Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 972: Willing to pick the moon for her

Murong Yu completely restrained the left seven, and Murong Yu and Murong Yu were more than enough to deal with the left eight, and the situation was at an impasse.

The **** looked at the match on the stage, his face was sober.

"It looks like it is tied, it is difficult to decide the outcome." Bai Ruyue looked entangled, and hoped that Rongrong would win.

If Murong won them this game, then Zixiao won regardless of who was the champion in the end.

"Murongji they want to win too hard." Xue Qingxuan looked at the match on the field and answered.

"Why?" Bai Ruyue frowned, "They are clearly tied. Murong has a good chance of winning."

"At the moment it looks like a tie is correct, but the premise is that the Zuo family will no longer send people to play." Baijuan leaned against the chair with his arms around, staring straight at the opposite father.

According to Zuo Yutao, Zuo's family has found a lot of foreign aid this time. I'm afraid it's not just these two Mo Lings, but Murong has already moved out. The remaining foreign aids are probably beyond Ziling .

Bai Ruyue frowned frantically, and looked nervously at the left father.

Is there anyone in Zuo family? It should not be.

Seeing that the situation on the field has not been reversed, Father Zuo finally raised his eyes. "Sixth from left."

"Yes." The man responded, and couldn't wait to fly onto the platform.

"There are still people." Bai Ruyue suddenly dumbfounded, staring blankly at the sixth from the left.

"It's bad!" Baitan frowned frantically, his face suddenly calmed.

After the sixth from the left, he didn't entangle with others, but hit Murong Yu directly.

Dark black mystery struck, and Murong stunned his eyes, and immediately waved the blue wolf sword to block the mysterious power, but he was slaped in the chest.

Murong stepped back abruptly, a pair of Han eyes staring at the left and the seventh, silently swallowing the sweetness in the mouth.

"It's Mo Ling again, and Zuo's family has three Mo Ling!"

"Three Moulins are enough for the left family to win the championship."

"Prince they have lost this game, even the Bai family is estimated to be hanging."

The play on the sixth from the left caused a commotion immediately.

Not only do the beavers worry about Murong, they also start to worry about Murong Shuofeng on the high stage.

"It seems to be losing." Murong Jinhong frowned, a little unwilling.

"I never thought of winning." Murong Shuofeng looked calm, but was worried.

He told the boy before he came on the court, he didn't ask for a win, as long as they could retreat all over, don't hurt him, I hope the boy can remember his words.

On the arena, Murong Yu confronted two Mo Lings by himself, which was obviously more difficult than before.

The most terrible thing is that the left six and the seventh are coordinated very well, as if they were specially trained.

The sixth from the left attempted to attack Murong Yun without giving him a pause, so he couldn't make any effort to resist the seventh from the left.

Seizing the opportunity, Zuo Qi shot a dagger out of his sleeve and pierced Murong's heart.

For a moment, everyone widened their eyes in astonishment.

"Menger!" The queen was so scared that she rushed to the stage, but was caught by Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuofeng's heart also seemed to stop, her deep eyes were cold and cold.

"Be careful!" Yun Shaoning was also in a cold sweat, shouting uncontrollably.

Beavers all stared nervously, afraid to breathe.

"Brother Huang!" Murong Lingshan faced a small white face, waved away her opponent, and ran towards Murong.

When the dagger first pierced into Murong's chest, a blue spirit flew by.

"Ah!" Zuo Qi screamed sharply, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Everyone was relieved.

"It's the Seven Princesses." Bai Ruyue watched in surprise Murong Xuefei holding Fei Xuebing Yuqin flying in the air.

The pure and immaculate white clothes fluttered in the wind, and the white hair bands were entwined with green silk. There was no expression on the exquisite and exquisite face, but it was beautiful enough to attract everyone's attention.

Shang Guanming looked at Murong Xuefei infatuatedly. At this moment, his love for Murong Xuefei reached the apex. He had never liked a woman like this. If she was willing to marry him, he would even like to pick the moon for her. .

Leng Yihan always looked at Murong Xuefei, his eyes were full of worry.

Based on her current practice, it is not enough to deal with a Mo Ling.

Qi Qizu suffered a loss and immediately attacked Murong Xuefei unconvinced.

But Murong Xuefei didn't let him approach at all, and the wind and spirit of one after another poured down from his fingers.

For a moment, the whole field was blowing strong winds, wind and sand dancing, and fascinated everyone's eyes.

Zuo Qi couldn't see anything, but he waved mysteriously, and couldn't hit Murong Xuefei at all.

They also took advantage of this opportunity to reverse the situation.

"That's great! The black master is just different."

"Everyone said that the Seven Princesses was so advanced. It was really amazing today!"

"The Seven Princesses are so beautiful, they are just like the fairies in the sky."

The audience was praising Murong Xuefei while blocking the sand.

"The princess is so good!" Bai Ruyue also looked at Murong Xuefei with a look of admiration.

The **** narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "Don't be too happy, the spiritual energy is too much, she won't last long."

Spiritual power is more powerful than mystic power, but its disadvantages are also obvious. It is extremely mentally consuming. Therefore, the spiritual master is only suitable for short-term combat, and now obviously needs long-term combat.

As Baitan thought, the strong wind gradually weakened.

In the lingering wind and sand, Left Seven sinisterly lifted his lips, and raised his dagger to pierce Murong Xuefei's chest.

"Damn, here's the trick again!" Bai Ruyue was startled and immediately furious.

Murong's eyes lightened, and he immediately gave out his palm, and beat Murong Xuefei out before the dagger came.

"Brother Huang!" Murong Xuefei stared in amazement.

If he let her step down now, they would lose.

Everyone can see that Murong Shu's movements are all stunned, but Murong Shuo was relieved, but fortunately, the boy did not forget what he said.

Shang Guanming looked at Murong Xuefei who fell from the air, and quickly wanted to catch it, but was robbed first.

A slender figure flashed like a whirlwind, catching Murong Xuefei in midair.

Murong Xuefei stared at Leng Yihan, who looked at Murong Xuefei with concern.

At this moment, the eyes of the two are only one another, and everything in the outside world seems to have nothing to do with them.

Shangguan Ming clenched his fist, a jealousy flashed in his eyes.

is it him? The one she likes.

Murong Shuofeng frowned and stared at the cold and cold holding Murong Xuefei, his face unhappy.

"Is he?" Murong Jinhong touched her eyes, apparently recognizing cold and cold.

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