Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 967: Don't get hurt! No bleeding! Don't take risks by yourself!

Che Shengjie, who flew in the air, finally understood how much black Shimei was in the mouth of the brothers. She just purposely slipped him with a silver needle.

"Boom!" Che Shengjie slammed to the ground, and the white jade umbrella in his hand also took off.

Looking at Che Shengjie who appeared again, everyone cheered instantly.

"Win so fast!"

"Win again, win again. The Bai family is indeed the first family of Yunjing."

"With an enemy of ten, beavers are really amazing."

"There is a master Beaver, it is difficult for the Bai family to win or not, this time they must beat Bai Jiasheng!"

The white **** stood on the high platform and arched his hands at Che Shengjie with a smile. "Brother Che, let it go."

Che Shengjie stood up slowly, and played the fine gray on the robe, then arched his hand and said, "Sister Bai Shi is really powerful, and the first **** of Fengshen deserves it."

If there is any dissatisfaction with Che Shengjie about the results of the disciples contest before, there is nothing at this moment. No matter how weak this woman was before, but now much stronger than him, this is an indisputable fact.

"Brother Che wins the prize!" Baitan was still humble, but his eyes were full of pride.

"The Bai family still has strong rivals, Bai Shimei must be careful." Looking at Baiju's proud look, Che Shengjie laughed abruptly, and kindly mentioned.

The **** followed Che Chengjie's gaze and looked at the position of the left house, and said, "Thank you Brother Che, I will be careful."

Che Shengjie is right. The Bai family still has strong rivals, not only the Zuo family, but also the Bei family and the South family. These are all the rivals of the Bai family.

But no matter what, she won't give up. The family champion is definitely her Bai family.

There was a flash of firmness in Baiju's eyes, and his face flew off the platform coldly.

"The raccoon girl is really good." Murong Shuo on the high stage saw that the raccoon won the game with only such a little effort, and he couldn't help but praise it.

The queen nodded silently, and her heart was full of praise.

In just one year, the girl ’s cultivation has risen a few more steps. If she regrets that she does, she knows that the girl does n’t like her, even without her, they may not come together.

The queen thought, glancing at Beichen.

The appearance of this man is destined that they cannot be together. Such a powerful woman is probably the only person who can match it. Compared to this person, Yuner is worse.

Mo Beichen's eyes never left Baiju from the beginning to the end. Seeing her winning the game, she immediately leapt out.

Before the **** landed, Mo Beichen took her out of the arena.

Everyone looked envious at the two beautiful backs.

"Big sister is injured, her brother-in-law must be angry." Bai Ruyue said something worried about her mouth, but it sounded gloating.

"You seem very happy." Bai Yihan rubbed Bai Ruyue's hair like a dumpling.

"Why, I'm envious." Bai Ruyue patted Bai Yihan's hand dissatisfied, and then pulled and pulled the messed hair.

Mo Beichen took the **** and flew back to Wutong Garden.

As soon as he entered the house, Mo Beichen began to pick up the beaver's clothes.

Knowing that he was going to check her for injury, the **** did not move, and obediently let him pick it up.

Soon, Mo Beichen saw the dark purple behind the beaver.

The heart seemed to be stabbed with an arrow, and Mo Beichen's deep eyes instantly became extremely cold.

"I'm fine, only minor injuries." Knowing that Mo Beichen was distressed by himself, Baijuan turned and comforted immediately.

"It's still a minor injury, you don't have to be in pain." Mo Beichen stared at Beaver Beaver with an annoyance and turned her directly.

The **** smiled helplessly and said, "It's all right, how can this be unharmed than Wu ..."

Before the beaver's words were finished, she felt a cold cold current flowing into her body.

The white raccoon's eyes warmed, and the corner of his lips instantly raised a bright smile.

It wasn't until the black and white on the beaver's back completely disappeared that Mo Beichen finally received the ice spirit.

"Amo, you are so good!" Bai Tan turned around, clutching Mo Beichen's neck and saying sweetly.

"No injuries!" Mo Beichen was black and refused to accept the coquettishness of Baiju.

"Okay!" Baitan nodded obediently.

"No bleeding!"

"it is good!"

"Don't be dangerous!"

"it is good!"

"No ..."

In the end, Baijue used the killer to seal Mo Beichen's prohibitions one by one into his mouth.

Jiao Yan's lips were attached to him, and Mo Beichen broke power in an instant, clasped her head, and kissed him fiercely.

After a long time, knowing that the beaver's small face was flushed, he finally let go of her.

Gloomy eyes were fixed on her, and long fingers gently rubbed her swollen lips.

"Really don't get hurt anymore, I'm afraid I can't control myself." The hoarse voice with **** was unusually sexy, and the beaver's heart was even softer.

"Okay, I'll protect myself." The white **** leaned gently into his arms, and slapped his chest like a kitten.

Knowing that he would worry about her, where did she dare to protect herself better? Compared with the previous life-threatening style of play, she now has a lot of convergence.

When the two returned to the field, the other three games continued.

The royal family Murong played against the royal family of Poyang.

In addition to Murong Ye's master, there are Murong Ye, Murong Ye, and Murong Xuefei, but at the side of Liyang Royal, except for Yang Yangxu's higher cultivation, others are not worth mentioning. Even Liyang Bingwei was married to the Zuo family and could only play for the Zuo family. Therefore, the Puyang family only played some foreign aids, or they were not high foreign aids.

Therefore, Murong Ye did not play in this game, and the Murong Royals won.

On the other side, Beijia and Nanjia are fighting.

Beijia and Nanjia are regarded as evenly matched. The two families are both Moxue's strongest family, and the two have long been in a contest. Now when they meet in the family competition, they can be considered as a chance for heaven.

However, although the two have been fighting each other, they have the same rules, that is, no matter how the two fight privately, people in other countries will not be allowed to read jokes.

So this time, the two sides only selected three juniors to play. No matter who lost or won, no one else was allowed to play.

The three juniors sent by the two sides are all in the realm of purple spirits. Among them, Bei Yiyang, known by the Beaver, has similar strengths, but they are inextricably linked.

Because the Beijia and Nanjia are from the mysterious Moxue, although there are not many people participating, there are many audiences watching the game.

Mo Beichen didn't pay much attention to the game between Beijia and Nanjia, and instead set his sights on another platform.

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