you must have mystic and spiritual power. This is indispensable. In addition, you must also have super control and spiritual power. Only with this ability can you Have enough strength to blend mystic and spiritual power.

Simply put, blending the power of the mysterious spirit is by no means what ordinary people can do.

"Bai Qiyuan's granddaughter ..." Che's ancestor looked at the confident **** on the stage, as if he had seen Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan.

This baby girl has the cleverness of her father and the tenacity of her grandfather. It is no accident that she can do what she does today.

Unexpectedly, the **** swept away the stage, and Cheng Chengjie in secret was also shocked.

I knew she was very strong, but she did not expect that she was so strong.

There was only one **** on the stage, and there was a stealth car Cheng Jie.

It's finally one to one.

The **** releases the golden needle again and surrounds it with his body.

Che Shengjie turned his back on this, and when he was about to attack, he saw the **** suddenly tearing off the skirt and covering his eyes without hesitation.

The audience below instantly boiled.

"She was invisible, she was blindfolded."

"Great, she wants to listen."

"This game is so exciting, I don't dare blink now."

"Can older sister do it?" Bai Ruyue stared at the stage with a worried expression on her face.

Xue Qing smiled wickedly and suddenly said, "Have you forgotten the original hunting game?"

Waking up the dreamer in a word, Bai Ruyue's eyes lightened brightly, "Yeah, the big sister at that time won by blindfolded."

"That kid was unlucky and met our little sister." Yun Shaoning also relaxed with a smile on his face.

On the stage, the **** surrounded the golden needles, raised his ears, concentrated all his energy and listened to the air fluctuations.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind blew from the head, and the beaver's evil lips hooked, and immediately carried Xuanli and hit the head.

Dark black power hit, and Cheng Shengjie flickered to the side in a dodgy manner.

Che Shengjie narrowed his eyes slightly at the golden needle rotating next to Baiju.

This is her purpose of setting up gold needles, in order to limit his attack path, so powerful.

Che Shengjie frowned, standing in front of him and wielding a mysterious force.

Without waiting for the invisible mysterious power to approach the beaver, the spinning gold needles were all rushing towards the invisible mysterious power as if with suction.

Seeing the crazy needles like a wasp, Che Shengjie instantly scared a cold sweat and ducked away, but those needles followed closely as if they had an autonomous consciousness.

The **** smiled evilly, his eyes were proud.

Do you really think that her gold needles are looking? Underestimate her golden needle, he has had a hard time today.

After two laps around the race platform, he still couldn't get rid of the gold needle. Che Shengjie had no choice but to hurriedly retreat.

"Bash!" Countless gold needles instantly entered the body, so painful that Che Shengjie wanted to die.

But before he could calm down, there was a man standing in front of him.

"Brother Che offended." The **** smiled harmlessly, but he had no mercy at first, and he flew Che Shengjie out with a single palm.

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